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COMM: Critical Reflection 3

COMM511 – Critical Reflection Paper 3

(Chapter 10-12) Kouzes, J.M. & Posner, B.Z. (2023), 
The leadership challenge: How to make extraordinary things happen in organizations, (7th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. 
ISBN: 978-1119736127  

The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on course module concepts, which will include your synthesizing book chapter content, article content, media clip content, and self-assessments and/or exercises. Additionally, you will develop, understand, and apply your own style of leadership and communication with each of these module assignments. For each Critical Reflection Paper, you will include content from all chapters, articles, videos, and self-assessments.
Critical Reflection Paper 1 (Chapters 10-12; articles)

Upon completion of the Critical reflection paper assignment, you will gain critical thinking and communication skills in real-world situations and obtain a better understanding of leadership and communication theories applied in the workplace.

Critical Reflection Paper will be a 

minimum of ten double-spaced pages 
(pages can be longer), substantively outlining the K&P chapters, a minimum of substantively discussing three take-aways from assigned articles/media clips, and a paragraph reflection of the module self-assessment/exercise.

Instructions for each content module

1. Read the assigned Kouzes & Posner book chapters.

2. Read all articles and review any media clip videos.

3. Complete any self-assessment and/or exercise (if included in module).

4. Outline the K&P book chapters as if you were to teach the course. These need to be brief, but discussed well to show clarity in your understanding of the chapter’s content. Note that this is written out in paragraphs and not listed.

5. Discuss in paragraphs, a 
minimum of three take-aways/revelations from articles read/media clips viewed.  Explain/discuss/describe well. Synthesize your viewpoint as well. Add how you have or will apply to your workplace. It may also help for you to discuss one challenge that you might have regarding the module’s theme/content and how you plan to address it. If you incorporate your own additional article/media clip information, please cite the source.

6. Discuss your self-assessment results or exercise results from that content module. How do you view your results in light of how you communicate and lead others? If you incorporate your own article/media clip information, 
please cite the source using both in-text citations for every paragraph and listing of sources on a reference page.

Required Guidelines


· Use separate paragraphs

· Use 

sectional bolded paragraph headings
 in proper format for ease of reading. It must be clear which sections you are addressing.

· Use bulleted lists where applicable; use graphs and tables—any visuals helpful in presenting content where applicable, but these should not count towards the 10-page minimum.

· The document should be a professionally formatted business document as if you were to give it to your boss or client—an executive summary of the material. The document should look good!

APA: This paper must include APA format for in-text citations (for every fact not yours and in every paragraph) and a reference page. Not in-text citing at all or not citing enough is considered plagiarism. Example, at the end of paragraph: (Kouzes & Posner, 2017).

Paraphrasing: The paper must be written in your own words 
without quotes. No copy and pasting content at all. Turnitin will be used. Note that if you are outlining the chapter, the similarity index may be higher, but the general rule is that it should not be above 20%. Check the similarity index in Turnitin submission to ensure that no more than 4 words in consecutive order are highlighted.  Don’t worry about the flow of content from the chapters being similar, just outline and discuss in your own words. DO NOT use any purchased papers or papers found on the Internet or any papers you have written for another class. Self-plagiarism is also serious and will result in a failing grade.

AI-Generated Content: Your reflection papers must be your own work and not from AI-generated content. I do check all assignments for this. A “0” Failing grade will be assigned for any AI-generated content. 

Warning: any plagiarism violation will be taken seriously. Just do not do it!

 Citations: Cite sources for every fact and every paragraph. Anything that is not your own opinion, must be cited and referenced. Use APA format for citations and reference page. No need for APA rule of “running head.” Include a reference page that lists all sources used. Fully list your sources and do not just list the URL link.

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