WK 4 DB: Theory, Metatheory, Nature/Nurture, Human Genome Project
As I read through modules three and four, was the theories and experiments and their
similarities in the results. Each theorists shared their assumptions that learned behavior in a
child’s early years can have lifelong effects that will show up into their adult years. An example
would be an investigation from Bandura indicating if a child observes behavior (whether bad or
good), the child will mimic that behavior. A study conducted by Bowlby displayed interactions
between the child and the parent affected the child by the time they reached adulthood
(positively or negatively). The similarities between the two researchers display the actions that a
child observed from adults is a blueprint that can be carry-on throughout that child’s life,
whether good or bad. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should
go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Some people do not realize that young
children observe and mimic our actions.
The experiments conducted was not a major surprise to me, but I was interested in the
HGP (Human Gnome Project). It was a surprise to me on the amount of support they received
from the government, and the lack there of from the psychology and biology community. I knew
nothing about this project and the benefits pertaining to our everyday lives. Bowlby’s hypothesis
was captivating as it displayed crucial interactions between the parent and the child as it would
encourage the child’s path into adulthood (whether be positive or negative influence). Bowlby
presented concrete verifications on how the lack of, and nurturing parent/child interactions can
play a part in the child’s relationships moving forward.
In conclusion, I want to talk about the nature/nurture controversy as it relates to my
Christian perspective. I believe that nature/nurture discussion will be around for years to come.
The foundation of the controversy stems from questioning whether there remain a set of innate
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conceptions that support and make-up early metaphysical development. I am a parent and a
believer in the Word of God. We must learn to equip ourselves with the knowledge of the Word
so that it guides us to rebuke negative actions and words coming from our mouths into the
atmosphere. I know the saying, “do not talk about it. Be about it,” goes a long way when you
practice what you preach.
Holman KJV study bible (2012). Holman Bible Publishers.
Lerner, R. M. (2018). Concepts and Theories of Human Development (4th ed.). Routledge.
ISBN: 9781848728318.
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