HELP ASAP Week 4 Post Reply 1   Latoya Lother posted Sep 9, 2024 18:48 Subscribe Previous   Next  This page automatically marks posts as read as you scroll. Adjust automatic marking as read setting What is critical race theory? Critical Race Theory (CRT) is the academic theory of how that racism is rooted and […]


HELP ASAP Week 4 Post Reply 2   Alexander Sheidu posted Sep 5, 2024 19:34 Subscribe Previous   Next   This page automatically marks posts as read as you scroll. Adjust automatic marking as read setting Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a framework that examines the ways race and racism intersect with politics, culture, and […]

Annual Budget

Identify the three largest areas of expenditure, e.g., public safety, social services, welfare. Analyze how the expenditure levels for these three areas have changed over the last 2 years. Identify the most important revenue sources and analyze how these have changed over the last 2 years.

Soc Gen Bodies

Module 3 Bodies Discussion & Test Questions For this assignment, write open-ended discussion and multiple-choice questions. Objectives · Develop a nuanced understanding of course concepts, theories, frameworks, research, etc. · Critically engage with the readings. · Contribute to class discussion and course reading quizzes by writing open-ended and multiple-choice questions. Class & Quiz Contributions Write […]

Social Science – Sociology Assignment 16

Please see attached file. Although policy often affects delivery of services, you are more likely to engage directly with a program created under the umbrella of a policy. And different states likely implement a given policy differently via unique programs. The ability to distinguish a program from a policy is an important feature of social […]

Social Science – Sociology Assignment 15

Please see attachment  BIAS AND SELF-AWARENESS As humans, we are constantly making judgments based on available information in order to survive. Some of those judgments involve categorizing people and places as “good” or “bad.” When we don’t have any available information—for example, we have not had any experience with that person or place—we might draw […]


  Consider a time that you felt confident. How would you describe this in behavioral terms? Carefully use Skinner’s analysis of “feeling” confident and outline possible contingencies to explain your “confidence”. (Note: You must include ALL required readings for this week and include 1 outside reference to earn full credit! Also remember you must respond […]

Week 4 Discussion Sociology

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Social Science – Sociology Assignment 11

Please see attached file  “Although policy may not be the major concern of a frontline social worker (a child protective services worker, for example), this worker’s professional responsibilities still involve policy concerns” (Popple & Leininger, p. 16). Imagine any social work setting, whether in child protective services, working with older adults and their families, or […]

Social Science – Sociology Assignment

Please see attached.  reflection on the ADDRESSING-GSA Self-Assessment and apply what you learned to social work practice. Specifically, answer the following questions: · What insights did you gain from the activity in terms of your identities and aspects of power and privilege? · In what ways do you envision your diverse identities and associated power, […]

Speech Outline- Introductory Speech-Famous Person

Prepare a speech outline by using the template provided, Introducing a famous person. Student Name: Class: SPC 3602 Date: Instructor Name: Title: Topic: General Purpose: Specific Purpose: Thesis Statement: Time: 2-4 minutes I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention-getter: B. Credibility statement: C. Relevance to audience statement: D. Preview of main points: Transition: II. BODY A. Body main […]


HELP ASAP Week 3 Discussion: India   Latoya Lother posted Sep 2, 2024 17:23 Subscribe Previous   Next   This page automatically marks posts as read as you scroll. Adjust automatic marking as read setting The situation in India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) presents significant dangers to religious […]


HELP ASAP Week 3 Zimbabwe  Robernece McGee-Bunley posted Sep 2, 2024 06:56 Subscribe Previous  Next   This page automatically marks posts as read as you scroll. Adjust automatic marking as read setting Gukurahundi translates to “the early rain which washes away the chaff before the spring rains”, which derives from a Shona- language in Zimbabwe. […]

