Module 2 Overview Conceptual Foundations of African Art For this module, you have two very important readings. The first is “The Development and Study of African Art” by Frank Willett. Here he breaks down these notions of primitive art, and challenges us to consider African sculpture, for example, as a highly sophisticated art form with […]

Life Science W2

W2 End of Week Assignment Explain Four Systems Note: This assignment has two parts. How does the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory work together in exercise? The human body works together with many connective systems. We learn about them as individual systems but they are all interconnected. The skeletal system gives structure and form for […]

Ethics and Moral Philosophy

Ethics and Moral Philosophy Both phenomenology and existentialism sought to respond to the impasse created by the debate between deontology and utilitarianism by offering a new account or a ‘third way’ between the two. Compare and contrast the existentialist and phenomenological attempts to produce a new moral theory beyond utilitarianism and beyond Kant. Do any […]


Write a paper of between 500-750 words on You have encountered various theories of knowledge and theories of being in this course, beginning with Plato/Socrates (as well as pre-Socratics like Parmenides), Descartes and the rationalists, empiricism, and Kantian constructivism. The phenomenological method as described in Week 7 can also give us tools for a theory […]

Social Science – Sociology Assignment 2

Please see attachment below.  As you likely know from your own life, human relationships are complex. As such, social workers may find it difficult to keep these important interactions in mind when addressing an individual client’s needs. Several tools have been developed to assist in understanding and assessing relationships in the context of social work. […]

discussion 4

Please see attachment.  Poverty has a strong influence on the lives of adults. When an adult lives in poverty, the effects extend beyond that individual to all those who depend on the adult. The problem of poverty in the life of an adult becomes a family or community problem, and few social problems are more […]

Teachers Values

This is a Website Creation Assignment. Please see attached documents for information required to create a professional teacher website using the attached Checklist, Resources and Needed/Required Info. Please use the free website creation section. 

Teachers Values

I need help with the assignment in the attachment below, and please use the additional attached file to complete the assignment.

Exemplar 6

Indicate what is the best course of action for a professional social worker using ethical codes.


Directions: Please change the charts below label each figure in vertical axis. (EXCEL MUST BE USED) (Changes can be made but the content must be kept as it states below.) Changes in motivation 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Staff Volunteers Changes No Changes Preservation of staffs and volunteers 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 […]

Teachers Values

 I need help completing the NOTES in the assignment attached.   TL12 – Qualities of Effective Teachers Objective: Learners will review the qualities of effective educators and assess their own personal strengths and weaknesses for personal growth.  Researchers have identified that teacher behaviors contribute to student achievement in the classroom. Several researchers have worked diligently to identify […]

Teachers Values

 Need help completing the 3 assignments in the attached document. Please provide the 3 assignments separately.


Please see the attached document for specific instruction and outline of each question sections and related questions that needs to be specifically addressed. 


Please see the attached document for an overview and specific instructions for related questions. Case Study Chloe is a 33-year-old woman who recently moved back in with her father after her fiancée was killed in a car accident six months ago. She had dated her fiancée for five years, and they had been engaged for […]

Teachers Values

Need help completing the attached assignment. Self-Reflection Number 1 Think about your experience with mental health concerns, biases, and stereotypes. Being able to identify our personal biases towards mental illness or people who suffer with mental health problems is important. Self-awareness and being in touch with your level of comfort with this topic will help […]


How does medieval philosophy build on ancient ethical traditions and transform moral philosophy in light of the Christian religion? Considering the debates between natural law theorists and divine command theorists in the Middle Ages, does medieval ethics still fall victim to the Euthyphro Dilemma? APA 500 words


 moral term or phrase such as “should” “duty” “must” “obligation” “is it moral”  “is it immoral?”   

Teachers Values

 I need help responding to the questions in the attached document.  TL11 – Vision of an Educator Objective: Learners will write out their personal vision of the characteristics and qualities that they hope to possess as an effective educator. You have covered quite a bit of ground by almost completing all your modules. It important that […]

Teachers Values

I need help responding to the questions in the attached document. TL2 – Professional Collaboration Objective: Learners will identify skills that will assist them in collaborating with various professional on their campus.         “It starts with being grateful. Once we have learned to practice being grateful, it changes our lives.”  – Flip Flippen   […]

Fast Indexing STeps

 Telescoping fishing rods have revolutionized the fishing world, offering a blend of convenience, portability, and performance. These rods are designed to collapse into a compact form, making them easy to transport and store. 

