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Use the PDF book provided to answer the questions listed below. This is not an essay. Do not answer the questions in an essay format. Keep the format the same and use the exact template below to answer the questions.
CH 5: The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Concepts: Complete the following 3 problems on page 173.
5.15 – Refer to the text on page 173
5.16 – Refer to the text on page 173
5.17 – Refer to the text on page 173
CH 6: Basic SQL
#6.10 – Specify the following queries on the COMPANY relational database schema shown in Figure 5.6 & 5.7, using the relational operators discussed in this chapter. Also show the result of each query as it would apply to the database state of Figure 3.6. Use SQL syntax. You do not have to create or load a database, only provide the SQL commands.
Show the SQL code for a, b, and c that would be used to retrieve the results.
a. Retrieve the names of employees in department 5 who work more than 10 hours per week on the ‘ProductX’ project.
b. List the names of employees who have a dependent with the same first name as themselves.
c. Find the names of employees that are directly supervised by ‘Franklin Wong’.
CH 7: More SQL: Complex Queries, Triggers, Views, and Schema Modification: Complete the Following Review Question
#7.4 – Discuss how each of the following constructs is used in SQL, and discuss the various options for each construct. Specify what each construct is useful for.
a. Nested queries
b. Joined Tables and outer joins
c. Aggregate functions and grouping
d. Triggers
e. Assertions and how they differ from Triggers
f. The SQL WITH clause
g. SQL Case Construct
h. Views and their updatability
i. Schema Change Commands