Social Science Sport Law Project: Risk Management Presentation Assignment

 INSTRUCTIONS To complete this assignment, you will create a 15 to 20-slide PowerPoint presentation that combines the D.I.M. process of risk management to the managerial application section of your research assignment. The D.I.M. process is covered in course readings and provides you with a conceptual framework for your presentation including how to incorporate and apply […]

Discussion Thread: Intentional Torts and Criminal Acts

  Read the article(s) about the March 8th, 2004 NHL game between the Colorado Avalanche and the Vancouver Canucks located in the Learn section.  Determine what happened in the altercation and discuss the subsequent criminal charges as well as the civil suit that was filed.  1.  Was the handling of this incident consistent with what […]

Social Science Sport Law Project: Assignment

  SPORT LAW PROJECT: ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW While we regularly see issues and trends in the sport, tourism, and recreation industries make headlines in the media the, sometimes, underlying legal issues might not be as obvious. However, it is incumbent for a competent manager to understand how certain decisions, actions and the like might carry […]

Discussion Thread: Sport and Legislation

 The rapid growth of internet fantasy sports has raised the question as to whether sports statistics are information in the public domain or copyrightable information.  After reviewing the Read: NBA v. Motorola, Inc., 105 F.3d 841 case found in the Learn section, answer the following questions: 1.  What characteristics of player profiles and performance statistics […]

Discussion Thread: Legal and Ethical Considerations

 After reading the online articles posted in this week’s Learn section, what legal concepts would you need to take into consideration if you were a Christian coach at a public high school and were thinking of having a team prayer or devotional?  How could you incorporate your faith in a vocational setting that regulates a […]


Discussion 1: Core Concepts  Instruction : Answer the following questions in “answer and questions format”, that is, when you are posting, include both the questions and your answers. This format makes it easier for other students to read and reply to your post.   Questions:  1. Tatum describes identity as “complex” with many different factors.  As you […]

Discussion Thread: Sport Outreach Mission and Vision

 Read, review and provide specific feedback on at least 3 of your classmates Sport Outreach Plan drafts from the previous week. Each post should point out strengths with specific suggestions for improvement. Posts should include connections to Scripture. (Attached)

Soc Gen (ideas)

Chapter 1 Ideas Discussion & Test Questions For this assignment, write open-ended discussion and multiple-choice questions. Objectives · Develop a nuanced understanding of course concepts, theories, frameworks, research, etc. · Critically engage with the readings. · Contribute to class discussion and course reading quizzes by writing open-ended and multiple-choice questions. Class & Quiz Contributions Write […]

Sociology of Visual 2

For this assignment, you will select either a print or television advertisement from the 1960s and compose a short analytical essay (1000 to 1500 words) in which you consider how the visual culture constructed in the advertisement you chose reflected broader trends in American life at the time. You may search the bound periodicals in […]


    Starting this week, we will discuss the readings and understand population dynamics and their profound impacts.


HELP ASAP Week 2 Discussion: Reducing Prejudice   Subscribe Imagine that you are tasked with creating an activity to help reduce racial/ethnic prejudice for one of the following groups:  an online undergraduate sociology class; an in-person elementary school class; or an office environment with 25 employees. Alternatively, identify a recent social situation in the news […]


HELP ASAP Week 4 Discussion: Critical Race Theory and Structural Racism   Subscribe Many contemporary sociologists use Critical Race Theory to help explain the sources and consequences of structural racism in society. After reading and watching this week’s Learning Resources, please explain Critical Race Theory in your own words, and then answer the following question: […]


HELP ASAP Week 3 Discussion: Oppression, Slavery, and Genocide   Subscribe Choose one of the country case studies of mass atrocities on the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) website ( ).  In your main post, briefly summarize the case and explain how the situation presents a danger to a particular racial/ethnic group or set of […]


 SPORT OUTREACH PLAN – MISSION AND VISION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW As a step in creating a comprehensive Sport Outreach Plan, you will create mission and vision statements, an organizational structure, staffing and funding plans for your proposed Sport Outreach organization. Your work should be informed by the assigned textbook reading for Module 2 and consistent […]

