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Communication Meeting – 1st Quarter 2025


Hi, need support with the following:

situation : You are working as Procurement expeditor manager for a construction company. 95% of your team are at the projects and your are working from the H.O so most of your communication and meetings are online.


1- Prepare a presentation to present it to your team to emphasises the following:

– Communication, the team should keep the communication channels also ongoing to be aware about the contact information of the vendors, their management in order to solve their problems, if there is any issues. The team should be aware about the procurement at H.O especially the new joiners team to communicate with them easily whenever they seek for any support. They should have numbers and emails of each others to share experience especially majority of the vendors are same in all the projects ( Oil and Gas ).

Also, this is extremely important that team must be aware and know the project team, project manager – Project director, Construction managers, lead engineers… and keep the two ways communication always ongoing.

( Make sure the above address as infographic, not as ESSAY) And to be professional and presentable.

2- You are currently on going to improve the reports, to make them standardizes on all the projects. This will support you and the project team to easy ready any reports regardless who’s the one send it.

Those are the name of the reports: We will continue to improve our standards reports. (Inspectable, non-inspectable – weekly PRs status, SSRVs – Payments and sub contracts for OMPP, SPDP).

3- We are working on areas of improvement and ongoing sessions, as well as team achievements.

You are making sessions for the new joiners, and the team who seek supports for example: some the team need support for Saudi Aramco procedure, and some seek support to know about the finance process at the company.. Aslo, team achievements, this should address that we do have two employees got the certifications form client as SPC, and three as expeditor.

All the above should be in the attached presentation, presentable ways, well organize.. professional and infographic. it should be 4 to 5 pages.

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Nesma & Partners was established in 1981 as “Nesma & Al Fadl” as
a general building contractor. Until 2003, the company operated
within the scope of three affiliated companies:

Nesma & Al Fadl Contracting Co. Ltd. for civil and building
services. AGAP Arabia Ltd. for industrial construction services.
Nesma-Emcor Co. Ltd. for electro-mechanical services.

In 2004, the three companies were merged into Nesma & Partners
Contracting Co. Ltd. The merger aimed to achieve a balanced and
more diverse set of business services to clients, through a unified and

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Thank you
Together We Build Excellence

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