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Critical Review

Assessment Brief

ASSESSMENT 1: Critical Review

Title Assessment 1: Critical Review

Due Date Monday 25th March 11:59pm AEDT (Week 4)

Length 1500 words

Weighting 50%

Submission 1 word document submitted to Turnitin

(See below for
limits of use
where GenAI is

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools, such as ChatGPT, may not be
used for this Assessment Task. You are required to demonstrate if you have
developed the unit’s skills and knowledge without the support of GenAI. If
you use GenAI tools in your assessment task, it may result in an academic
integrity breach against you as described in the Student Academic and Non-
Academic Misconduct Rules, Section 3.

Under the Rules – Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct
Rules (Section 3) students have the right to Appeal against the Academic
Integrity Officers academic misconduct Determination, to the Executive
Dean, with that determination being final and conclusive, and not subject to
further Appeal within the University. Students are not able to appeal against
academic misconduct via the Unit Assessor or unit staff.

Unit Learning

You will demonstrate the following Unit Learning Outcomes on the successful
completion of this task:

• ULO 1: Describe and apply the key principles and practices of the
Early Years Learning Framework (AGDE, 2022).

• ULO 2: Understand and analyse the importance of relationships and
how to build and foster them with children, families, staff and the
community respecting the diversities of their histories and

Task Description
You are required to develop a professional response to the three (3) scenarios described below that
have occurred in early childhood settings making reference to the unit materials, the National
Quality Standard [NQS] (ACECQA, 2020) and the Early Years Learning Framework [EYLF] (AGDE,

The scenarios are based on real life events in early childhood settings and relate to the early
childhood principles and practices that have been explored over the first three weeks of the unit
(Modules 1-3).

Assessment Brief

Task Instructions
Develop a professional response to each scenario below (500 words each) to demonstrate your
understanding of the importance of relationships and how to build and foster them with children,
families, staff and the community respecting the diversities of their histories and backgrounds. Refer
to the EYLF, NQS, unit materials, and academic literature to support your points.

Scenario 1:

You are the early childhood teacher in the toddler room. Increasingly, you notice some of your
colleagues have a deficit view of the toddlers in their care. Your colleagues demonstrate behaviours
that suggest the toddlers are not capable of making choices and completing routines on their own.

Critically analyse this learning environment in terms of a) the need for children’s agency and b) the
practices you would implement for improved children’s agency in this setting.

When synthesising your response, justify your analysis with one NQS Quality Area (ACECQA, 2020),
one EYLF Principle and one EYLF Practice (AGDE, 2022) and academic literature.

Scenario 2

As the early childhood teacher responsible for the Preschool room at a long day care service, you are
eager to introduce a healthier eating program. Your goal is to involve both families and the
community in this initiative. Your service caters to a diverse range of family backgrounds, each with
unique cultural influences and dietary requirements and preferences.

How can you effectively implement a healthier eating program, considering the diverse backgrounds
and preferences? Additionally, how can you ensure participation and support from both families and
the broader community in this initiative?

When constructing your response, justify your answer with one NQS Quality Area (ACECQA, 2020),
one EYLF Principle and one EYLF Practice (AGDE, 2022) and academic literature.

Scenario 3

You are the educator in the 0–2-year-old room. You have a number of new families who are
concerned about their children who become very upset at drop-off time. You are to formulate a
strategy that will enable you to a) reassure the new families that their children’s behaviour is
common, and b) communicate to the families the practices you undertake to settle the children each
morning and build trust.

When detailing the strategy use one NQS Quality Area (ACECQA, 2020), one EYLF Principle and one
EYLF Practice (AGDE, 2022) and academic literature to justify your decisions, and the importance of
these for the child and family.

Assessment Brief

Follow the steps below to complete this task:

• Create a new Word Document and save it with your surname and initial and the assessment
task’s name. E.g: MillsA_TCHR5003_criticalreview

• Create a cover page with the following details:
o Student name
o Student ID
o Unit code
o Unit Assessor and Tutor names
o Date submitted

• Complete one reference list for the entire assessment task.

• Once complete, submit task via the Turnitin link in the Assessment and Submission section
of the unit site.

• Adhere to APA7 formatting guidelines

APA7th referencing format is required with a minimum of 10 references. Sources should include
relevant early childhood policy and peer-reviewed literature. Link to SCU Libguide here: APA 7

Task Submission
Assessments should be submitted using the Turnitin activity titled “Assessment 1: Critical Review” in
the Assessments Tasks & Submission section on the Blackboard site. Only Microsoft Word
documents submitted via the Turnitin portal on Blackboard will be accepted.

Special Consideration
Students wishing to request special consideration to extend the due date of an assessment task

must submit a Request for Special Consideration form via their MyEnrolment page as early as

possible and prior to the original due date for that assessment task, along with any accompanying

documents, such as medical certificates.

