Teachers Values

 I need help completing the assignments in the attachment.  Series 3 – Building Relationships CASEL defines social and emotional learning (SEL) as an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions […]

Teachers Values

I need help completing the assignments in the attachment. Series 2 – First Days of School As a reminder, below is an abbreviated list of Hattie’s research and some of the most influential strategies to implement in the classroom.   Classroom Composition Characteristics: –          Small group learning –          Mentoring –  […]

Teachers Values

I need help completing the assignments in the attachment. 1) DIRECTIONS:    Your reflections should answer the specific target question(s) and identify techniques and practices that you would want to implement in your own classroom. Each reflection should be 3-5 complete sentences in the text box entry.  -You have unlimited time to complete the quiz, and […]


SOWK544 Social Work Competencies Self-Reflection Assignment Instructions Overview You will use the associated template for assignment’s submission. For each competency self-reflection assignment, you will complete a self-reflection on specific competencies Please ensure you are using the correct template by confirming the competency included in the template correlates with that week’s assignment. As emerging social work professionals, […]


 Is it moral for parents to conceive a child in order to save the life of a sibling?  In this written assignment, you will create an ethics case study based on provided topics, resources, and ethical questions. Your tasks here are to present the case study and the information necessary to consider it. You will […]

Sociology 2ab

Review Goffman’s ideas in the chapter about social interaction and the presentation of self.  How have social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, and others, affected the presentation of self?  Might our virtual presence change the way Goffman described our front and back stage selves?  In what ways might Cooley and Mead add to this understanding? Put simply, (how) has the virtual […]

Teachers Values

Kindly help me complete the attached assignment on grading tips. Teachers certification course C12 – Grading Tips The standard-based system for the past 20 years has been the educator’s mapping manual of how we align our learning expectations for children in every grade and every content area in our school system. It has been a […]


  Think of and describe a group that could be considered a subculture (or counterculture).  (If you choose to write about a counterculture, be sure to identify it as such.)    Why should this group be considered a subcultural group?  Identify some of the beliefs, norms (folkways, mores, and laws), and values that are associated with this particular cultural group and how they […]

Week 5 Discussion Board: How I’d Like to be Evaluated as a Coach

  The purpose of this discussion board is to reflect on and describe how you would like to be evaluated as a coach. There are 2 parts to this discussion. Part 1: Using the worksheets in chapter 10, summarize how coaches should be evaluated and discuss the practical considerations for conducting coach evaluations. Identify at […]

Teachers Values

This assignment requires a video presentation. Do NOT worry about the video, all I need are the talking points to create the video. Also, the assignment is a follow up to the assignment containing the “DELIVERY PLAN 2022” DOCUMENT. Please see attached details. Furthermore, make sure that the DELIVERY PLAN is completely written out.   

Teachers Values

I need help completing the attached assignments. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE HIGHLIGHTED SECTIONS WITH CERTAIN INSTRUCTIONS. The resources needed to complete the assignment are in the external links in the instructions attached.   PLEASE USE THE ATTACHED “DELIVERY PLAN 2022” DOCUMENT TO COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT. 

Teachers Values

I need help completing the attached assignments. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE HIGHLIGHTED SECTIONS WITH CERTAIN INSTRUCTIONS. The resources needed to complete the assignment are in the external links in the instructions attached.     PLEASE USE THE ATTACHED “SELF-EVALUATION RUBRIC” DOCUMENT TO COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT.  

Week 8 Sociology

Introduction to Sociology– Week #8 Assignment Stereotypes Think back to the stereotypes that you have seen in the past. For the assignment this week, write a 750 (or more) word, APA style paper that addresses the following: ·         List a few of the stereotypes or types of stereotypes. ·         In what ways do they exaggerate the group? ·         What […]


Possible Paper Topics: Sumerian Civilization, Old Kingdom Egypt, New Kingdom Egypt, the Hittites, the Assyrians, the Mycenaeans, the Minoans, Athenian Democracy, the Persian Wars, the Peloponnesian War, the Constitution of the Roman Republic, the Punic Wars, the Roman Army, Augustus Caesar, Roman Religion, Roman Family Life, Roman Persecution of Christianity, the Conversion of Constantine, Fall […]


  Why/How does this institution fit Smith’s (2017) definition of religion? Were you able to intuit or learn about any notions of the “superhuman power” on which the organization centers? What activities did you observe that you believe constitution the “practices of religion” that are core to Smith’s definition? Were you able to grasp some […]

Teachers Values

I need to complete the assignments in the attached document. The resources needed to complete the assignment are in the external links in the instructions. Please follow all instructions.

