3-1 soc

There are major changes occurring in our social world regarding drug use and legalization. Most states have legalized medicinal marijuana, and around half have legalized recreational use of the drug. And there is a popular view that minority communities are more prone to drug abuse than are White regions. The data, however, indicate that African […]


29 Seydou Ke”ita, Untitled, 1952-55 30 Seydou Ke’ita. Untitled, 1952-55 31 Seydou Ke”ita, Untitled, 1952-55 32 Seydou Ke·11a, Untitled, 1950 34 Malick Sidibe, Les deux amis !The two friends), 1975 35 Malick Sidi be, Au scud,o Malick (At Studio Malick), 1969 36 Malick Sidibl!. Amis des espognoles (Friends of the Spanish), 1968 38 Malick Sidibe, […]

Social Science – Sociology Assignment

Please see attached file. Some cultures view death not as an endpoint but as a beginning, or not as a distinct separation but merely a thin veil or doorway through which a person passes. Other cultures esteem the older generations and honor them for their wisdom, whereas others regard elders as incapable of contributing to […]

Ethics mod5

To be or not to be…a determinist. Now that you’ve had a chance to think about determinism, what do you think? Is it a persuasive theory – why or why not? In this discussion board, please answer this question by arguing why the mind IS reducible to the physical brain, or IS NOT so reducible?


  a) Kant’s Categorical Imperative b) Mill’s Principle of Utility You must first explain the author’s argument then give a step by step argument explaining why you think the argument is plausible or implausible. If you defend the argument you must explain a possible objection (problem) and explain why the author would be able to […]

PowerPoint presentation

You will create a Power Point Presentation to assist others in learning to overcome burnout/compassion fatigue and time management.

Social Science – Sociology Assignment 8

PLEASE SEE ATTACHED FILE The death of a loved one is a significant event experienced by everyone at some point in their lives. Thus, it is important for social workers to understand how grief affects surviving friends and family. Models of grieving establish the general stages or process through which an individual progresses; however, these […]

Spiritual Histories and Appropriate Spiritual Care Interventions/Recommendations

In FACT, chaplains have a spiritual assessment tool Spiritual assessment has become part of healthcare chaplaincy. Mark LaRocca-Pitts outlines five ‘spiritual history’ tools (CSI-MEMO, FICA, HOPE, FAITH, and SPIRIT) and then presents FACT which, he argues, is a spiritual assessment tool for chaplains (and perhaps other healthcare clinicians) to use in an acute care setting. […]

Sociology aging d2

1. Describe each of the Big Five. a. Neuroticism, b. Extroversion, c. Openness to Experience, d. Agreeableness, and e. Conscientiousness. 2. Describe the impact of Impression Management on social, and work relationships. 3. Give one example of Impression Management you have noted in school, at work, or with friends or family.

Sociology of Aging J1

Journal 1. In all journal entries write minimally 500 words, number and answer all questions, integrate cite and reference all sources. Talk like a demographer: Watch the Population Reference Bureau videos Watch the Population Reference Bureau video: “Distilled Demographics: Deciphering Population Pyramids”  Links to an external site.   and Distilled Demographics: Where Do Population Data […]

Sociology culture ec

   Choose any two lines from the song and explain what you think each of them means. Be detailed and thorough.   2. Choose a different third line from the song and relate it back to the course material. (Hint: Unit 5 may be the most applicable but you can use anything you’ve learned in […]

Cultural Sociology 6

Write a one paragraph summary of “Tattooing the Body, Marking Culture.” How is it relevant to the course material in this unit? 2. What is the most interesting thing you learned from the “Body Size and Culture” slides and article? Why did you find it interesting? 3. Think of the micro-politics, the power struggles and attempts […]


   You will analyze 5 cases during this course. Note that each case can be found in your textbook’s required readings. In evaluating your Case Analysis Assignments, instructors will apply the Case Analysis Grading Rubric. 

