Search the GCU Library and find two different health care articles that use quantitative research. Do not use articles that appear in the topic Resources or textbook. Complete an article analysis for

Search the GCU Library and find two different health care articles that use quantitative research. Do not use articles that appear in the topic Resources or textbook. Complete an article analysis for each using the “Article Analysis 1” template. Refer to “The Effect of Progressive Relaxation Exercises on Dyspnea and Anxiety Levels in Individuals With […]

For this assignment, need to apply what you have learned about the ocean floor, gas formation, and drilling to make a decision about an offshore oil rig location. You were recently hired by an oil an

For this assignment, need to apply what you have learned about the ocean floor, gas formation, and drilling to make a decision about an offshore oil rig location.  You were recently hired by an oil and gas company who has been repeatedly sued and has a record of incompetence.  Many jobs in the company depend […]

Assessment Description Statistical application and the interpretation of data is important in health care. Review the statistical concepts covered in this topic. In a 750-1,000-word paper, discuss the

Assessment Description Statistical application and the interpretation of data is important in health care. Review the statistical concepts covered in this topic. In a 750-1,000-word paper, discuss the significance of statistical application in health care, including the following: Describe the application of statistics in health care. Specifically discuss its significance to safety, health promotion, and […]

The Standardisation Task (this assignment, due 1/4) and Final Scenario Report (due 31/5) are both based around a case study, concerning the question of whether mobile phones should be banned at Blackb

The Standardisation Task (this assignment, due 1/4) and Final Scenario Report (due 31/5) are both based around a case study, concerning the question of whether mobile phones should be banned at Blackberry Heights College, NSW. In the Final Scenario at the end of semester you will take on the role of advisor to the Principal […]

The purpose of this assignment is for students to create an infographic to educate the community on the impact of a public health issue and make recommendations for policy change. Research public heal

The purpose of this assignment is for students to create an infographic to educate the community on the impact of a public health issue and make recommendations for policy change. Research public health issues located on the American Public Health Association (APHA) website, found in the topic Resources under “Topics and Issues.” Select a public […]

The Secret to Life Essay —- Watson and Crick 1. Watch the documentary in Canvas “The Secret to Life” and take notes. 2. Take the notes and write a 2 – 3 p

The Secret to Life Essay —- Watson and Crick 1. Watch the documentary in Canvas “The Secret to Life” and take notes. 2. Take the notes and write a 2 – 3 page essay about the documentary. The essay should be minimum of 2 pages written in APA style, Calibri or Times New Roman […]

For this assignment, students will reflect on and evaluate their teaching presentation to determine how to improve for next time. The Community Teaching Project has indirect care experience requiremen

For this assignment, students will reflect on and evaluate their teaching presentation to determine how to improve for next time. The Community Teaching Project has indirect care experience requirements. The “Indirect Care Experience Hours” form, found in the Topic 1 Resources, will be used to document the indirect care experience hours completed in the Community […]

Write a summary of your observations of the interactions between sunlight photons, infrared photons, and the Earth’s atmosphere for the four simulation runs without clouds in Panel 1.Write a summary o

Write a summary of your observations of the interactions between sunlight photons, infrared photons, and the Earth’s atmosphere for the four simulation runs without clouds in Panel 1. Write a summary of your observations of the interactions between sunlight photons, infrared photons, and the Earth’s atmosphere for the four simulation runs with clouds in Panel 2. How do […]

The purpose of this assignment is for students to create an infographic to educate the community on the impact of a public health issue and make recommendations for policy change. Research public heal

The purpose of this assignment is for students to create an infographic to educate the community on the impact of a public health issue and make recommendations for policy change. Research public health issues located on the American Public Health Association (APHA) website, found in the topic Resources under “Topics and Issues.” Select a public […]

Presentation Development The purpose of this assignment is to develop a presentation of the topic chosen for the identified community based on the Community Teaching Project. The Community Teaching Pr

Presentation Development The purpose of this assignment is to develop a presentation of the topic chosen for the identified community based on the Community Teaching Project. The Community Teaching Project has indirect care experience requirements. The “Indirect Care Experience Hours” form, found in the Topic 1 Resources, will be used to document the indirect care experience […]

Presentation Development The purpose of this assignment is to develop a presentation of the topic chosen for the identified community based on the Community Teaching Project. The Community Teaching Pr

Presentation Development The purpose of this assignment is to develop a presentation of the topic chosen for the identified community based on the Community Teaching Project. The Community Teaching Project has indirect care experience requirements. The “Indirect Care Experience Hours” form, found in the Topic 1 Resources, will be used to document the indirect care experience […]

Students will give this presentation to the selected community in Topic 5. Reach out to the selected representative to confirm the date and time to present the selected topic to the community. Select

Students will give this presentation to the selected community in Topic 5. Reach out to the selected representative to confirm the date and time to present the selected topic to the community.  Select one of the following options to prepare the applicable presentation: PowerPoint presentation (no more than 30 minutes) Pamphlet presentation (one to two pages) Poster […]

In this assignment, students will interview the representative of the nonprofit organization selected for the Community Teaching Project in Topic 1. During the interview, students will review their te

In this assignment, students will interview the representative of the nonprofit organization selected for the Community Teaching Project in Topic 1. During the interview, students will review their teaching plan to obtain feedback from the representative. Interviews can take place in person, by phone, or via video conference (i.e., Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.). Then, in […]

I am including my lesson plan as you will need this to personalize my paper. See attached. Write a Two-Page Reflection Paper: Begin with a brief introduction explaining the chosen subject, grade le

