STEP 1: Explore your interests Based upon this week’s lessons, pick a part of the brain you would like to learn more about. Do some background research, finding a minimum of one scholarly journal arti

STEP 1: Explore your interests Based upon this week’s lessons, pick a part of the brain you would like to learn more about. Do some background research, finding a minimum of one scholarly journal article from the UMGC Library that provides insight into that part of the brain. From the article, choose 3 or more interesting facts about the part […]

STEP 1: Explore your interests Based upon this week’s lessons, pick a part of the brain you would like to learn more about. Do some background research, finding a minimum of one scholarly journal arti

STEP 1: Explore your interests Based upon this week’s lessons, pick a part of the brain you would like to learn more about. Do some background research, finding a minimum of one scholarly journal article from the UMGC Library that provides insight into that part of the brain. From the article, choose 3 or more interesting facts about the part […]

Learning is best achieved by combining study with application. While studying cultural processes through a psychological lens, you may find that some concepts resonate with your own experiences, and t

Learning is best achieved by combining study with application. While studying cultural processes through a psychological lens, you may find that some concepts resonate with your own experiences, and that you are interested and eager to find out more about your own culture, as well as a culture that is different than your own. As […]

Please write an introduction following the grading rubic below and the thematic grid attached from the listed 5 articles. Grading Rubric:

Please write an introduction following the grading rubic below and the thematic grid attached from the listed 5 articles. Grading Rubric:                                                                         Poor                                  Excellent Possible Introduction                                                   13.75   16.25   18.75   21.25   23.75   25 Start w/problem statement – why do this?  And lead into a theory – why do we predict the  variables to be related? Theories explain why Review of the articles, making sure […]

This is an Annotated Playlist. Once you have completed the novel Homegoing, you are going to curate an annotated playlist to accompany it. You will select one song for each chapter. The song will repr

This is an Annotated Playlist. Once you have completed the novel Homegoing, you are going to curate an annotated playlist to accompany it. You will select one song for each chapter. The song will represent your feelings, emotions, and thoughts about the chapter. Each song will have an annotation (5-7 sentences) that includes an analysis […]

Read Marjorie & Marcus in the book Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi write a reflection paper that reflects on the experiences of the characters and how it relates to the psychological concepts. The goal is

Read Marjorie & Marcus in the book Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi write a reflection paper that reflects on the experiences of the characters and how it relates to the psychological concepts. The goal is to engage in critical thinking and analyses of the reading therefore please avoid giving asynopsis or summary of the characters. When […]

The MeToo movement has been called one of the most consequential social movements of our times. Its critics claim that it has unfairly targeted prominent men, ruining their reputations, careers, or ev

The MeToo movement has been called one of the most consequential social movements of our times. Its critics claim that it has unfairly targeted prominent men, ruining their reputations, careers, or even lives. For this assignment, you will pick three men accused of sexual assault, harassment and/or misconduct and write an essay detailing the accusations and consequences. […]

The purpose of the interview is to interact with the course material interpersonally. In this assignment, you will interview someone who is NOT in this course. The person should be someone you think o

The purpose of the interview is to interact with the course material interpersonally. In this assignment, you will interview someone who is NOT in this course. The person should be someone you think often experiences a high level of stress and does not seem to cope that well with stress, OR someone you think copes exceptionally well […]

Please follow the attached literature grid and provide an introduction for the five (5) articles listed below. 1. Bänninger-Huber, E., & Salvenauer, S. (2023). Different types of laughter and thei

Please follow the attached literature grid and provide an introduction for the five (5) articles listed below. 1. Bänninger-Huber, E., & Salvenauer, S. (2023). Different types of laughter and their function foremotion regulation in dyadic interactions. Current Psychology: A Journal for DiversePerspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues, 42(28), 24249–24259. 2. Cai, C. Q., Lavan, N., Chen, […]

The research paper project is a two part assignment. The first section of the project you will provide an in-depth analysis of a specific mental health diagnosis. This section of the paper should anal

The research paper project is a two part assignment. The first section of the project you will provide an in-depth analysis of a specific mental health diagnosis. This section of the paper should analyze the history of the diagnosis, the specific criteria to have a diagnosis for the disorder, and a discussion of the role […]