Discussion Thread: Scholarly Publications for Reviewing Literature

  In this module, you are required to develop an annotated bibliography of articles relevant to the research topic that you chose. As you read, note the journals in which your articles are published and discuss the following questions: What are some of the most interesting and informative publications (i.e., journals)? Are they published by […]


   Prepare and submit an annotated bibliography consisting of the 15 peer-reviewed professional sources to be used weekly in several proceeding assignments through the end of the term. Your focus will be on one of the following: See attached document


   what “wise endurance of the soul” means. 2. Explain clearly why Laches’ first two definitions fail, and thus why he ends up saying courage is, “wise endurance of the soul

Social Science – Philosophy Homework

  After reviewing your readings and the videos, answer all of the following questions. 1) Based on the first video, what is philosophy of religion not?  2) Complete the chart below. You can copy/paste it into your discussion post to fill out. Identify who came up with each proof and describe how it attempts to […]


In ·1he Heart of Darkness’ Olu Oguibe Prehisto,y. History. Posthistory. It is evidence o f the arrogance o l Occidental culture an d discourse lhat even the concept of history should be turned into a colony whose borders. \raliditie-s, structures an d configurations. even life tenure. ara solely and enti rely d ecided by the […]

Social Science – Sociology Assignment 8

Please see attached file   What does it mean to age “successfully”? Though the concept of success is relative, theories of successful aging explain factors that support individuals as they grow old. Factors such as maintaining physical and mental activity and disengaging from community obligations contribute to older adults’ ability to function. As a social […]

cognitive theory analysis of ella shultz

In 1–2 sentences, identify and describe the presenting problem. In 1–2 sentences, briefly define and conceptualize the problem from a cognitive-behavioral theoretical orientation. Formulate two assessment questions that you will ask the client to better understand the client’s problem. Remember, the assessment questions should be guided by cognitive-behavioral theory. In 1–2 sentences, identify two goals […]

Cultural sociology

1. What is a recent event that “just happened” but became culturally meaningful? Why did this event become meaningful while many other things that “just happened” did not? Be very specific and detailed. 2. How is the Black Lives Matter movement framed? Be specific and discuss at least two ways it is framed. (This may […]

module 1

Instructions You will write one module response per module (for a total of four). Please pay careful attention to the rubric below for information on how you will be evaluated and the types of things that will lead to automatic point deductions. The module response must consist of 10 paragraphs total (think of a paragraph […]

critical reasoning

Unmasking the Truth: A Research-Driven Exploration of Logical Fallacies in Healthcare As future nurses, you’re tasked with not only providing compassionate care but also navigating a healthcare landscape saturated with information, opinions, and agendas. This assignment challenges you to become a discerning detective, uncovering logical fallacies that often masquerade as truth within healthcare discourse. Part […]


Research Proposal In weeks 1, 3, and 5, you will work on a research proposal. This assignment progresses in stages so that at the end of the course, you will have a completed proposal and understand the components of the research process. Overall, the assignment will help you think about research approaches and how they […]


 OVERVIEW (See Attached Documents) You will analyze 5 cases during this course. Note that each case can be found in your textbook’s required readings. In evaluating your Case Analysis Assignments, instructors will apply the Case Analysis Grading Rubric.

Social Science – Sociology Assignment 2

Please see attached file.  Naturally, death and dying is also a biological change that occurs in later adulthood. As older adults age, they may experience diseases that impact their already vulnerable organ and immune systems such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, and cardiovascular issues. They may die painlessly at home surrounded by the support of many loved […]

Social Science – Sociology Assignment

Please see attached file You may be familiar with the phrases, “You’re only as old as you feel” and “age is nothing but a number.” To what extent do you believe these common sayings? Do you see yourself as younger or older than your biological age? And what are your views on the aging process—is […]

Social Science – Sociology Incidents of Inequality Assignment

SOC-100 Incidents of Inequality Instructions: Locate two recent news stories or article within the last 5 years that describes incidents of gender, age, racial, and ethnic discrimination. Be sure each is of a different type of discrimination (age, gender, race, and/or ethnicity, etc.). After locating two incidents of gender, age, racial, or ethnic discrimination, use […]


African influence on Modernist art: Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse Picasso’s Demoiselles D’Avignon, painted in 1907, marked a turning point in modern art, and was influenced by African art. Although he denied it at first, Picasso later admitted to the deep impact that African art had on his work. The African sculptural influence is very […]

Cultural Sociology

   1. Write a short summary of “The $12 Million Stuffed Shark” and explain how it is relevant to the material we covered in this unit. 2. Where should sociologists focus their study: high culture or popular culture? Why? 3. Apply some of the theories from cultural sociology that we have learned thus far to […]


Part 1 – For this assignment list 6 Human Service Agencies in your community (Brooklyn, New York), (Argus Community www.arguscommunity.org ) Please list this one as I will use in part two of this assignment. that you have an interest in. In your next assignments you will choose one of these agencies to contact and […]

Social Science – Sociology Assignment

Please see attached file. Misconceptions and stereotypes abound with regard to gender and sexuality. This is due to many factors, including media portrayals of LGBTQ individuals, outdated understandings, and socialization within the family and culture. Social workers must strive to avoid these misconceptions and remain bias-free while also making the best possible client decisions. By […]