Teachers Values

  I need help answering the questions in the attachment. Please see the additional attachment. R9 – Sheltered Instruction and Comprehensible Content Objective: Learners will demonstrate effective use of SIOP strategies to support English Language Learners by providing content area examples for each of the 8 techniques and incorporating a Comprehensible Input technique in the lesson planning […]

Teachers Values

I need help completing the attached assignment. This file is too large to display.View in new window

Teachers Values

I need help completing the assignment. Need video recording, but don’t worry about it. Need only contents for the video.     

Teachers Values

  I need help answering the questions in the attachment.     R5 – Strategies for Narrative and Expository Texts Objective: Learners will demonstrate a technique for reading expository text by selecting a KWL chart to assist readers in their content area.  Developing readers spend the first few years of school mastering the building blocks of reading. If students […]

Teachers Values

  I need help answering the questions in the attachment.    R4 – Motivation Objective: Learners will describe how to implement an instructional feature to increase reading motivation in their content area.    Consider the reader who sits down to lunch with a new novel that she has chosen. She becomes so engaged in reading that she […]

Teachers Values

I need help completing the assignment in the attachment. R1 – What is Reading? Objective: Learners will describe themselves as a reader, the meaning of “reading,” and strategies they employ to ensure comprehension.   Go to your text, First Year Teachers Survival Guide > Read “Strengthen the Skills that can Make a Difference for your Students” – pp. […]

Discussion Thread: Paying for College Sports Program

  According to your textbook, the amount of money spent every year on intercollegiate sports varies from less than $500,000 at some small schools to over $160 million at some larger schools. Even though the vast majority of college sports teams are not “big time,” people use what they see and read in the media […]

Discussion Thread: Sport and the American Dream

  The American Dream is a hopeful vision of boundless opportunities for individuals to succeed economically and live a happy life based on consumption. This uniquely American belief that “you can be anything you want to be” never acknowledges that a person’s class position influences life chances or that life chances influence patterns of social […]

Social Science – Sociology Assignment 4

Please see attachment  Picture someone standing in the middle of a bridge. First, they look back at where they have been and what they have done along the way to that point; then they look forward, seeing what little space they have left to travel and considering the extent they will be able to make […]

Discussion 3

Please see attachment.  The unique pressures of young and middle adulthood—financial and career ambitions, building a family, caring for older relatives—can contribute to mental health and substance use issues. It is important to remember that these issues affect not only the individual but also loved ones living in the same home such as partners and […]

Teachers Values

   I need help responding to the questions in the attachment.   EQUITY FOR ALL- Emergent Bilingual Students (EBS) Objective: Learners will list 5 strategies for working with EBS students that would be appropriate for the content area/grade level. Emergent Bilingual Students (also known as English Language Learners – ELLs)  are those students who indicate that English is not […]

Teachers Values

  I need help responding to the questions in the attachment.  EQUITY 10 – Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Objective: Learners will compare and contrast 504 with IDEA. There are times when a student may go through the special education referral process and not meet the legal requirements outlined in IDEA, therefore making that student ineligible […]

Teachers Values

 I need help responding to the questions in the attachment. EQUITY 8 – How Difficult Can This Be: Response & Discussion Objective: Learners will list ways teachers can support students with learning disabilities. As a classroom teacher, it is important to know how students with learning disabilities  feel when sitting in their learning environment.   Rick Lavoie is […]

Teachers Values

 I need help responding to the questions in the attachment. Please see additional attachment.   EQUITY 7 – Assistive Technology Objectives:  Learners will demonstrate an understanding of assistive technology and identify technologies and tools to implement in their classroom and LPG.    As educators, we are constantly selecting activities, preparing questions and discussion prompts to […]

