Assignment 1 ( 1page)
In your essay, please be sure to respond to the following guiding questions:
1. Which tutorial did you complete? ( I completed Workshop 4 Cite sources with APA – Transcript attached)
2. What did you learn from this tutorial that you can apply in your coursework?
3. What personal academic goals will you set for yourself for this course?
Please formulate a brief essay (No references needed)
Assignment 2 (1 page)
Thinking of your own development, answer the following questions in an informal discussion post.
· Consider your own experience and provide examples from your life that illustrate the multidimensional nature of your development. Can you do the same for multidirectionality and for plasticity? How has the context in which you live and were raised influenced your development?
· Consider your own experience and provide examples from your life that illustrate how the interaction of these areas (physical, cognitive, and socioemotional) influences development.
Assignment 3 – 1 page
Within Chapter 3 of your textbook, you learned all about the limitations and capabilities of newborns. While newborns come into the world with functional sensory systems, they are still developing, choose
ONE sense to focus on, and describe:
· the newborn’s capabilities and limitations specific to the chosen sense; and
· how newborns use this sense to bond with their caregivers.
You should rely on at least one outside scholarly or professional source when writing your submissions
Text book
Paris, J., Ricardo, A., & Rymond, D. (2019).
Child Growth & Development
, is an Open Educational Resource (OER) book.