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Data-Driven Decisions

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The final project for this course is the creation of a 
solution proposal. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of competency because you must present an analysis, defend a proposed solution, and illustrate a plan for communicating a proposal to both internal and external audiences. The project is divided into 
two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in 
Modules Five and Seven. The final product will be submitted in 
Module Nine.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

· Determine patterns and trends present in criminal justice data that inform data-driven decision making regarding contemporary criminal justice issues

· Determine appropriate research that supports decision making regarding contemporary criminal justice issues

· Employ strategic methods used by leaders in the field of criminal justice for informing the decision-making process of data-driven solutions

· Propose data-driven solutions that address contemporary issues in criminal justice agencies

· Communicate to diverse audiences data-driven recommendations that address contemporary criminal justice issues using best practices of the field


For your final project, you will assume the role of a leader within a criminal justice organization of your choice. Based on your chosen scenario, you will be presented with a specific challenge faced by your organization that is emblematic of wider issues in contemporary criminal justice. Your task is to develop an evidence-based solution for the problem, which will be articulated in a formal 
solution proposal to be presented to your organization’s leadership team. You will be given information (including 

this data set
) for your scenario, but you must also conduct your own research on comparable organizations and trends in the field to determine opportunities and external threats. You will use the data, your research, and your knowledge of theory to develop an informed, data-driven solution to the issue. Finally, you will conclude your solution proposal by identifying internal and external audiences for your solution and creating examples of targeted communications for disseminating your ideas.

Based on the best available data and research, what is the ideal solution for addressing the challenge facing your organization?

Specifically, you must address the 
critical elements listed below. Most of the critical elements align with a particular course outcome (shown in brackets).

Introduction: In this section, establish a context that provides your audience with any background information that is necessary for understanding your proposal.

Theory and Methods: In this section, explain the theoretical frameworks that underpin your analysis and proposed solution.

a. Identify foundational 
criminology theories that apply to your chosen organization and the challenge it faces. Draw connections between the theories and the specific context that will ultimately support your analysis and your proposed solution.

b. Examine the 
strategic methods used by leaders in the field for approaching problems such as yours. For example, what do the current best practices in the field suggest in terms of researching and investigating the issue? Highlight methods that support your proposal.

c. Similarly, identify 
best practices in the field for 
communicating with diverse audiences. Illustrate these practices with specific examples that will ultimately support your communication plan.

Literature Review: In this section, present all of the evidence that you have analyzed (including the provided data and your independent research) and that will support your proposed solution.

Data Analysis: Using the provided data, determine any patterns and trends that are present. What meaning and significance can you glean from the data?

Research: Present your research on the issue that builds on the patterns and trends you identified in the data. For example, are there prior solutions that similar organizations have implemented in addressing this type of issue? What meaning and significance can you glean from your research?

Root Causes: Based on your data analysis and independent research, explain what you believe to be the root causes of the issue. Logically justify your conclusion using the evidence.

Proposal: In this section, present and defend your plan for solving the issue facing your organization.


i. Based on your theoretical framework and your analysis and research, propose a 
solution that effectively addresses the issue.

ii. Illustrate your proposal with the 
specific steps that the organization would need to take in order to properly execute the solution.

iii. Recommend strategic methods that leadership of the organization could apply in effectively 
implementing your proposed solution.


i. Explain how your solution will 
improve the situation for both your organization and the community that is affected by the issue. Use specific examples to illustrate.

ii. Explain how the 
data you analyzed and the trends you identified have guided you to this solution. In other words, how did your analysis of the data inform your decision making? Use specific examples to illustrate.

iii. Explain how your 
research led you to this solution. In other words, how did the evidence in your research inform your decision making? Use specific examples to illustrate.

Communication Plan: In this section, explain how you will disseminate the key ideas of your proposal.

a. Determine who the key internal and external audiences for your proposal are, and explain how you would 
present the information to them. Your communication plan should reflect the best practices in the field, as discussed in your Theory and Methods section.

b. Choose one 
internal audience and develop a sample communication for them regarding your proposed solution. Be sure that your communication is appropriate for this audience and is aligned with best practices in the field.

c. Choose one 
external audience and develop a sample communication for them regarding your proposed solution. Be sure that your communication is appropriate for this audience and is aligned with best practices in the field.

References: In this section, cite all of your sources using APA formatting and guidelines.

What to Submit

Your solution proposal should be 11–13 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and should be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

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