Teachers Values

I need to complete the assignments in the attached document.    Teachers certification course C6 – Planning Assessment Objective: Learners will explain terms associated with assessment (assessment, baseline data, formative and summative) and plan three creative formative and summative assessments for their objective (6 total).  Learners will evaluate the best one to write into the […]

Teachers Values

The resources needed to complete the assignment is in the external links in the instructions attached. Teachers certification course C5 – Academic Language Objective: Learners will utilize the five elements of academic language in the lesson plan evaluate the best examples to write into the Lesson Plan Guide (LPG) form.   Academic Language  Academic Language […]

Social Science – Sociology Assignment 6

Please see attached file You may have heard young adulthood described as “the prime of life,” and biologically speaking this is certainly true. Individuals at this stage are generally at their peak strength and stamina. In middle adulthood, however, when metabolism begins to slow, maintaining fitness becomes more difficult. Health concerns also tend to increase […]

Social Science – Sociology Assignment 3

Please see attachment . When did you become an adult? Was it the day you turned 18, the day you graduated high school, or the day you moved out of your parents’ or caregivers’ home? The authors of your course text, Zastrow et al., use the term  young adulthood for ages 18 to 30, and  middle […]

Teachers Values

I need the assignment in the attachment completed. Teachers certification course C4 – Central Focus, Learning Targets and Task Analysis Objective: Given an objective, the learner will identify the Central Focus of the lesson and then complete a task analysis to identify the skills, content, procedures, and vocabulary needed for a student to master the objective […]

Teachers Values

I need the assignment in the attachment completed. Please follow the instructions. Teachers certification course SS13 Qualities of Effective Teachers Objective:  Learners will write SMART objectives for their content area, using measurable verbs.  Learners will write a SMART objective as the foundation for the lesson they are planning.  Academic Language: Language Vocabulary needed for this module: […]

Teachers Values

I need the assignment in the attachment completed. Teachers certification course C2 – Start with the End in Mind The terms Backwards Planning,  Backwards Design, and Teaching for Understanding in the book Understanding by Design (UbD) all refer to the practice of keeping the “end in mind.”  In a world filled with data, it is essential to […]

Teachers Values

I need the questions in the attachment completed. Teachers certification course 1. What is a readiness standard, as described in the TEKS? 2. What is a supporting standard, as described in the TEKS?   3. What is a process standard, as described in the TEKS?

Teachers Values

Please see detailed instructions attached titled Apps in the Classroom Teachers certification course Apps in the Classroom Objective:  Learners will identify two technology apps for EACH level of Bloom’s Taxonomy and add them to their GO TO Page.  Learners will select a favorite technology app and discuss how it aligns with the selected taxonomy level, […]

Social Science – Sociology WEEK 9 ASSIGNMENT Diversity and Ethics Cover Letter

Diversity and Ethics Cover Letter Objective: Apply the sociological concepts you’ve learned to the task of writing a cover letter. You are applying to be part of a diversity, inclusion, and ethics team at your school or workplace. As part of the application process, you must write a cover letter to the head of the diversity […]

market reproduction

Statement 1: We need to address Dr. Nguyen’s concerns further. What are the long-term implications of relying on market arbitration? Though the market’s neutrality means it is not inherently biased, manipulating the system for something unintended could have disastrous, unforeseen consequences. We should present ethical conclusions to the public, not slide them into the public […]

Teachers Values

Using Apps in the Classroom PLEASE DETAILS IN THE ATTACHMENT. This assignment is in a video presentation format. You do NOT need to worry about the presentation. It will be done by the actual student.  Please select the Apps that would be used in the classroom, prepare a PowerPoint Presentation with talking points for the […]

Teachers Values

 Please see details of the assignment in the attachment.  Teachers certification course SS13 Qualities of Effective Teachers Objective: After reviewing effective educators’ qualities, the learner will self-reflect to assess their strengths and weaknesses for personal growth.   Now that you have stepped through some foundational strategies that will play a key role in lesson the planning […]

