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Computer Architecture and Organization DS 243


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Pg. 01

Task 3: Modulus Operation<> “Error*” “Task 3: Modulus Operation Task 3: Modulus Operation

Learning Outcome(s):

Develop assembly language programs.

Description and Instructions

This project is designed to help you become familiar with the MARIE architecture and its assembly language instructions. By completing this project, you will develop a basic program using MARIE instructions, demonstrating your understanding of fundamental computer architecture concepts. The project includes both basic and advanced tasks to challenge your understanding of MARIE assembly programming. Please use the online tool and provide a screenshot of the result for each task.

Task 1: Addition and SubstructionOperations

For this task, you are required to write a MARIE program that performs the following operations using assembly language instructions:
1. Take two inputs from the user.
2. Perform addition and subtraction on the two input values.
3. Display the results of both operations.


• The program should take two inputs (numbers) from the user and store them in memory.
• It should load the numbers from memory and perform addition and subtraction using the appropriate MARIE instructions.
• The program must display the results of both the addition and subtraction.
• Ensure that the program halts after displaying the results.

Example Input/Output:

Input 1: 8
Input 2: 5
Output: Sum = 13, Difference = 3

Task 2: Multiplication and Division Operations

Building on the first task, this advanced task requires you to enhance the program by adding multiplication and division operations. You should then display the results of these operations in addition to the sum and difference.


• Implement multiplication using a loop (as MARIE has no direct multiplication instruction).
• Implement division using repeated subtraction.
• Display the results of all four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
• Ensure that the program halts after displaying all the results.

Example Input/Output:

Input 1: 6
Input 2: 2
Output: Sum = 8, Difference = 4, Product = 12, Quotient = 3

Task 3: Modulus Operation

For this bonus task, implement a modulus operation (remainder of division) as part of your program. This will further challenge your understanding of MARIE assembly instructions and loops.


• Implement the modulus operation using repeated subtraction.
• Display the result of the modulus in addition to the sum, difference, product, and quotient.
• Ensure that the program halts after displaying all results.

Example Input/Output:

Input 1: 7
Input 2: 3
Output: Sum = 10, Difference = 4, Product = 21, Quotient = 2, Remainder = 1

General Requirements:

Your code must be clearly commented and organized, explaining the purpose of each section and how it works.
• Make sure to name memory locations appropriately (e.g., num1, num2, result).
• You must demonstrate proper use of MARIE instructions, including loops and conditional statements.
• Ensure that the program is readable and well-structured.

MARIE Instruction Set Guide



Use Example


Load X

Load the value stored at memory location X into the Accumulator (AC).

Load num1

Loads the value from memory location num1 into the AC for further operations.

Store X

Store the value in the Accumulator into memory location X.

Store result

Stores the current value in the AC into memory location result.

Add X

Add the value stored at memory location X to the value in the Accumulator.

Add num2

Adds the value from memory location num2 to the value in the AC.

Subt X

Subtract the value stored at memory location X from the value in the Accumulator.

Subt num2

Subtracts the value from memory location num2 from the AC.


Take a value from the user input and store it in the Accumulator.


Takes an input from the user and stores it in the AC.


Output the value in the Accumulator to the screen.


Outputs the current value in the AC to the screen.


Stop the program execution.


Ends the program execution.

Skipcond X

Skip the next instruction based on the value in the Accumulator.

Skipcond 400

Skips the next instruction if the condition is met (e.g., Skipcond 400 skips if AC = 0).

Jump X

Unconditionally jump to the instruction located at memory location X.

Jump Loop

Redirects execution to the instruction at Loop. Useful for loops or unconditional branches.


Set the value of the Accumulator to zero.


Resets the AC to 0. Useful before performing arithmetic operations.


Store the address of the next instruction in X, then jump to X + 1.

JNS Subroutine

Used for jumping to subroutines and returning later.


Save the address of the next instruction in memory location X and jump to X + 1.

JnS Subroutine

Typically used for subroutines, allowing for modular programming.

Working with Loops

Loop and conditional logic using Jump, Skipcond, and arithmetic instructions.

Jump Loop

Implemented using Jump, Skipcond, and arithmetic operations for tasks like multiplication and division in a loop.

Restricted – مقيد

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