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comm 2

define communication

In lecture and through our YAWP
 readings we have learned that the United States during the period 1865 to 1910 was undergoing extensive and rapid changes economically, politically, and socially.  How are the parallel narratives of the life of Jurgis Rudkus in 
The Jungle reflective of what is going on in America during this period?  Do you think people like Jurgis are truly “free” or are there social and political forces that are limiting their freedom? 

In writing this paper you are required to engage readings from 
The Jungle
YAWP, as well as lecture materials.  It is expected that you will prove proficiency in the course materials and demonstrate the ability to synthesize and analyze these materials in support of your thesis.


· DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please refer to our policy statement on the syllabus concerning academic dishonesty.  It is guaranteed that if you plagiarize at the very least you will fail the paper.

· This paper is to be 2-3 pages in length. Two FULL pages minimum. 

· Use a 12 point font. Make sure there is a one inch margin on each side.  Double space the text and number your pages.

· You must have a cover page. On this cover page, in the upper left hand side and single spaced, put your name, section number, Paper 1, and date the paper is due.  Your name or other identifying information should NOT appear anywhere else on your paper.

· Your thesis should appear in 

· All sources must come from the materials covered in the class – so no outside sources.

· Do not use personal pronouns. Do not use contractions.

· If you fail to follow the above formatting, you will be deducted 2.5 points on the final grade.

· For every day a paper is late, 2.5 points will be deducted from the final grade of your paper.


· Do not string massive quotes together and call it a paper. Do not put quotes around two to four words and consider it an appropriate quote.  Quotes can not stand alone as they belong to someone or something.  So, 
be sure to contextualize and introduce any quotes you may use.


· Use parenthetical citations for directly quoted and paraphrased material. No works cited page is needed for this paper.  For example:


1. Use of lecture material:

Radical Republicans’ plan for the South under Reconstruction was laid out in the Wade-Davis Bill.  (Pettengill 1-19-2010)

            In this example you are citing the lecture by putting the last name of the instructor followed by the date the lecture was given.

2. Use of SFA material (whether it be quoted, referenced – acknowledging argument, etc. – or paraphrased:

A Century of Dishonor, Helen Hunt Jackson believes that until they are provided with land, “idleness, improvidence, and indebtedness will be the rule” of Native American behavior. (Sheets 32).

In this example there is a selective use of material.  It is contextualized – the author and the document from which the quote (or argument if you were to note the argument) has been introduced.  The citation is properly located at the end of the sentence.  Instead of citing the author of the document, you are to cite the editor of 
SFA –Sheets – and the page number where we can find your quotation. 


AGAIN, quote selectively.  You should only quote that which is best said by the author and which both supports your argument as well as moves your paper forward.


3. Your use of Sinclair’s 
The Jungle will follow the same model for parenthetical citation. You will cite the author and the page number upon which the cited/referenced material can be found.  Ex. (Sinclair, 110)


4. If you are speaking broadly about a document from 
SFA – and not pointing to a specific piece of text –  you should cite the pages of the document.  Ex:


A Century of Dishonor, Helen Hunt Jackson argues that the Native American has been treated unjustly by the U.S. government.  She advocates property ownership as a means to integrate the Native American into U.S. society and give them the rights they are currently without.  (Sheets 31-32)


5. You will not find a specific page(s) to identify Sinclair’s argument in 
The Jungle. However, it is expected that from your reading you will be able to determine what his argument is. You will be expected to articulate this argument in your paper.  When you do this you are not expected to cite any page numbers.  It is expected that you will introduce your statement of his argument.  Ex.


The Jungle, Upton Sinclair argues that ……….


· All citations come at the 
end of the sentence.


· Please see us (sooner rather than later) if you need guidance in focusing your paper.


Please keep in mind the following (as we will be when grading your paper):

In order to do well on this paper, you have to include your thoughts on the topic (in other words – analyze the material) – do not just summarize the material.  You can do this 
without saying, “In my opinion …” or “I think …” etc.  You must demonstrate that you have critically thought about the material alone and in conversation with each other.

Develop a clear argument in which you fully respond to the topic.  Be sure to address all the elements of your thesis in the paper.

Again, demonstrate knowledge of the course material.  Any quotations or paraphrased material should be brief and utilized appropriately.

Analyze and interpret texts in a manner that conveys the meaning of the entire text.  Why is it important to your argument?  Make sure you use these materials to back your claims, not just to meet the page requirement.

The usual standards of good writing are required.  This includes accurate spelling (especially of proper names), complete sentences, correct grammar and punctuation.

Clarity and good writing are essential.  Avoid broad statements or over-generalization of ideas.

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