SUBJECT: CHILD PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTIONS: Part 1: Article ReviewRead Bjorklund (2018) A metatheory for cognitive development (or “Piaget is Dead”Revisited).Introduction: Bjorklund’s paper argues for a n

SUBJECT: CHILD PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTIONS: Part 1: Article ReviewRead Bjorklund (2018) A metatheory for cognitive development (or “Piaget is Dead”Revisited).Introduction: Bjorklund’s paper argues for a new organizational structure for cognitive development. This structure is most compatible with core-knowledge and dynamic-systems theories discussed in chapter 4, but also encompasses major aspects of information-processing theories and socio-cognitive theories […]

SUBJECT: CHILD PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTIONS: Part 1: Article ReviewRead Bjorklund (2018) A metatheory for cognitive development (or “Piaget is Dead”Revisited).Introduction: Bjorklund’s paper argues for a n

SUBJECT: CHILD PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTIONS: Part 1: Article ReviewRead Bjorklund (2018) A metatheory for cognitive development (or “Piaget is Dead”Revisited).Introduction: Bjorklund’s paper argues for a new organizational structure for cognitive development. This structure is most compatible with core-knowledge and dynamic-systems theories discussed in chapter 4, but also encompasses major aspects of information-processing theories and socio-cognitive theories […]

SUBJECT: CHILD PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTIONS: Part 1: Article Review Read Bjorklund (2018) A metatheory for cognitive development (or “Piaget is Dead” Revisited). Introduction: Bjorklund’s paper argues for

SUBJECT: CHILD PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTIONS: Part 1: Article ReviewRead Bjorklund (2018) A metatheory for cognitive development (or “Piaget is Dead”Revisited).Introduction: Bjorklund’s paper argues for a new organizational structure for cognitivedevelopment. This structure is most compatible with core-knowledge and dynamic-systems theories discussed in chapter 4, but also encompasses major aspects ofinformation-processing theories and socio-cognitive theories discussed in […]

Read the case study and respond to the questions below with regard to the case study. Be sure to utilize the Family Assessment Form on page 375 of the textbook, the genogram on page 233 in Gladding

Read the case study and respond to the questions below with regard to the case study. Be sure to utilize the Family Assessment Form on page 375 of the textbook,  the genogram on page  233 in Gladding (2019) 7th ed and page 218  in Gladding (2015) 7th ed. and the Professional Disclosure Statement on page   161 in […]

Directions: Learning is best achieved by combining study with application. While studying cultural processes through a psychological lens, you may find that some concepts resonate with your own experi

 Directions: Learning is best achieved by combining study with application. While studying cultural processes through a psychological lens, you may find that some concepts resonate with your own experiences, and that you are interested and eager to find out more about your own culture, as well as a culture that is different than your own. […]

Listen to this podcast episode and craft a discussion post between 150-250 words. The Land of Our Fathers, Part 1:

Listen to this podcast episode and craft a discussion post between 150-250 words.  The Land of Our Fathers, Part 1:  Remember, this is an academic discussion.  Therefore, your postings should be free of errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. You are also highly encouraged to include resources that extend the learning of your discussion.  

Listen to this podcast episode and craft a discussion post between 150-250 words. The Land of Our Fathers, Part 2:

Listen to this podcast episode and craft a discussion post between 150-250 words.  The Land of Our Fathers, Part 2:  Remember, this is an academic discussion.  Therefore, your postings should be free of errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. You are also highly encouraged to include resources that extend the learning of your discussion.  

Listen to this podcast episode and craft a discussion post between 150-250 words. How the Bad Blood Started:

Listen to this podcast episode and craft a discussion post between 150-250 words.  How the Bad Blood Started:  Remember, this is an academic discussion.  Therefore, your postings should be free of errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. You are also highly encouraged to include resources that extend the learning of your discussion.  

