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Cognitive theories

Write a 5–7 page paper applying cognitive theories of motivation to behaviors from the scenario and to your own learning. This paper will be in two parts. Part 1 will continue the scenario from the class, whereas Part 2 will allow you to reflect on what you’ve learned.

Part 1 of the paper, include the following. Be sure to use your textbook and journal articles to provide examples and support along the way.

Relate the theory to specific 
current behavior.

· Include a description of the problem.

· Explain what motivates the current behavior based on one of the cognitive theories.

Propose a solution based on a cognitive theory of motivation

· Explain how the solution will motivate better behavior based on one of the cognitive theories.

Relate the theory to specific 
anticipated behavior.

· Explain what will motivate the expected behavior based on one of the cognitive theories.

Explain the thought process that led to your proposed solution.

· Explain how you avoided (or did you?) making any attribution errors.

Explain the limitations of using motivation theories to explain people’s behaviors in the scenario’s circumstances.

Part 2 of the paper, include the following.

Propose a new plan to increase your performance in college.

· Describe your motivation for completing the coursework in your college program using the terms, concepts, and theories you’ve learned so far.

· Summarize the plan you made in Assessment 2.

· Assess whether you followed the plan and how it worked.

· Share what you will do to enhance motivation and performance for the rest of the course.

· Use examples from peer-reviewed, scholarly sources within your response.


You and your group walked for six hours through Atlanta, Georgia, and have still not reached an area with electrical power. Everyone is tired, hungry, and thirsty. As the sun goes down, you begin to think about where to stay for the night and where to find food.

“Why don’t we start knocking on doors and asking for help?” Javier suggests.

“I don’t know if that’s safe,” Zoe responds. “You remember how intensely some people at the hotel acted.”

“It never hurts to ask,” Ibrim says. “But maybe we should offer something in return.

After another day on the road, you and your group still haven’t found somewhere with power. Unfortunately, you didn’t pack food or water, so you’ve been depending on the kindness of strangers. As you walk through a neighborhood of nice-looking houses, you think it might be time to ask for food or water. After all, these look like the houses of people who have money.

As you approach the first house, a dog starts growling at you from its place on the porch. As you put your hand on the front gate, the dog stands and walks slowly toward you. The four of you look at each other and back away. You need to try another house.

You and your group must beg for basic supplies and still have a long way to go.

Step 1: Choose one of the following:

1. Getting a stranger to let your group stay in their home overnight.

2. Getting medical supplies to treat a deep cut on Ibrim’s leg.

3. Motivating Javier to stay with your group and not head back to the hotel.

4. Motivating Zoe to share the food she begged off a house two stops ago.

Your group includes:

· Javier is a 36-year-old Hispanic man who lives in Florida. He was traveling to Atlanta for work—he’s a manager for a car dealership. He has a wife and three children waiting for him at home.

· Ibrim is a 43-year-old Black man from Tennessee. He had traveled to Atlanta for the Capella University graduation even though none of his family could join him. He’s worried he might have lost his job as office manager for a local doctor. His wife often travels for her job, and they are used to being apart.

· Zoe, a 24-year-old White woman from Alabama who had traveled to Atlanta for a romantic weekend with her boyfriend. Since the power outage, her boyfriend has started a relationship with another guest, leaving Zoe alone.

· You.

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