READ-Thanks for your respons! I also work in primary care and regularly use the PHQ and
GAD tools in clinical practice. I don’t use the MMSE, but I do use the Mini-Cog which is a
similar tool. I find the PHQ to be quick and easy to use, and it has also been shown to be
both valid and reliable.
Recommendations: What would be your “mandatory mental health screening”? What
would you screen for? How? Are there existing evidence based USPSTF screening
recommendations for mental health screening? Why not simply use those
recommendations which are based on high level evidence?
a. INSTRUCTIONS- Engage by answering questions, and o?ering new insights,
applications, perspectives, information, or implications for practice.
Communicate using respectful, collegial language and terminology appropriate
to advanced nursing practice. Communicate with minimal errors in English
grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation. Use current APA format to format
citations and references and is free of errors. Scholarly reference within 5 years
b. Please answer each question correctly