Read Attach
Case 1: Critical Infrastructure Vulnerability and Protection
· APA Format
· Cover Page
· Reference Page
· 3-4 Pages
1. From the NIPP of 2013, what is meant by “Partnership Structure?” Give an example.
2. Choose one of the 16 Critical Infrastructure Sectors and comment on its Sector Specific Plan. What other sectors is it closely linked to? Why? How?
1. Chemical
2. Commercial Facilities
3. Communications
4. Critical Manufacturing
5. Dams
6. Defense Industrial Base
7. Emergency Services
8. Energy
9. Financial Services
10. Food and Agriculture
11. Government Facilities
12. Healthcare and Public Health
13. Information Technology
14. Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste
15. Transportation Systems
16. Water and Wastewater Systems3
3. Explain SCADA. Why is SCADA a popular target for terrorists? Explain and use quotations to support your statements.
Required Readings
Krieg, R. M., & O’Connell, M. (2022). InfraGard: On the front line of critical infrastructure protection Editor’s interview with InfraGard National’s president Maureen O’Connell. The Journal of Critical Infrastructure Policy, 3(1). Retrieved from Trident University Library.
Krambeck, D. (2015).
An introduction to SCADA systems
. All About Circuits. Retrieved from
Mandel, M., & McCormick, E. (2018).
FERC approves supply chain risk reliability standards
. Troutman Sanders. Retrieved from
NIPP 2013: Partnering for Infrastructure Security and Resilience
. (2013). retrieved from
Read pages 1-14
Curt, C., & Tacnet, J. (2018). Resilience of critical infrastructures: Review and analysis of current approaches: Resilience of critical infrastructures. Risk Analysis, 38(11), 2441-2458. Retrieved from Trident University Library.
The National Counterintelligence and Security Center News. (2021, March 23) NCSC Issues “
Insider threat mitigation for U.S. critical infrastructure entities: Guidelines from an intelligence perspective”
Retrieved from
Required Websites:
Critical Infrastructure Sectors
Information Sharing: A Vital Resource for Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience.
National Infrastructure Protection Plan
Required Videos:
Lavendaire, A. (2019, August 28).
Time management tips: How to prioritize and be more productive
. Retrieved from
TV6 & FOX UP. (2017, August 9).
[Video file]. Retrieved from
RealPars. (2019, June 3).
What is SCADA?
[Video file]. Retrieved from
This is an 8-minute video.