its in file below
The areas of computer ethics, security, and crime are constantly changing as technology advances. For this
assignment, we will focus on computer crime, primarily focused around malicious software and viruses.
Students are expected to research the topic and submit their findings in a paper.
This assignment may be periodically included in the General Education Assessment Program for East Central
University. The artifacts for this assignment are assessed outside of the course based on the student learning
outcomes for Information Literacy. Student grades for the artifact are not dependent upon the results of the
outside assessment.
Follow the instructions below and submit a research paper as .docx and .pdf files via Blackboard by the due
date for full credit.
PLEASE ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING AREAS (you may use this as a sample outline)
1. The definition of malware
2. Symptoms of malware
3. Provide at least two examples of two types of malware:
a. A detailed description of what Spyware is and an example of how it has been used and what
damage or problems or costs it caused
b. A detailed description of what viruses are and an example of how it has been used and what
damage or problems or costs it caused
4. Prevention and removal of unwanted software
5. Discuss why malware is a problem and why average computer users should be aware of it
● This paper will be double spaced using Times New Roman 12pt font
● 1” margins all around the page
● Three page minimum length (not including title and reference pages)
● Include a title page with the following items centered:
○ The paper TITLE in the upper half of the page, fully capitalized case and in bold
○ Include your Student #ID number below the title after a blank line and centered
○ Course number and name: CMPSC-1513: Computer Literacy
○ Instructor name
○ Due date
● You must include your Student #ID on the title page (DO NOT include your full name)
● You must cite at least three sources and use appropriate citation style:
○ Wikipedia cannot be used as a source
○ Use APA style for your citations
○ Include both in-text citations in the body of the text and
○ Include a fully separate References page at the end of your paper
Note: You may NOT use AI generated content for this assignment. We use SafeAssign to identify plagiarism. If you do
not agree to submit using SafeAssign or if the instructor determines you have plagiarized your work, you will
receive a zero for this assignment and potentially the entire course.
Grading rubric below (↓)
Information Literacy Rubric
Definition: Students consume and produce information of any form effectively and ethically.
Over the course of the general education program, students will learn how to find, use, and share information. Information comes in many forms, such as text, numbers, images, or
sound, and many of those forms are rapidly changing. Students will learn to adapt to emerging technologies and responsibly participate in this ever-changing information ecosystem,
abiding by ethical or legal restrictions on the use of information.
**Assess in relation to the requirements of the assignment while using the rubric**
Criteria Mastering Accomplishing Developing Beginning
All sources are highly relevant All sources are relevant Some sources are relevant Source(s) lack relevance
All sources are highly credible Most sources are credible Some sources are credible Source(s) lack credibility
All source biases are
Most source biases are
Attempt made to recognize
source biases
No attempt made to recognize
source biases
Source(s) strongly suited for the
discipline AND task
Source(s) appropriate for the
discipline AND task
Source(s) appropriate for the
discipline OR task
Source(s) not appropriate for
the discipline AND task
Well organized and synthesized
source information.
Well organized source
Moderately organized source
Fragmented and disorganized
source information.
Achieves the task purpose with
clarity AND depth.
Achieves the task purpose with
Task purpose evident but may
lack clarity and consistency.
Task purpose is unclear.
Well-chosen paraphrasing,
summary, or quoting that is true
to the original context AND
Appropriate paraphrasing,
summary, or quoting that is true
to the original context.
Inconsistent use of appropriate
paraphrasing, summary, or
quoting that is true to the
original context.
Poor use of paraphrasing,
summary, or quoting that
impedes understanding or is not
true to the original context.
Distinguishes common
knowledge from information that
must be cited: consistently cites
Distinguishes common
knowledge from information that
must be cited: cites sources the
majority of the time.
Distinguishes common
knowledge from information that
must be cited: cites sources at
least half of the time.
Distinguishes common
knowledge from information that
must be cited: seldom cites
In-text citations with little to no
In-text citations with few errors
that tend to be consistently
In-text citations with many
different types of errors.
In-text citations with frequent
major errors.
References with little to no
References with few errors that
tend to be consistently incorrect.
References with many different
types of errors.
References with frequent major
Evaluators are encouraged to assign a zero to any work that is plagiarized or does not meet beginning level performance.