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For this Assignment, you will continue to work on the problem scope for your community needs assessment plan. In particular, you will consider your role in addressing the social problem. For instance, what can you do, as a practitioner, to educate the public about the problem? How can you unite key stakeholders to address the problem? How will you encourage those stakeholders to engage in systems thinking in order to develop a sustainable solution?
As you continue to work on the problem scope, you will also consider ethical and moral issues that may arise when solving the problem and potential opportunities to increase cultural diversity, equity, inclusion, and empowerment. Be sure to draw upon this week’s Discussion as you address these areas. The discussion about power differentials should help you identify opportunities to increase cultural diversity, equity, inclusion, and empowerment when solving the problem.
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
To Prepare
· Review the Learning Resources on the role of the advanced human services professional practitioner in social change. Consider your role in addressing the social problem that you selected for the Final Project.
· Review the Learning Resources on ethics, morals, and culture and reflect on this week’s Discussion. Identify at least one moral issue and one ethical issue that may arise when addressing the social problem and how you could prevent each. In addition, consider opportunities that exist to increase equity, cultural diversity, inclusion, and empowerment as you address the social problem.
By Day 7
Submit a 2-to-3-page paper (not including a title page or reference page) that addresses the following components of the Final Project. Be sure to incorporate any relevant feedback that you received from your Instructor on last week’s assignment.
Refine the Problem Statement. Refine your problem statement, based on what you learned from your peers, your Instructor, and/or the Learning Resources this week and in previous weeks.
Explain Your Role in Addressing the Problem. Explain your role, as an advanced human services professional practitioner, in addressing the problem.
Identify Ethical and Moral Dilemmas. Describe one ethical dilemma and one moral dilemma that could arise when solving the problem. Explain how you would prevent each using the
Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals.
Increase Cultural Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Empowerment. Explain one opportunity that exists to increase each of the following areas when addressing the social problem: equity, cultural diversity, inclusion, and empowerment. Pay close attention to who holds the power and how to attend to these issues through ethics and change management approaches.