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Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions

Tenth Edition

Chapter 9

Ethical Issues in Supervision

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Learning Objectives (1 of 2)

9-1 Identify ethical issues in clinical supervision.

9-2 Delineate the responsibilities of supervisees.

9-3 Describe the roles and responsibilities of supervisors.

9-4 Recognize ethical and effective practices in supervision.

9-5 Clarify the meaning of becoming a competent supervisor.

9-6 Discuss legal issues in clinical supervision.

9-7 Understand the ethical issues unique to online supervision.

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Learning Objectives (2 of 2)

9-8 Describe the special issues that arise when supervising school counselors.

9-9 Examine multicultural and diversity issues in supervision.

9-10 Understand how gender-role socialization affects clinical supervision.

9-11 Grasp the multiple roles and relationships in the supervisory process.

9-12 Address the ethical aspects of combining supervision and counseling.

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Is an integral part of your professional training and is one of the ways in which you acquire the competence needed to fulfill your professional responsibilities

Provides a forum for examining your beliefs, attitudes, personality characteristics, and behaviors as they affect your clients and the therapeutic process

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Administrative Supervision

Involves directions given by direct-line administrators to their employees

The purpose is to see that counselors who are employed are doing their jobs competently.

Administrative supervisors generally have direct control and authority over those they supervise.

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Clinical Supervision

A supervisor oversees professional work of a trainee with four major goals:

To protect the welfare of clients

To promote supervisee growth and development

To monitor supervisee performance and to serve as a gatekeeper for the profession

To empower the supervisee to self-supervise and carry out these goals as an independent professional.

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Ethical Issues in Clinical Supervision

Effective and ethical supervision balances protecting clients’ welfare and providing training for supervisees.

Supervisors are ethically and legally responsible to monitor the quality of care clients receive and to assist supervisees in learning therapeutic practice.

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Informed Consent in Supervision

The standard of practice is to incorporate clear informed consent material for supervisees, both orally and in writing.

It is beneficial to discuss the rights of supervisees from the beginning of the supervisory relationship.

When supervisees learn what they can expect in supervision and what to do to achieve success, they are empowered to express expectations, make decisions, and become active participants in the supervisory process.

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Responsibilities of Supervisees

Come prepared

Be an active participant

Ask for what you need

Research and read between sessions

Pay attention to your interactions

Ask for and be open to feedback

Critically evaluate feedback

Establish healthy boundaries

Talk about insecurities and anxieties

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The Supervisor’s Roles and Responsibilities (1 of 2)

Must provide the training and supervised experiences that will enable supervisees to deliver ethical and effective services

Must be competent both in the practice of supervision and in the area of counseling being supervised

Provide supervision after obtaining needed education and training to ensure competence

Supervisors are ultimately responsible, both ethically and legally, for the actions of their trainees.

Supervisors have responsibilities to supervisees’ current and future clients.

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The Supervisor’s Roles and Responsibilities (2 of 2)

Supervisors must have a clearly developed framework for supervision and a rationale for the methods they employ.

The quality of the supervisory relationship is just as important as the methods a supervisor chooses.

A good portion of the supervisory sessions should focus on the personal stress experienced by the supervisee during client–counselor interactions.

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Methods of Supervision

Self-report is one of the most widely used supervisory methods, but it is not the best representation of a student’s performance.

Procedure is limited by the supervisee’s conceptual and observational ability.

Digital recordings can augment self-report.

Verbal exchange and direct observation are most commonly used.

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Ethical and Effective Practices of Clinical Supervisors

A collaborative supervisory relationship, characterized by a strong working alliance, is a key component of effective supervision.

Supervisors regularly ask for feedback from their supervisees about the kind of supervision they are providing and use this feedback to improve their supervisory practices.

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Competence of Supervisors (1 of 2)

Clinical supervisors:

are increasingly vulnerable and at risk for ethical and legal liability

are required to have the competence necessary to adequately carry out their roles

must effectively deal with trainees who manifest problematic behaviors

must have an in-depth knowledge of the specialty area in which they provide supervision.

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Competence of Supervisors (2 of 2)

Most psychology and counselor education programs offer a course in supervision at the doctoral level, but training for supervisors at the master’s level is lacking

Good supervisors demonstrate the four A’s:

They tend to be available, accessible, affable, and able.

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Legal Aspects of Supervision (1 of 2)

A supervision contract should include:

Supervisor’s background

Methods to be used in supervision

Responsibilities and requirements of supervisors

Supervisee’s responsibilities

Policies pertaining to confidentiality and privacy

Documentation of supervision

Risks and benefits

Evaluation of job performance

Complaint procedures and due process

Professional development goals

Duration and termination of the supervision contract.

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Legal Aspects of Supervision (2 of 2)

Direct liability can be incurred when the actions of supervisors are the cause for harm.

Vicarious liability pertains to the responsibilities supervisors have to oversee the actions of their supervisees.

Strict liability holds clinical supervisors responsible for supervisees’ actions in a professional realm without any need to establish that supervisors were negligent or careless

This level of liability may contribute to the reluctance of some professionals to become supervisors

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Ethical Issues for Online Supervision (1 of 2)

The number of technological innovations being used has exploded in past decade.

Due to an international movement, supervisors are independently experimenting with using technology to improve the breadth and depth of services offered to supervisees and clients.

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Ethical Issues for Online Supervision (2 of 2)

As cybersupervision and the use of electronic media in supervision have become more prevalent, the following ethical issues have taken on added dimensions:


Informed consent

The supervisory relationship.

Distance technologies can facilitate effective supervisory relationships when supervisors:

Establish clear guidelines for distance communication

Seek to be honest and compassionate

Take risks.

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Special Issues in Supervision for School Counselors

School counselors have a greater responsibility than ever before to meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of children and adolescents.

Existing clinical/mental health models of supervision fail to meet the needs because these models do not address all of the tasks required.

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Multicultural and Diversity Issues in Supervision

Multicultural and diversity competence is an ethical imperative in clinical supervision.

A lack of diversity competence is likely to result in ineffective supervision.

Diversity competence is an inseparable and basic component of supervision and involves relevant knowledge, skills, and values/attitudes.

Multicultural supervision encompasses the full range of cultural factors, including race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability status, privilege, sexual orientation, spirituality and religion, values, gender, family characteristics and dynamics, country of origin, language, and age.

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Gender Issues in Supervision

Gender bias of supervisees and the supervisor is often overlooked.

Differences in culture, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, and sexual orientation could have a negative influence on the supervisory relationship if not understood and integrated.

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Multiple Roles and Relationships in the Supervisory Process

Multiple-role relationships in supervision:

A supervisor has concurrent or consecutive relationships with a supervisee.

Sexual intimacies during training:

Core issue is difference in power and status.

Providing counseling for trainees:

Dual relationship standard of ethical conduct should be used.

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Ethical Issues in Combining Supervision and Counseling

Supervisors play multiple roles in the supervision process, and the boundaries are not always clear.

Supervisors play a key role in modeling the personal factors (beliefs, attitudes, life experiences, personality and interpersonal styles, and countertransference) that can affect a supervisee’s professional practice.

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