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Before starting the assignment: (Read Carefully)

· First, be sure to read all instructions and information provide here and in the syllabus before starting your paper. 

· Second, be sure to view the research paper example (in Brightspace) which shows the required form and style for your paper.

· Third, locate the assignment box in Brightspace where you will submit your 1000-1500 word reflection paper as a MS Word file once completed.  

· Fourth, be sure to include in-text parenthetical citations throughout the body of the paper as modeled in the research paper example.   

· Fifth, be sure to check the course syllabus for the assignment due date.  
Late assignments are not accepted in this course.  
If you can’t be on time, be early in whatever you do!

· Sixth, be mindful only one attempt allowed, ensure the work you submit fulfills the requirements for this assignment.  Otherwise, an automatic zero will be assigned to the entire assignment with no opportunity to re-do the assignment.

Your paper will be graded according to the following rubric:

Grading Rubric:

(Read Carefully) The following standards indicate high importance for grading.

Essay demonstrates an understanding of the material: The student has correctly grasped a philosophical problem or question, has explained it accurately, and on the basis of a substantially correct interpretation of any texts involved. Key terms are used correctly. The essay shows evidence of the student’s 
independent thought, and is written in his or her distinctive voice. 
Short (one sentence) quotations are used (comprising no more than 35% of the body of the paper), when appropriate, to support the writer’s analysis, and an explanation is offered for each quotation. 
The use of block quotations will result in a severe point deduction.  
On the other hand, failure to include in-text parenthetical citations throughout the body of paper will result in a zero on the entire paper for plagiarism.  You must also include a works cited page in MLA format.  Also failure to submit your paper in the MLA format displayed in the research paper example provided by Dr. Howard will result in a zero on the entire assignment.     80 points       

Essay has clear and coherent argument: There is a clearly stated thesis, and support for this thesis in the body of the paper. Each paragraph contributes to this argument, and follows logically from the paragraph before it. The argument presented is persuasive. The insights of two other philosophers are incorporated into the analysis.     
80 points

Essay fulfills assigned task: The essay addresses the entire assigned question or topic, elaborating on important ideas in satisfactory depth, but without bringing in anything extraneous or irrelevant. The introduction of the essay focuses and provides clarity for the paper. Important terms are clearly and accurately defined. Each paragraph conveys a coherent, organized thought. 
Short (one sentence) quotations are responsibly used, when appropriate, to support the writer’s analysis, and an explanation is offered for each quotation. No block quotations.     
30 points

Essay obeys standards for good persuasive writing: the writer shows that he or she is comfortable using philosophical language, and the prose is clear, not awkward. The structure of the sentences reflects the relationships between/among the ideas discussed.     
30 points

Essay is technically correct: The essay is presented in the MLA format for college-level papers.  The essay has been carefully and thoughtfully proofread. The argument is written in complete sentences, with punctuation that does not mislead the reader. There are no mistakes in spelling, grammar, word choice, and punctuation.     
30 points

                                                                                                                      250 points – Total Assignment Value

 Once you’re ready to start the assignment, follow the instructions below:

Your assignment is to select and read any ONE of the Dalrymple articles located in chapter 10 (pages 121-146) in the hardcopy textbook or chapter 11 (
click on Chapter Files in Chapter 11) in the eBook.  Some articles available may include:


The Frivolity of Evil


How and How Not to Love Mankind


What We Have to Lose


What is Poverty?


Ibsen and His Discontents

 Simply choose one article from the options available in the textbook.  Then, FOR THE DALRYMPLE ARTICLE YOU CHOOSE TO READ AND WRITE ON, you will type a 1000-1500 word response in which you address EACH of the following points 

1. What is the author’s main argument?

2. How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)?

3. Do you agree or disagree with him?

4. Why or why not?

5. Apply the insights from at least two of the readings/philosophers we have studied in this course (in chapters 1-9) to your analysis. Make sure to give a substantive explanation of 
how the two philosophers’ insights from the course textbook are relevant to the selected article you are summarizing.

6. Include in-text parenthetical citations throughout the entire body of the paper in MLA format.

7. Do not use any outside references or sources not assigned in this course.  Use only the Dalrymple article selected from the textbook and any other chapters from the course textbook for this assignment.


In the words of Sir Winston Churchill: When pursuing success 
“it is not enough to do your best, but you must do what is required.”

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