Teachers Values

 I need help responding to the questions in the attachment   EQUITY 6 – Modifications and Accommodations Objective:  Learners will list specific accommodations and modifications for a student with an IEP. Students that qualify for special education services will have an ARD to determine necessary accommodations. or modifications.  Once these adjustments become part of the […]

Teachers Values

 I need help responding to the questions in the attachment.  EQUITY FOR ALL: 2 – The Identification Process Objective: Learners will describe the three tiers of the RTI process for each level. This widely used  Framework for Systemic Social and Emotional Learning identifies five core  that educate hearts, inspire minds, and help people navigate the world more […]

Teachers Values

  I need help completing the assignment in the attachment.     CBM9 – Welcoming Parent Letter Objective:  Learners will create a positive introduction letter to be sent home with their students on the first day to encourage support and open communication with parents.   No matter what your students’ age, communicating with parents, and getting them […]

Teachers Values

 I need help answering the 3 questions in the assignment in the attachment.    CBM22 – Discussion Hi Team! I hope you are doing well, and the good news is you are about  50% through the coursework! Congratulations! “Ok. Your students all showed up for class; now what?” Management is usually one of the biggest […]

Identify 3 flaws in the research design that might impact the validity, reliability, and generalizability of the research outcomes.

Purpose of the Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to have you evaluate sociological research design. You will do this by identifying flaws and proposing solutions to those flaws in validity, reliability, and generalizability found in the research methodology of the provided research scenario. You will also demonstrate your sociological understanding of groups and leadership.  Through […]


Joseph Campbell’s theories on mythology and the Hero’s Journey connect mythology to our everyday lived realities. In this module, you learned that all myths follow the arc of the Hero’s Journey and that the Hero’s Journey is as influenced by real-life experiences as it is the inspiration for future human creation. Instructions: Think of a […]

Teachers Values

I need help completing the assignment in the attachment.   THERE ARE 2 PARTS TO THE ASSIGNMENT, please submit them separately.

Teachers Values

 I need help completing the assignment in the attachment.    CBM7 – Handling Classroom Discipline Objective:  After analyzing various scenarios dealing with classroom management, learners will reflect on a prevention plan.  After analyzing field notes and a video of a teacher with excellent management skills, learners will point out specific techniques employed. Rules can become […]

Teachers Values

I need help completing the assignment in the attachment.   CBM6 – Classroom Management Plan Objective:  After reviewing the elements of a comprehensive classroom management plan, learners will develop their own plan –including rules, rationale, consequences, and rewards. Procedures and rules are essential classroom tools that help create a safe learning environment.  In addition to clearly […]

Teachers Values

I need help completing the assignment in the attachment.   THERE ARE 2 PARTS TO THIS ASSIGNMENT. Please submit them separately.

Teachers Values

   I need help completing the assignments in the attachment.      CBM4 – Strategies Supporting Classroom Behavior Management Teach Like A Champion.  You have taken the time to plan out the physical layout of your classroom.  You have thought about how to get everything organized.  Now it’s time for the show to begin and it’s natural to […]

Teachers Values

   I need help completing the assignments in the attachment.      CBM3 – Be Welcoming on the First Day Objective:  Learners will plan how to address the sources of student anxiety on the first day of school and outline their rules and grading policy.  You have taken the time to plan out the physical layout of your […]

Teachers Values

  I need help completing the assignments in the attachment.     CBM2 – Creating Positive Classroom Relationships Objective: Learners will mentally list adjectives describing the first impression they want to convey to their students.   In the module, This Is Us, you reflected on your past experiences with teachers.  When you were asked to reflect on your ideal teacher and the […]

Teachers Values

  I need help completing the assignments in the attachment.    CBM1-Classroom Organization for Productivity Objective:  Learners will create a classroom floor plan and seating chart for their content and grade level that maximizes learning and time on task, minimizes distractions and accounts for disabilities/behaviors/attributes of sample students.  Now that we have learned how to develop engaging lessons, […]

Teachers Values

 I need help completing the assignments in the attachment.   Series 4 – Turn Around Tactics Occasionally, a campus may have very poor student performance that requires intensive focus to make great strides in student achievement.  District leaders across the state are implementing these types of strategies to make up for academic loss due to pandemic […]