Late Submissions & Penalties
Except when special consideration is awarded, late submission of assessment tasks will lead
automatically to the imposition of a penalty. Penalties will be incurred as soon as the deadline is

• a penalty of 5% of the available marks will be deducted from the actual mark at one
minute after the time listed in the due date

• a further penalty of 5% of the available mark will be deducted from the actual mark
achieved on each subsequent calendar day until the mark reaches zero.

Grades & Feedback
Assignments that have been submitted by the due date will receive an SCU grade and written

feedback. Grades and feedback will be posted to “Grades & Feedback” section on the Blackboard

unit site. Please allow 7-10 days for marks to be posted.

Assessment Brief

Academic Integrity

At Southern Cross University academic integrity means behaving with the values of honesty,
fairness, trustworthiness, courage, responsibility, and respect in relation to academic work.

The Southern Cross University Academic Integrity Framework aims to develop a holistic, systematic,
and consistent approach to addressing academic integrity across the entire University. For more
information see the SCU Academic Integrity Framework
NOTE: Academic Integrity breaches include the use of generative artificial intelligence tools when
not permitted, poor referencing, not identifying direct quotations correctly, close paraphrasing,
plagiarism, recycling, misrepresentation, collusion, cheating, contract cheating, fabricating

GenAI May Not be Used
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools, such as ChatGPT, may not be used for this
Assessment Task. You are required to demonstrate if you have developed the unit’s skills and
knowledge without the support of GenAI. If you use GenAI tools in your assessment task, it may
result in an academic integrity breach against you as described in the Student Academic and Non-
Academic Misconduct Rules, Section 3.

Assessment Brief

Assessment Rubric

Marking Criteria and %

+ (100%)

High Distinction




Marginal Fail



understanding of building
and fostering
relationships with

– Children
– Families
– Community
– Staff

15 marks

Achieves all
the criteria for
a high
distinction to
an exemplary
without any

understanding of
building and
relationships with

– Children
– Families
– Community
– Staff

Very good
understanding of
building and
relationships with

– Children
– Families
– Community
– Staff

Good understanding
of building and
relationships with

– Children
– Families
– Community
– Staff

understanding of
building and
relationships with

– Children
– Families
– Community
– Staff

Little understanding
of building and
relationships with

– Children
– Families
– Community
– Staff

No understanding of
building and
relationships with

– Children
– Families
– Community
– Staff

Professional reflective
response to each scenario
justifying response with
reference to relevant
EYLF Principles and

15 marks

Achieves all
the criteria for
a high
distinction to
an exemplary
without any

response to each
scenario justifying
chosen response
with reference to
relevant EYLF
Principles and

Very good reflective
response to each
scenario justifying
chosen response
with reference to
relevant EYLF
Principles and

Good reflective
response to each
scenario justifying
chosen response
with reference to
relevant EYLF
Principles and

response to each
scenario justifying
chosen response
with reference to
relevant EYLF
Principles and

Poor reflective
response to each
scenario justifying
chosen response
with limited
reference to relevant
EYLF Principles and

response to each
scenario is
incomplete with no
reference to EYLF
Principles and

Professional reflective
response to each scenario
justifying chosen
response with reference
to National Quality

15 marks

Achieves all
the criteria for
a high
distinction to
an exemplary
without any

response to each
scenario justifying
chosen response
with reference to the
National Quality

Very good reflective
response to each
scenario justifying
chosen response
with reference to the
National Quality

Good reflective
response to each
scenario justifying
chosen response
with reference to the
National Quality

response to each
scenario justifying
chosen response
with reference to the
National Quality

Poor reflective
response to each
scenario justifying
chosen response
with limited
reference to the
National Quality

response to each
scenario is
incomplete with no
reference to the
National Quality

Assessment Brief

Academic Literacy

5 marks

a publishable,
application of
correct writing
grammar, and
The reference
list contains all
the required
information in
the correct
APA 7 format.

Demonstrates a
understanding and
application of correct
writing conventions,
including accurate
spelling, grammar,
and punctuation. The
reference list
contains all the
required information
in the correct APA 7

Demonstrates a
understanding and
application of correct
writing conventions
by correctly using
spelling, grammar,
and punctuation
throughout with very
minor inaccuracies.
The reference list
contains all the
required information
in the correct APA 7
format, with very
minor errors.

Demonstrates a good
understanding and
application of correct
writing conventions
by correctly using
spelling, grammar,
and punctuation,
with minor
The reference list
contains all the
information, but
some items may be
in an incorrect
format or have more
than five minor

Demonstrates a
understanding and
application of correct
writing conventions
by mostly using
correct spelling,
grammar, and
punctuation, with
some inaccuracies.
The reference list
provides most of the
information, but
there are some

Poor understanding
and application of
correct writing
including accurate
spelling, grammar,
and punctuation that
impact readability.
The reference list is
incorrectly formatted
or there are an
inadequate number
of references.

Poor understanding
and application of
correct writing
including accurate
spelling, grammar,
and punctuation,
that significantly
impact readability.
The reference list is
incomplete or

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