Social Science – Sociology Weekly Assignment 2

Read Chapters 3,4 and 5 in the attached textbook. Answer the following questions separately while referencing material from the text. 1.  List and describe the three stages of the interpersonal perception process.  2. Discuss the difference(s) between the halo effect and the horn effect.  3. How are stereotyping and prejudice related? Name three ways they […]

Healthcare Management

Detail of how paper should be Title for this paper will be “Managing Healthcare Bullying in the workplace” · APA format (including an  APA title page,body, and reference page ). Please utilize 7th edition of APA format. For information on formatting an APA document, look to the resources from  APA Style.org · Must be 1500-1800 words. […]

Social and Political Philosophy

Discuss John Rawls’ idea of the “Veil of Ignorance” and evaluate how it is said to establish a fair distribution of wealth. What is the purpose of the “veil” and what is it supposed to accomplish?


The African Slave Trade The slave trade is sometimes called the ‘Maafa’ by African and African-American scholars, meaning ‘holocaust’ or ‘great disaster’ in Swahili. More than 11 million Africans were subjected to the horrors of slavery, and millions more died in the Middle Passage – the terrible journey between Africa and the New World. The […]

Social Science Healthcare Administration major assignment

Task: Respond to the following questions in four short paragraphs, one dedicated to each question. 1. As you moved through this course, you were asked to complete various portions of research: proposal, outlines, annotated bibliography, and the research itself. These were designed to facilitate the process of learning about research and the steps that could/should […]

Social Science – Sociology Assignment 5

Please see attached file You may think of someone’s sexual orientation as a fixed part of their identity—gay, straight, asexual, bisexual, etc. But this is not true for all. For some, sexuality is fluid, meaning it changes over time and due to environmental factors and life circumstances. For others, they may be living one reality […]

Homeland Security

Ethics case study Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the required resources for Week 5, review the Week 5 content in the PHI208: Ethics & Moral ReasoningLinks to an external site. interactive multimedia, and review the Reading PhilosophyLinks to an external site. video from the Week 1. You should also consult the Research […]

Subculture in the U.S

 How is Becker’s article “Art Worlds” relevant to the material we have covered so far?  How is “Framing Fat” (the book summarized in the assigned blog post) relevant to the material we have covered so far?  Select a subculture within US culture, perhaps one that you are a part of such as a religious group, […]

discussion 3

PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT  As you likely know from your own life, human relationships are complex. As such, social workers may find it difficult to keep these important interactions in mind when addressing an individual client’s needs. Several tools have been developed to assist in understanding and assessing relationships in the context of social work. One […]

For Ms Deanna

sociology research help PRICIPLES OF SOCIOLOGY SOCL 151 10 of 16 Research Project Guidelines 80 Points This research project will provide you with the opportunity to conduct a sociological analysis on a topic of homeless of your choosing from one of the topics below. You will write a 5-7 page paper. For this paper, you […]

Bystander Training to Address Workplace Bullying

An outline is a helpful way to focus and order your ideas on a topic. Without a plan for writing, you may find yourself veering from the main topic and away from your central argument. There are different kinds of outlines such as  topic outlines and sentence outlines . You have likely created those in the […]


Please see the attached document for instructions and related questions.  Thanks. Life Planning This life planning workshop worksheet provides practice for providing career recommendations. This will help you to provide career recommendations in your career assessment report. If you had several clients, how might you develop a life-planning workshop to support these individuals? What would […]


Please see the attached document for questions related to each scenario. Please respond to each specific question.  Thank you!


U.S. Government ‹#› Introductory Lecture Keys to Course Success Being prepared (having done the reading) Answering discussion questions thoughtfully Emailing me if you have concerns or questions Coming to office hours if you need concept clarification What is government? What would life be like without government? Why do we need government? What do you think […]


DEVIANT AND IT’S CONSEQUENCES ASSIGNMENT Choose a deviant behavior to research. Locate references (e.g., current news stories, pop culture, and reality TV shows) that convey deviant behavior being accepted or rejected/scorned. Choose a current reality TV show, specific song or artist, or current news story to analyze deviant behavior that is either accepted or rejected. […]

Song review

Connect socio-historical context and theoretical music theory, to critically analysis a song.


Module 2 Overview Conceptual Foundations of African Art For this module, you have two very important readings. The first is “The Development and Study of African Art” by Frank Willett. Here he breaks down these notions of primitive art, and challenges us to consider African sculpture, for example, as a highly sophisticated art form with […]