Read Akua & Willie in the book Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi write a reflection paper that reflects on the experiences of the characters and how it relates to the psychological concepts. The goal is to e

Read Akua & Willie in the book Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi write a reflection paper that reflects on the experiences of the characters and how it relates to the psychological concepts. The goal is to engage in critical thinking and analyses of the reading therefore please avoid giving asynopsis or summary of the characters. When […]

Read Yaw & Sonny in the book Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi write a reflection paper that reflects on the experiences of the characters and how it relates to the psychological concepts. The goal is to eng

Read Yaw & Sonny in the book Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi write a reflection paper that reflects on the experiences of the characters and how it relates to the psychological concepts. The goal is to engage in critical thinking and analyses of the reading therefore please avoid giving asynopsis or summary of the characters. When […]

Assessment Description Watch “Probing Specific Concerns: Parents” located in the Topic 3 Resources. Describe the client’s presentation in the session specific to coping strategies, resources, and barr

Assessment Description Watch “Probing Specific Concerns: Parents” located in the Topic 3 Resources. Describe the client’s presentation in the session specific to coping strategies, resources, and barriers. What did you notice about how Dr. Cervantes attended to cultural components of the session with Anna. From your personal lens as a counselor, describe what you would […]

STEP 1: Select one theory of personality from the following list: Biological Contributions (In the eBook Resource: Chapter “Personality” this is referred to as behavioral genetics.)Five-Factor Model o

STEP 1: Select one theory of personality from the following list: Biological Contributions (In the eBook Resource: Chapter “Personality” this is referred to as behavioral genetics.) Five-Factor Model of Personality Humanistic Model Social Cognitive Perspective (see Crash Course Video, Episode #22) STEP 2: Write a 200-400 word post on the theory of personality you have chosen and why […]

You are being tasked with finding (50) APA 7th edition errors. Keep in mind that the assignment is a “student paper” (student papers have their own formatting). Also, the references are all Journal Ar

You are being tasked with finding (50) APA 7th edition errors. Keep in mind that the assignment is a “student paper” (student papers have their own formatting). Also, the references are all Journal Articles so make sure you are using Journal Article formatting for your references/citations. J. Doe NSU Karina Braunshausen 10/20/2024 Evaluation of three […]

Create a proper title page for a student paper. Refer to your materials for required information in a title page for a student paper, APA 7th edition, 12 point, Times New Roman. Step 2 You

Create a proper title page for a student paper. Refer to your materials for required information in a title page for a student paper, APA 7th edition, 12 point, Times New Roman.            Step 2 You will summarize each article you selected individually (do not synthesize). Only summarize the research article itself, do not include anything […]

STEP 2: Review the Research Summary. Research on Distracted Driving In a 2008 study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, researchers Drews, Pasupathi, and Strayer examined t

STEP 2: Review the Research Summary.  Research on Distracted Driving In a 2008 study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, researchers Drews, Pasupathi, and Strayer examined the effects of talking on a cell phone while driving. Pairs of friends signed up for the experiment. Within each pair, one person was randomly assigned the role […]

The Midterm Project for PSY 450 Systems/History of Psychology is to write a 3-5 page paper celebrating the history of African-American Psychologists. Select an influential African-American Psychologis

The Midterm Project for PSY 450 Systems/History of Psychology is to write a 3-5 page paper celebrating the history of African-American Psychologists. Select an influential African-American Psychologist or multiple psychologists to highlight accomplishments in the history of psychology, notable works/research, achievements, and how they are represented in psychology today. APA formatting is required for this […]

The Midterm Project for PSY 450 Systems/History of Psychology is to write a 3 page paper celebrating the history of African-American Psychologists. Select an influential African-American Psychologist

The Midterm Project for PSY 450 Systems/History of Psychology is to write a 3 page paper celebrating the history of African-American Psychologists. Select an influential African-American Psychologist or multiple psychologists to highlight accomplishments in the history of psychology, notable works/research, achievements, and how they are represented in psychology today. APA formatting is required for this […]

The topic For this Assignment is the Health Belief Model! INSTRUCTIONS: With these projects, you get the chance to show about how health psychology is part of our everyday life. For this submission,

The topic For this Assignment is the Health Belief Model! INSTRUCTIONS:  With these projects, you get the chance to show about how health psychology is part of our everyday life. For this submission, choose only one theory/concept from these specific chapters: Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, OR 5 & 6 Your task for each of […]

250-400 words each 2. In much of our course materials, the focus of combat trauma will be on the combat service member and veteran. However, trauma, in some cases, is thought to be shared, collective

250-400 words each 2.  In much of our course materials, the focus of combat trauma will be on the combat service member and veteran. However, trauma, in some cases, is thought to be shared, collectively among the military service members, the community, and the family (Dekel & Goldblatt, 2008), especially. Considering the long term, shared, […]