Teachers Values

Please details of the assignment in the attachment. Teachers certification course SS12 Social and Emotional Learning Objective:  Learners will identify and describe five components of a social emotional learning program.  Academic Language: language vocabulary needed for this module: · Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) · Self-awareness · Self-management · Decision making · Relationships When reflecting […]

Social Science – Sociology Assignment 1

Please see attachment  below.  RESILIENCY Perhaps you have observed a friend or family member after a tragedy and thought, “I’m not sure how they are managing” or “I wouldn’t be able to function.” Why do some individuals, despite overwhelming hardship, have the capacity to adapt and “bounce back,” whereas others, faced with similar circumstances, do […]


SELF INTRO PHILOSOPHY Introduce yourself to your classmates by stating where you are from and any interesting interests, hobbies, or extracurricular activities you have. You can also add in whatever else you want to help us get to know you. What is an interesting moral or ethical topic to you and why? MLA 250 WORDS

Teachers Values

 I need to complete the attached assignment. Please details in the attachment.  Who am I? Graduated from college in 2020 studied and practiced Veterinary Medicine Born and raised in mexico Former basketball player Love reading. Horror favorite genre. i Like Anime In a relationship

Teachers Values

I need to complete the following assignments. Please details attached. [removed]

Teachers Values

I need to complete the attached assignment. Please details in the attachment. Compare / Contrast Venn Diagram How are Small Group Instruction and Whole Group Instruction the same? How are they Different? Descriptors for Column(A) Descriptors for Column (C) Descriptors for Column (B) (C) Small Group Instruction (A) Whole Group Instruction (B) image1.png

Teachers Values

Please see assignment details in the attached document. Example: KWL Chart Advanced Organizer Now that you are beginning to enter into the study of concepts around instruction and learning, list five items in the first two columns. You will fill in the last column at the end of the course. TOPICS: Differentiated Instruction, Non Linguistic […]

Teachers Values

please use the attached instructions to complete the assignment. Teachers certification course Listen to podcasts discussing cooperative learning.  Critique the information by providing 4 plus and 3 delta comments in the discussion page’s textbox.  Also, comment on one other colleague’s post about the content they shared about the podcast. PLEASE SEE TRANSCRIPT FROM PODCAST ATTACHED […]

Teachers Values

I need help completing the attached assignment. It is s form that must be completed. Frayer Model Non examples: (What are some examples of activities that would NOT be considered reteaching. For example: moving directly to a quiz, would NOT be re teaching the misunderstood content. Why is it important? Definition: Examples: RE-EXPOSING RETEACHING image1.png

Discussion Thread: Spectators as Consumers

There are a variety of factors that influence our decision to attend sporting events. These factors include: fan motivation, game attractiveness, economic factors, competitive factors, demographic factors, stadium factors, value of sport to the community, sports involvement, and fan identification. For this discussion, list and describe the two types of economic factors that can affect […]

Sociology W7

Introduction to Sociology– Week #7 Assignment Gender Messages Write a 500 or more word paper about the three main institutions in gender socialization, family, school, and the media. In your paper also: ·         Describe how these institutions affect gender-socialization. ·         Be sure to include contemporary issues and terminology from our textbook to support your descriptions.     […]

Teachers Values

 Assignment 2. Please see the attached details. Teachers certification course Assignment 2: Start thinking about the content and TEKS that you will be teaching and the role you will be filling in the classroom. Post a reflection on what your core values mean to you.  How did you land on these two words?  What personal experiences have led […]


defend or justify your decisions as it relates to the ethical cases…


end of life topic 1 Week 8 Term Paper Final Draft Your Name Here School Course Your Instructor’s Name Here The Date Here 2 Week 4 Term Paper Final Draft Write your introduction. Tell us what the paper is about. Provide a solid paragraph. According to APA 7 rules, you do not need a subtitle […]

Social Science A Teacher’s Assignment

I need the following assignments done ASAP    A. Write about three experiences that you had with your favorite teacher(s). B. Write about three experiences that you had with your least favorite teacher(s). C. How will these experiences influence YOU as a teacher?