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Data Collection Plan (1 to 3 Pages) Develop a data collection plan based on one key problem identified in the analysis of your client’s organizational culture and structure. This assignment will inclu

Data Collection Plan (1 to 3 Pages) Develop a data collection plan based on one key problem identified in the analysis of your client’s organizational culture and structure. This assignment will include a detailed plan for data collection and analysis. In other words, for qualitative research you will describe your plan for interviewing, interview protocol (list of questions, who you will be interviewing and how, etc.), or an observation analysis plan. For quantitative research, you will provide the survey you will use and a brief discussion of the methods for administering the survey and why you chose the assessments you will be using. You may choose to include the survey, data collection plan, observation guide, etc. in the text of the report or in the appendix of the document. There are two sample plans in the assignment folder (qualitative and quantitative examples). Note: You are not collecting data in this phase. You are only writing your methods/data collection plan. I will provide feedback on whether you have identified and narrowed down a problem and whether you have selected the approporiate data collection methods for identifying reasons for the problem.

  • Review: Sample Quantitative Data Collection Plan


Logo and Consulting Firm Name Goes at the Top of the Document

To: Dr. Joy Jones

From: Student Name 

Re: Data Collection Plan– Job Satisfaction Survey and Description 

Executive Summary 

In phase one, the organizational culture and structure of a large building supply company on the East Coast was examined. During meetings with the CEO and three key employees, I determined the organization has a problem with retention. This retention problem seems to be related to communication and job satisfaction. All of the factors that go into the problem of communication and retention lead back to supervision. Communication, including feedback and direction, is given by supervisors, and it is the supervisors that help build retention. For this analysis, a mixed-method approach will be used. This method will include quantitative and qualitative research methods. This report summarizes the data collection plan that will aid in examining the issue identified in phase one. 


A questionnaire will be given to employees and will consist of questions relating to supervisor technical, human relation, and administrative skills. The questionnaire is the Satisfaction with my Supervisor Scale (Scarpello & Vandberg, 1987). The questionnaire will be administered through flyers posted in the employee breakroom and be accessible via a QR code posted on the flyer. The QR code will lead to a Google form where data will be collected into a Google Sheets form. Once all data is collected, the data will be exported to a Microsoft Excel document where statistical methods will be used to analyze the data.

Sample and Sampling Procedures

As of this study, the company had 200 employees. In order to get a large sample of the organization, I will utilize a convenient sample—all employees will be given the opportunity to complete the survey. Employees will receive an email from the CEO explaining that employees will be surveyed with the goal of receiving feedback on job satisfaction and methods for increasing retention. Employees will be assured that the results will be anonymous, and their names will not be utilized. Employees will also be told that their responses or participation will not impact their relationship with the organization or their supervisor. I will only provide the CEO with aggregate data.  In order to get a higher response rate, I will offer an incentive of a drawing for three Amazon gift cards. Employees will be able to include their email address at the end of the survey, which will be used for the random drawing. Employees will be assured (in the survey instructions) that including their email address is optional, and if they do provide their email address, this information or their feedback on the survey will not be shared with their employer. 

Survey Description 

The Satisfaction with my Supervisor Scale consists of 18 questions and uses a 5-point Likert Scale where 1 = very dissatisfied and 5 = very satisfied. This survey was originally created to analyze supervisor satisfaction in the insurance industry. With this information, I will be able to further understand the level of satisfaction with supervisors, but this survey also includes questions related to communication and retention. Demographic questions will also be included—age range, time with the company, job status (full time or part time), weekly hours on the job, race, sex (male, female, prefer not to answer), department, length of service with the organization, and questions regarding their supervisor. 

Survey Items 

1.     Age range?

a.     18-30

b.     31-50

c.     50-60

d.     60+

2.     Part-time or full-time employee?

3.     Department?

4.     Years of service?

5.     Sex of supervisor?

6.     Your sex?

Satisfaction With My Supervisor

1.     The way my supervisor listens when I have something important to say

2.     The way my supervisor sets clear work goals

3.     The way my supervisor treats me when I make a mistake

4.     My supervisor’s fairness in appraising my job performance

5.     The way my supervisor is consistent in his/her behavior toward subordinates

6.     The way my supervisor helps me get the job done

7.     The way my supervisor gives me credit for my ideas

8.     The way my supervisor gives me clear instruction

9.     The way my supervisor informs me about work changes ahead of time

10.  The way my supervisor follows through to get problems solved

11.  The way my supervisor understands the problem I might run into doing the job

12.  The way my supervisor shows concern for my career progress

13.  My supervisor’s backing me up with other management

14.  The frequency with which I get a pat on the back for doing a good job

15.  The technical competence of my supervisor

16.  The amount of time I get to learn a task before I move to another task

17.  The time I have to do the job right

18.  The way my supervisor listens when I have something important to say

19.  The way my supervisor sets clear work goals

20.  The way my supervisor treats me when I make a mistake

21.  My supervisor’s fairness in appraising my job performance

22.  The way my supervisor is consistent in his/her behavior toward subordinates

23.  The way my supervisor helps me get the job done

24.  The way my supervisor gives me credit for my ideas

25.  The way my supervisor gives me clear instruction

26.  The way my supervisor informs me about work changes ahead of time

27.  The way my supervisor follows through to get problems solved

28.  The way my supervisor understands the problem I might run into doing the job

29.  The way my supervisor shows concern for my career progress

30.  My supervisor’s backing me up with other management

31.  The frequency with which I get a pat on the back for doing a good job

32.  The technical competence of my supervisor

33.  The amount of time I get to learn a task before I move to another task

34.  The time I have to do the job right

35.  The way my job responsibilities are clearly defined


Fields, D. L. (2013). Taking the measure of work: A guide to validated measures for organizational research and diagnosis. IAP.

Scarpello, V., & Vandenberg, R. J. (1987). The satisfaction with my supervisor scale: Its utility for research and practical applications. Journal of Management, 13(3), 447-466. 

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