7-1 Discussion: Therapeutic Mismatch Describe a situation in which a culture match between a therapist and a client would not be the best option. Be sure to provide examples from Chapter 9. Reminder
7-1 Discussion: Therapeutic Mismatch Describe a situation in which a culture match between a therapist and a client would not be the best option. Be sure to provide examples from Chapter 9. Reminder: You should be integrating information from the text (and other module resources, if chosen) and documenting your work in APA style. To complete this […]
Questions At a high level, please explain how psychologists conduct research from beginning to end. A good response would include where researchers get ideas from, the characteristics of “good science
Questions At a high level, please explain how psychologists conduct research from beginning to end. A good response would include where researchers get ideas from, the characteristics of “good science, researcher bias, and the differences between hypothesis and theory. Why is ethics important in psychological research? Please provide evidence from past research to explain your […]
Student Self-Assessment of Participation-Engagement-Attendance and Motivational Speech a) A check-in paper is a chance for you to tell me what you want from this class and this experience. You should
Student Self-Assessment of Participation-Engagement-Attendance and Motivational Speecha) A check-in paper is a chance for you to tell me what you want from this class and this experience. You should focus on answering the prompts below and telling me anything else I should know. This should be at least one page long, double-spaced, 12-pt font, 1-inch margins. […]
I have a psychology class discussion further details will be discussed
I have a psychology class discussion further details will be discussed
Hey I have a behs discussion further details will be discussed upon acceptance
Hey I have a behs discussion further details will be discussed upon acceptance
Follow the instructions below to create a newsletter on a specific developmental period. Part 1: Select a developmental period: infancy (birth-2), toddler (2-4), early childhood (5-9), late childhood
Follow the instructions below to create a newsletter on a specific developmental period. Part 1: Select a developmental period: infancy (birth-2), toddler (2-4), early childhood (5-9), late childhood (10-12), adolescence (13-18), emerging adulthood (19-25), early adulthood (26-39), middle adulthood (40-64), or late adulthood (65+). Part 2: Create a newsletter (500-750 words) using one of the attached templates, […]
Design an experiment to determine if 1-month-old infants can see a stationary object. Use one of the “looking” measures (or a variant), described in your Infancy Text or other readings for this course
Design an experiment to determine if 1-month-old infants can see a stationary object. Useone of the “looking” measures (or a variant), described in your Infancy Text or otherreadings for this course ( e.g., visual preference method; infant-control habituation andrecovery method; novelty preference method). Be sure to answer each part fully. A) Describe your stimuliB) Describe […]
I need a 1-2 page report on productive treatment plans and if group therapy for parents that loss their child to violence a good idea, and if so why is it beneficial.
I need a 1-2 page report on productive treatment plans and if group therapy for parents that loss their child to violence a good idea, and if so why is it beneficial.
For this discussion activity, do all of the following: First, complete the 4 questionnaires in this PDF on your own: Stress Questionnaires.pdfDownload Stress Questionnaires.pdf Follow the scoring ins
For this discussion activity, do all of the following: First, complete the 4 questionnaires in this PDF on your own: Stress Questionnaires.pdfDownload Stress Questionnaires.pdf Follow the scoring instructions in the above PDF to score your questionnaires, and then compare your scores to the average scores or indicators listed in the above PDF. In your discussion post, discuss all of the […]
In Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory, the stages indicate a sequence that cannot always be paralleled in other countries. Why is this the case? Be sure to provide examples. Reminder:You should be int
In Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory, the stages indicate a sequence that cannot always be paralleled in other countries. Why is this the case? Be sure to provide examples. Reminder:You should be integrating information from the text (and other module resources, if chosen) and documenting your work in APA style. To complete this assignment, review the Discussion […]
Research Psychoanalytic theory and explain how it can work in a practical situation. Explain why you chose the theory; how do you plan to utilize it in your classroom setting?
Research Psychoanalytic theory and explain how it can work in a practical situation. Explain why you chose the theory; how do you plan to utilize it in your classroom setting?