POW Review Paper The experience of captivity carries stresses that are unique in the broad discussion combat and combat related trauma. Examining the conditions endured and methods used to survive suc

POW Review Paper The experience of captivity carries stresses that are unique in the broad discussion combat and combat related trauma. Examining the conditions endured and methods used to survive such conditions is necessary to gain context of the POW experience. In a your paper, examine the psychological and physiological stresses endured by POWs and […]

Treatment Project You have recently explored the complexities of combat trauma, including the difficulty with self-identification, complicated diagnostic processes, options for treatment, and the pote

Treatment Project You have recently explored the complexities of combat trauma, including the difficulty with self-identification, complicated diagnostic processes, options for treatment, and the potential barriers to treatment, among other important areas of concern. Reflecting on information from the course related to the psychological trauma of combat and the treatment options available complete the following […]

TBI Assignment Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) has increasingly affected combat service members as the injuries sustained in combat have continued to evolve. TBI can affect the physical, psychological, s

TBI Assignment Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) has increasingly affected combat service members as the injuries sustained in combat have continued to evolve. TBI can affect the physical, psychological, sensory, and many other functions of service members during and after combat. However, the symptoms are easily misdiagnosed for other conditions, or missed completely. The purpose of […]

Each student will select a self-help book that is of interest to them. A self-help book’s purpose is to help the reader with a personal problem. There are a variety of self-help books that can be fou

 Each student will select a self-help book that is of interest to them.  A self-help book’s purpose is to help the reader with a personal problem. There are a variety of self-help books that can be found in libraries, bookstores, online, etc. Self-help books are written on a variety of topics-  depression, communication, relationships, positive […]

Families and Their Adolescents ASSIGNMENT DETAILS FOR OUTLINE OF SCHOLARLY PAPER Outline of Scholarly Paper based off of counseling Families and their adolescents through problems and the pros and con

Families and Their Adolescents ASSIGNMENT DETAILS FOR OUTLINE OF SCHOLARLY PAPER Outline of Scholarly Paper based off of counseling Families and their adolescents through problems and the pros and cons of counseling. A good scholarly paper begins with a clear focus and plans for the synthesis of scholarly literature and other reputable sources. Through this […]

Compare and contrast Piaget and Vygotsky. Do not summarize their theories (you will not receive points for summarizing). Instead, reflect and discuss how the two theorists are similar and different, y

Compare and contrast Piaget and Vygotsky. Do not summarize their theories (you will not receive points for summarizing). Instead, reflect and discuss how the two theorists are similar and different, your thoughts on them, and whether you agree or disagree with their ideas. You can choose to critique through comparisons with present-day scenarios and personal life events. […]

Assessment Description my state is North Carolina In Topic 1, you will research then discuss the certification and licensure requirements related to your future role and how it relates to your profes

Assessment Description my state is North Carolina  In Topic 1, you will research then discuss the certification and licensure requirements related to your future role and how it relates to your professional identity. This 3–5-minute recording is an introduction of yourself and your professional identity. Access your state board website and reflect on the importance of […]

Task: Here are the steps to take when completing this assignment 1. Read the research article once through, to get a general outline of the research study. 2. Re-read the research article, while answe

Task: Here are the steps to take when completing this assignment1. Read the research article once through, to get a general outline of the research study.2. Re-read the research article, while answering the questions in the assignment.  Article reference (in APA format) 1. What is the point of the study? What was its purpose or […]

386 Part 1 There are varying ways that individuals cope when encountering stress. Some methods can be positive and some can be negative. Below is a COPING list which provides the tools that people

386 Part 1 There are varying ways that individuals cope when encountering stress.  Some methods can be positive and some can be negative.  Below is a COPING list which provides the tools that people may utilize.  Select two from the list and discuss/describe their impact along with the pros and cons connected to this coping […]

Please write the following in APA format: Research question – does laughter contagion depend upon gender composition?? Variables – gender, Operational dResearefinitions Laughter – one or more exhalat

Please write the following in APA format only for the method section on the rubric: Research question – does laughter contagion depend upon gender composition?? Variables – gender,  Operational dResearefinitions Laughter – one or more exhalations of air need to define “contagion”person A laughs and person B laughs closely thereafter?? Capture what we said ibn […]