Social Science – Sociology Assignment

please see attached file · When you think of yourself as a cultural being, what do you want others to know? · How does your own cultural story influence your ability to work in cross-cultural situations? What are you bringing to the social work profession? · How does this connect to your desire to become […]

Social Science – Sociology Assignment

Please see attached file  Social welfare is a concept central to social work, its history, and its mission.  Policy is a term used broadly, in many disciplines, and at varying institutional and political levels. The two terms—social welfare and social welfare policy—though often used synonymously, are not interchangeable. In order to improve social welfare, social workers engage […]

Digital Portfolio Help

Doing a digutal portfolio in Sociology class and I’m not sure what to do. Can someone help? 

Soc Visual culture

How has technology enabled visual culture in different historical moments and how does it influence what we think and know?

Discussion Thread: Sport Outreach Target Populations

 Read, review and provide specific feedback on at least 3 of your classmates Sport Outreach Plan drafts from the previous week. Each post should point out strengths with specific suggestions for improvement. Posts should include connections to Scripture. (See attached)


Do you agree with Matt Normand’s assumption that as behavior analysts, we are first scientists? Why or why not? What are the implications of acting as a scientist and how can you ensure that you will practice along these guidelines? (Note: You must include ALL required readings for this week and include 1 outside reference […]

Document Check

Please can you assist with the attached document? Please see related questions. After reviewing  The 8 Dimensions of Wellness: Where Do You Fit In?, https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/8-dimensions-of-wellness-where-do-you-fit-in-0527164, and this brief video on  The Eight Dimensions of Wellness, Reflect on your own wellness wheel, respond to the following questions: · Which  dimensions of wellness are you currently satisfying, and […]


Please see attached.  Personal Statement Autobiography (uploaded electronic document) Your autobiography should be approximately four pages in length, double-spaced, and the following topics must be addressed within the narrative: 1. Motivation for social service, social work education, and a career in the profession: State your reasons for wanting to pursue an MSW degree. Why are […]

SS 1110 MOD 6 ASSN 1

  Overview: For this assignment, you will write a 4-5 pag describing the role and structure of Congress.  Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow AP a Instructions: In Module 6 we learned about the main role and structure of Congress. Complete this assignment as follows: For this assignment, you will write […]

SS 1110 MOD 6 ASSN 2

  Overview: For this assignment, you will prepare a creative deliverable that describes the evolving role of the courts. You will be able to choose whichever format you wish for your deliverable.  Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow AP a Instructions: In Module 6, we learned about the role of courts […]

SS 1110 MOD 6 DB

  Research the historical evolution of the presidency. Post an article discussing either the expanded power of the presidency or the limitations of the power of the presidency. Is the presidency too powerful?  Discuss. Respond to at least two (2) peers offering additional depth and insight. 

SS 1110 MOD 5 DB

  Choose a specific interest group to discuss. Post a link to the website of the interest group you chose. Discuss what their purpose is and what issues they advocate for. How successful at canvassing is this particular interest group? How do interest groups provide a means for political participation? What are some barriers to […]

SS 1110 MOD 5 ASSN 2

  Overview: For this assignment, you will prepare a creative deliverable that discusses political parties and what they do in American politics. You will be able to choose whichever format you wish for your deliverable.  Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow AP Instructions: In Module 5, we learned about American political […]


Please see the attached documents for the case study; please use the case study and the provided source website to fill out and complete the document form accordingly with the required notes.   Thank you! 

The Sociology Perspective

What is sociology? Summarize the Sociology Perspective. Compare and contrast  Functionalism and conflict of the theological framework of  sociology. 

Pain Scale

  Health professionals use the Pain scales for assessment during hospital visit, out-patient/in-patient procedures etc. Patients typically self-reports their pain using a specially designed scale from 0 to 10 to indicate pain level. Health experts use the pain scale to better identify/recognize certain aspects of the patient pain-level, including pain duration, severity, and type. Do […]