Please see attached.
Part I
· Topic:
A subject of interest for me is the daily responsibilities and functions of a supply chain manager. I am convinced that supply chain managers are essential to the dynamics of the supply and demand sector.
· Scope and value:
One area of my research will focus on production planning and management, as well as performance measurement and its ongoing enhancements. I selected this topic because it aligns with my career aspirations following my military service, and this project provides an opportunity for in-depth research, enhancing my comprehension of the field.
· Communication medium:
I will present my project through a PowerPoint presentation that covers various aspects of the field and includes critical thinking questions relevant to the topic. To ensure the project stands out, I will incorporate real-life analyses and statistics from supply chain managers worldwide, highlighting their diverse experiences and expectations.
· Critical thinking questions:
One of the essential inquiries I will address pertains to the strategies employed by supply chain managers in navigating unforeseen challenges, as well as the methods they utilize to overcome communication obstacles that may arise between various distribution departments.
Part II
Considering the various types of sources discussed in the week 2 lesson, I believe that utilizing secondary sources, particularly industry publications and academic journals, would be the most effective approach to addressing some of these critical thinking questions. These resources typically contain articles and case studies that offer valuable insights into the everyday practices of supply chain professionals. Additionally, I would explore online books and scholarly articles that delve into the roles and responsibilities of supply chain managers to further enhance my understanding.