Discussion Topic Step 1: Select ONE of the following discussion prompts to write a well-organized essay (300-word minimum) with reference to the associated article. Be sure to use APA-style format, en

 Discussion Topic Step 1: Select ONE of the following discussion prompts to write a well-organized essay (300-word minimum) with reference to the associated article. Be sure to use APA-style format, ensuring that quotes or paraphrases contain the page number in-text. In the reading, Family and Marriage, Gilliland describes several different patterns of a family organization including nuclear families, extended families, […]

Part 1: 1. Write a 2 page essay on how COVID has been handled in 3 countries: use the United States as your first country, one other industrialized country and 1 non-industrialized country. The type

Part 1: 1.  Write a 2 page essay on how COVID has been handled in 3 countries: use the United States as your first country, one other industrialized country and 1 non-industrialized country. The type of health organizations in each country must be included but you can also research things such as insurance issues, awareness and/or educational […]

335 section 1 Article/Reference Article 1: Boeree, C. G. (2006). The ultimate theory of personality. C. George Boeree.

335 section 1 Article/Reference Article 1: Boeree, C. G. (2006). The ultimate theory of personality. C. George Boeree. Article 2: Kelland, M. (2017, July 7). Personality theory: Personality, culture, & society. Open Education Resources Commons. Part 1: Identify one of the future directions discussed in your Unit 8 Learning Resources that you find […]

Interview a woman in your life (e.g., mother, grandmother, aunt, friend) who has attempted to balance motherhood and work. Analyze her experiences in relation to course readings and discussions in cla

Interview a woman in your life (e.g., mother, grandmother, aunt, friend) who has attempted to balance motherhood and work. Analyze her experiences in relation to course readings and discussions in class (Chapter 7 may be a good place to start). For example, how do psychological theories and research relate to this woman’s experiences? You should […]

Read James & Kojo in the book Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi write a reflection paper that reflects on the experiences of the characters and how it relates to the psychological concepts. The goal is to en

Read James & Kojo in the book Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi write a reflection paper that reflects on the experiences of the characters and how it relates to the psychological concepts. The goal is to engage in critical thinking and analyses of the reading therefore please avoid giving asynopsis or summary of the characters. When […]

Read Abena & H in the book Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi write a reflection paper that reflects on the experiences of the characters and how it relates to the psychological concepts. The goal is to engag

Read Abena & H in the book Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi write a reflection paper that reflects on the experiences of the characters and how it relates to the psychological concepts. The goal is to engage in critical thinking and analyses of the reading therefore please avoid giving asynopsis or summary of the characters. When […]

Assessment Description Throughout the course, you have studied and written about several counseling theories that are used in the counseling profession. Refer to the e-Portfolio resources to familiari

Assessment Description Throughout the course, you have studied and written about several counseling theories that are used in the counseling profession. Refer to the e-Portfolio resources to familiarize yourself with the expectations specific to establishing your theoretical orientation and counseling philosophy. This assignment should be saved for your e-Portfolio. In this PowerPoint presentation, select one […]

This assignment provides an opportunity to apply psychological theory in the exploration of a book or film. You will choose a film or book of special interest. The book or film should have content tha

This assignment provides an opportunity to apply psychological theory in the exploration of a book or film. You will choose a film or book of special interest. The book or film should have content that can be meaningfully explored through application of psychological theory and research. You may want to look at some of the […]

Part 1 386-7 Article Religious and spiritual struggles as a mediator of the link between stressful life events and psychological adjustment in a nationwide sample. Reference Pomerleau, J. M., P

Part 1 386-7 Article  Religious and spiritual struggles as a mediator of the link between stressful life events and psychological adjustment in a nationwide sample. Reference Pomerleau, J. M., Pargament, K. I., Krause, N., Ironson, G., & Hill, P. (2020). Religious and spiritual struggles as a mediator of the link between stressful life events and […]

332 Articles Week 7 article Chapter 11 Week 8 Article Chapter 13

332 Articles  Week 7 article  Chapter 11 Week 8 Article Chapter 13 Step 1: Capture your topic. Take a moment to think about what you identify as one of the most meaningful, relevant lessons presented in the course readings or supporting materials, for Weeks 7 and 8. Select a 1-2 sentence direct quotation from the […]