I am including my lesson plan as you will need this to personalize my paper. See attached. Write a Two-Page Reflection Paper:   Begin with a brief introduction explaining the chosen subject, grade level, and lesson objective. Reflect on why you selected the specific learning objective for your lesson. Explain its relevance and significance in […]

Topic – Neurobiology Of Depression Genetic variations associated with most mental disorders are being identified, and reliable tests for early detection of risk and disease are now on the horizon. Sev

Topic – Neurobiology OfDepressionGenetic variations associated with most mental disorders arebeing identified, and reliable tests for early detection of riskand disease are now on the horizon. Several brainneurotransmitters systems: glutamate, serotonin,norepinephrine, and dopamine have been implicated indepression and mania. What role do these transmitter systems,as well as other neurochemical systems such as membrane-bound signal transduction […]

Create a presentation (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Canva, etc.) on the Botanic Puzzle Maze Experiment, covering specific sections. Begin with an introduction slide including your name and date. Present

Create a presentation (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Canva, etc.) on the Botanic Puzzle Maze Experiment, covering specific sections. Begin with an introduction slide including your name and date. Present an introduction detailing the experiment’s purpose and significance. Include a slide with your formulated hypothesis and its justification. Then, describe the materials used, maze construction, light condition […]

Throughout this course, students will be working on the Community Teaching Project. The project will include a community teaching presentation given during Topic 5. The audience for the presentation w

Throughout this course, students will be working on the Community Teaching Project. The project will include a community teaching presentation given during Topic 5. The audience for the presentation will be community members, rather than the staff at the community agency chosen or in-patient residents. The Community Teaching Project has indirect care experience requirements. The […]

Essay Question: How does the government ensure the ongoing safety of chemical products in the market? Your essay should cover, but not be limited to, the following aspects: The continuation of regulat

Essay Question: How does the government ensure the ongoing safety of chemical products in the market? Your essay should cover, but not be limited to, the following aspects: The continuation of regulatory oversight post-market approval. The definition and importance of post-market surveillance. The key factors monitored during post-market surveillance. Variations in surveillance methods across different […]

Instructions: Imagine you are preparing a science lesson using the 5E instructional model. Complete the following sections for each phase (Engage, Explore, Explain) of the lesson plan. Provide detaile

Instructions: Imagine you are preparing a science lesson using the 5E instructional model. Complete the following sections for each phase (Engage, Explore, Explain) of the lesson plan. Provide detailed and thoughtful responses for each phase, ensuring clarity and coherence in your explanations.   Submit your completed assignment by February 18, 20024. Engage: Engagement Activity: Describe an engaging activity […]

Design a year-long periodized training program for the athlete with the objective of optimizing the client’s physique at the time of the competition. The training program should include the following:

Design a year-long periodized training program for the athlete with the objective of optimizing the client’s physique at the time of the competition. The training program should include the following: ·        A list of assessments to be performed at the onset of the training program ·        A warm up and cool down for each training […]

BenchmarkAssessment Description Research the health-illness continuum and its relevance to patient care. In a 750-1,000-word paper, discuss the relevance of the continuum to patient care and present a

BenchmarkAssessment Description Research the health-illness continuum and its relevance to patient care. In a 750-1,000-word paper, discuss the relevance of the continuum to patient care and present a holistic perspective of your current state of health in relation to the wellness spectrum by including the following:  Examine the health-illness continuum and discuss why this perspective […]

Radiology Tech Homework. 6 Discussion Questions.. I will send a link for the text book Upload in the format of a Word document answers to the Discussion and Critical Thinking questions at the end o

Radiology Tech Homework. 6 Discussion Questions.. I will send a link for the text book   Upload in the format of a Word document answers to the Discussion and Critical Thinking questions at the end of Chapter 1 in the Callaway textbook. For Question 2, use the areas of study for Radiography as described in the […]

Investigation of Microbial Diseases Assignment: Chapters 21-26 in your eText contain valuable information on important microbial diseases associated with the following human body system: Skin and Eyes

Investigation of Microbial Diseases Assignment: Chapters 21-26 in your eText contain valuable information on important microbial diseases associated with the following human body system: Skin and Eyes (Ch. 21) Nervous System (Ch. 22) Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems (Ch. 23) Respiratory System (Ch. 24) Digestive System (Ch. 25) Urinary and Reproductive Systems (Ch. 26) Read each chapter […]

Requires LopeswriteAssessment Description This topic will focus on children and how to assess for and address their developmental needs. The Search Institute is a nonprofit organization that conducts

Requires LopeswriteAssessment Description This topic will focus on children and how to assess for and address their developmental needs. The Search Institute is a nonprofit organization that conducts and applies research to promote positive youth development. In 1994, the Search Institute published “What Kids Need to Succeed” with 40 Developmental Assets for raising children. Please review […]

Requires LopeswriteAssessment Description Research the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today. Select one issue (besides teen pregnancy) a teenager might come to discuss with a nurse in a h

Requires LopeswriteAssessment Description Research the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today. Select one issue (besides teen pregnancy) a teenager might come to discuss with a nurse in a health clinic at a local high school. In a 500-750-word paper include the following:  Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with […]

Read the following article: Answer the following questions based on the article attached above. All the answ

Read the following article: Answer the following questions based on the article attached above. All the answers should not exceed 2 pages: 1.       Identify the uses of toxicity and exposure data 2.       Identify reasons for the lack of data and discuss the effects of this problem on the market for chemicals 3.       Describe the […]