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Criminal Justice

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1. In my opinion, the best leadership style is transformational. In the textbook, Allen and Sawhney (2019, as cited in Bass, 1985) indicate that transformational leaders inspire their subordinates by increasing their awareness of the importance of tasks and the importance of doing them well, their realizations of their need for personal growth and development and motivating them to fulfill their dreams and contribute to organizational success. As a retired veteran, Army leaders believe in leaving the organization in a better state than how it was found. Additionally, leaders train and develop their subordinates to one day take the leader’s place or to be able to do their job. This is difficult but can be accomplished with transformational leadership. As opposed to other leadership styles, transformational leadership attempts to affect a lifelong change and starts with inspirational motivation. Being inspired to truly believe in a mission, rather than through false motivation, and working to achieve organizational goals is extremely powerful. Improving the organization starts with identifying what measures, or systems, are currently in place and working to improve them. This isn’t done with an insubordinate mentality but rather a strive for perfection. Moreover, improvement isn’t focused solely on the organization but the individual as well. Transformational leaders not only inspire, motivate, and improve but live by the philosophy in which they preach. Too often do we see managers who enforce policy but always appear to be in violation themselves. In my opinion, this “lead by example” mentality is the most important aspect of transformational leadership. Without it, subordinate trust and belief in the philosophy is lost. Last, transformational leaders embrace the talents and skills of their subordinates while working to improve their shortcomings.

2. Leaders generally require some degree of power to effectively guide and influence others. Power enables leaders to make decisions, set goals, and drive organizational or societal change. Leadership generally involves the exercise of power to influence others and achieve goals. It is emphasizing that effective leadership is rooted in the ability to mobilize and direct resources and people towards a shared vision (Burns, 1978). I believe that leaders need power to implement and sustain change. It is noted that leadership often involves overcoming resistance and negotiating with various similar and contrasting opinions, which requires a certain level of authority and influence (Kotter, 1996). Either way, we understand that the necessity of power for leaders to fulfill their roles effectively is a necessity. Do I believe that some leaders become corrupt? Yes, absolutely. Yes, there is a risk that leaders can become corrupted, which has been a subject of academic study and discussion. One key concept related to this is the “corruption of power,” which suggests that the more power individuals acquire, the more likely they are to engage in corrupt behaviors. This phenomenon is supported by research in psychology and political science. It is believed that power can lead to a sense of entitlement and reduced empathy, which can foster corrupt behavior (Gruenfeld & Anderson, 2003). These ideas highlight that corruption can be a systemic issue, influenced by the dynamics of power and organizational structures. Those who are true leaders and lovers of the people that he or she governs, will not succumb to corruption.

3.Who are the best leaders you have known in the history of the United States and the World? What made them so great?

I believe that one of best leaders of the United States and the world is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I think what made him so great was his ability to inspire those around him to strive to make the world a fairer place. He had a clear vision of how he wanted to approach the civil rights violations that occurred during that period. His tactics were always non-violent, and I think that was his strategy because he wanted to showcase Christian principles. Although his protests were nonviolent in nature, they were often met with severe cruelty from law enforcement entities. He advocated against retaliating in those moments, and I believe that took dedication, strength and the ability to be transformative.

His influence is still felt today. People often use his name when they look to demonstrate a high moral ethical stance on a topic. He knew that although the actions he took were peaceful, that he was in jeopardy of facing severe harm. His message and actions show that he was dedicated to creating a better existence for all people. He proved to be resilient in the face of danger, and his message continues to inspire people globally. His legacy will be impactful for many future generations.

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