For this discussion, do all of the following: Look for evidence of stereotyping, rape culture, victim blaming, and/or violence against men in popular media (e.g., news articles, magazines, advertisem
For this discussion, do all of the following: Look for evidence of stereotyping, rape culture, victim blaming, and/or violence against men in popular media (e.g., news articles, magazines, advertisements, videos, music videos/lyrics, websites, podcasts, movies, TV shows). Provide at least two different examples. In other words, find at least two examples for one or more of the topics (i.e., […]
https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ976654. Parsonson, B. S. (2012). Evidence-Based Classroom Behaviour Management Strategies. Kairaranga, 13(1), 16-23 Ms. Johnson is a seventh-grade teacher in a local multicul
Parsonson, B. S. (2012). Evidence-Based Classroom Behaviour Management Strategies. Kairaranga, 13(1), 16-23 Ms. Johnson is a seventh-grade teacher in a local multicultural school. There are twenty-five students in her class, all with different academic backgrounds, learning styles, and cultural backgrounds. Recently, she has noticed some challenges related to behaviours management, especially when it comes to […]
The Veteran’s Administration (VA) has an Internet-based program title, “Moving Forward.” Moving Forward is a program developed for veterans, but available to the broad community. Specific insight and
The Veteran’s Administration (VA) has an Internet-based program title, “Moving Forward.” Moving Forward is a program developed for veterans, but available to the broad community. Specific insight and skills are explored and introduced such as, “types of problem-solving.” Complete all Moving ForwardLinks to an external site. program modules. Post must be complete sentences and thought out. Please […]
The purpose of this assignment is to describe the effects of various substances on consciousness, discuss the connection between substances and neurotransmitters, identify short and long-term impacts
The purpose of this assignment is to describe the effects of various substances on consciousness, discuss the connection between substances and neurotransmitters, identify short and long-term impacts on sensation and perception, and identify both the physical and psychological effects of various substances on the brain. Choose one of the drugs listed below: Caffeine Cocaine Amphetamines […]
Below are the four foundational Appreciative Inquiry interview questions for a business or career situation. What has been a high-point experience in your organization/career/ life when you felt most
Below are the four foundational Appreciative Inquiry interview questions for a business or career situation. What has been a high-point experience in your organization/career/ life when you felt most alive, successful, and effective? Without being humble, what do you value most about yourself, your work, your career, and your organization? What are the core factors […]
please Help ! Below are the four foundational Appreciative Inquiry interview questions for a business or career situation. What has been a high-point experience in your organization/career/ life when
please Help ! Below are the four foundational Appreciative Inquiry interview questions for a business or career situation. What has been a high-point experience in your organization/career/ life when you felt most alive, successful, and effective? Without being humble, what do you value most about yourself, your work, your career, and your organization? What are the […]
For this assignment, you will review a case study scenario and the corresponding context related to your role as a behavior analyst in practice. You will prepare a presentation that discusses necessar
For this assignment, you will review a case study scenario and the corresponding context related to your role as a behavior analyst in practice. You will prepare a presentation that discusses necessary considerations when designing behavior analytic intervention recommendations at the initial onset of your services. You will complete an outline of the proposed steps […]
I have a discussion for my behavioral health and a asignment due as well. Will send instructions upon acceptance
I have a discussion for my behavioral health and a asignment due as well. Will send instructions upon acceptance
5-3 Journal: Final Project Question 2 In this assignment, you will write a journal entry in which you choose another question or area that you would like to address as part of your final project; you
5-3 Journal: Final Project Question 2 In this assignment, you will write a journal entry in which you choose another question or area that you would like to address as part of your final project; you will explain how the concepts you have learned in the modules so far apply to the cultural or ethnic […]
make a proposal based on a weighing scale, thats the object i chose for my paper. also please make up a research question for me to answer later on the paper. The part I want my paper to focus on is t
make a proposal based on a weighing scale, thats the object i chose for my paper. also please make up a research question for me to answer later on the paper. The part I want my paper to focus on is the psychological affect a scale has on people and the desicions people make because […]
5-2 Short Answer: Critical Thinking Questions Overview In this module, you read about theories on emotion and motivation and the limitations in what is known about both. This includes cultural facto
5-2 Short Answer: Critical Thinking Questions Overview In this module, you read about theories on emotion and motivation and the limitations in what is known about both. This includes cultural factors that affect motivation and cultural norms that support some disorders. You have also explored universal expressions of emotions and how they vary across cultures. […]
5-1 Discussion: Applicability of Maslow Across Cultures Provide one argument that supports the claim that Maslow’s theory of self-actualization is not necessarily applicable across cultures. Reminder:
5-1 Discussion: Applicability of Maslow Across Cultures Provide one argument that supports the claim that Maslow’s theory of self-actualization is not necessarily applicable across cultures. Reminder: You should be integrating information from the text (and other module resources, if chosen) and documenting your work in APA style. To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.
In your own words can you explain the importance of different interventions during the initial assessment of your patient. Please provide at least 750 words.
In your own words can you explain the importance of different interventions during the initial assessment of your patient. Please provide at least 750 words.
Assessing credibility in qualitative research The Details of what needs to be done are added as attachment named Assignment Details. In this paper you will identify a recent qualitative study, expla
Assessing credibility in qualitative research The Details of what needs to be done are added as attachment named Assignment Details. In this paper you will identify a recent qualitative study, explain why it is qualitative, briefly describe the research question, methods, and findings, and describe how the authors ensure and report on the rigour of […]
Assessing credibility in qualitative research The Details of what needs to be done are added as attachment named Assignment Details. Additionally two papers have been added as attachment as well ple
Assessing credibility in qualitative research The Details of what needs to be done are added as attachment named Assignment Details. Additionally two papers have been added as attachment as well please refer to those and include in reference list (This is important as per 7th point under assignment details) Please follow all Important Instructions: Peer […]
For your initial post, do all of the following: § Choose one of these topics to write about in your initial post: o health disparities/inequities related to the COVID-19 pandemic, or o discri
For your initial post, do all of the following: § Choose one of these topics to write about in your initial post: o health disparities/inequities related to the COVID-19 pandemic, or o discrimination/stigmatization related to COVID-19. § Search online and find a website that consists of information about the topic you selected above. This may be a news […]
I have a discussion for behs class further details will be discussed
I have a discussion for behs class further details will be discussed
NO AI WRITING SEND TURNIT IN REPORT Before I discuss Paper One, I want to jump ahead and mention your final paper, Paper Five. Your final paper in this course will be similar to an empirical m
NO AI WRITING SEND TURNIT IN REPORT Before I discuss Paper One, I want to jump ahead and mention your final paper, Paper Five. Your final paper in this course will be similar to an empirical manuscript that researchers submit to academic journals. It takes a lot of work, but we want to make the […]
1 common disorders of the Immune System. In a short essay format, explain what common disorders occur in old age, as well as what age-associated physiological changes occur. Please write essay in full
1 common disorders of the Immune System. In a short essay format, explain what common disorders occur in old age, as well as what age-associated physiological changes occur. Please write essay in full sentences. 2 Think about biogenetic mechanisms that control normal aging and how genetic disorders can interfere with this process. Hutchinson- Gifford […]
*GOING FOR MY BACHELORS IN SOCIAL WORK* you will need to know this when completing the assignment The purpose of this assignment is to explore various subfields in psychology and make connections b
*GOING FOR MY BACHELORS IN SOCIAL WORK* you will need to know this when completing the assignment The purpose of this assignment is to explore various subfields in psychology and make connections between selected subfields and your major or career path. Before you get started, review the “Psychology Subfields” webpage on the American Psychological Association […]
Treatment Team Goal: Over the next 90 days, Mr. X will be able to have a 15-minute logical and goal-oriented conversation with staff(i.e., being able to follow the discussion, stay on-topic, and under
Treatment Team Goal: Over the next 90 days, Mr. X will be able to have a 15-minute logical and goal-oriented conversation with staff(i.e., being able to follow the discussion, stay on-topic, and understand feedback/directions, provide relevant responses, no paucity in responses). Treatment Plan Intervention Individualized Intervention provided in group: Individual Therapy to explore, process and […]
Treatment Team Goal: Over the next 90 days, Mr. X will be able to have a 15-minute logical and goal-oriented conversation with staff(i.e., being able to follow the discussion, stay on-topic, and under
Treatment Team Goal: Over the next 90 days, Mr. X will be able to have a 15-minute logical and goal-oriented conversation with staff(i.e., being able to follow the discussion, stay on-topic, and understand feedback/directions provide relevant responses, no paucity in responses). 1Treatment plan 2 individualize intervention provided in group 3 person response 4 Recomendations
write 2-3 double spaced pages (total) on the following: (make sure you address both bullets!) How do you identify- racially, ethnically, and culturally? (20 points)What are some of the rules and norm
write 2-3 double spaced pages (total) on the following: (make sure you address both bullets!) How do you identify- racially, ethnically, and culturally? (20 points) What are some of the rules and norms, both spoken or unspoken, of your culture when it comes to mental and physical health/wellness? Do you agree or disagree with them? […]
15-page APA 7th edition research paper on Are preventative measures beneficial in decreasing substance abuse in early adolescents and adolescents. Use 10 references and NO PLAGIARISM AND MUST PROVIDE
15-page APA 7th edition research paper on Are preventative measures beneficial in decreasing substance abuse in early adolescents and adolescents. Use 10 references and NO PLAGIARISM AND MUST PROVIDE A PLAGIARISM REPORT. The null hypothesis that I have come up with is that: preventative measures will not reduce substance abuse in both early adolescents and […]
For this assignment, you will provide a response to one of the case studies below for one of the client scenarios. Use the ABLLS (Case 1) or AFLS (Case 2) assessment materials provided in the learning
For this assignment, you will provide a response to one of the case studies below for one of the client scenarios. Use the ABLLS (Case 1) or AFLS (Case 2) assessment materials provided in the learning activity and peer-reviewed resources from the university library to support your responses. Please do not copy and paste the whole […]
4-1 Discussion: Ethnicity and IQ Scores If a teacher knows about ethnic (racial) differences in IQ scores, how might this knowledge affect the teacher’s interaction with the students of these groups?
4-1 Discussion: Ethnicity and IQ ScoresIf a teacher knows about ethnic (racial) differences in IQ scores, how might this knowledge affect the teacher’s interaction with the students of these groups? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Responses must add depth and substance to the discussion by adding a new dimension to the […]
4-3 Journal: Final Project Question 1 In this assignment, you will write a journal entry in which you choose a question or area to address as part of your final project and explain how the concepts yo
4-3 Journal: Final Project Question 1 In this assignment, you will write a journal entry in which you choose a question or area to address as part of your final project and explain how the concepts you have learned in the modules so far apply to the cultural or ethnic group you have chosen for […]