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Deliverable 7 – Course Project

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· Create budgets and scenarios to determine feasibility of information technology projects.

· Utilize data analysis to record and track budgetary constraints of information technology projects.

· Communicate key information about information technology projects to stakeholders and sponsors.

· Create scheduling plans that manage and track information technology projects.

· Analyze resource capacity and allocations supporting information technology projects.

· Analyze metrics for information technology projects.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the
Details & Information pane.


Global Technology (
GT) hired you as an assistant to the Project Manager for their new project implementation of a 
project portfolio management (
PPM) tool. 
Microsoft Project Online was the selected solution that will provide 
GT with project management, work management, and portfolio management capabilities for the enterprise.

Project Online, Global Technology will be able to effectively initiate, select, plan, and deliver projects while tracking time, budget and effectively managing resources. This 
Software as a Service (
SaaS) will also provide extensive reporting capabilities using 
Excel for reporting on all aspects of the project lifecycle based on the current 
GT project management methodology, and provide the organization with a standard tool for 

You are working with upper management to provide details for a proposed project and assisting them with creating a business case to help provide details so that the project may move into the next steps and be approved by the organization. This project will be delivered three months after approval within a budget of $500.000.00. Global Technology expects 20% return on investment within the next five years with 10% interest rate.

Once the project is approved, you will assist the project manager with additional documents to create the Project Plan.

Hardware Requirements:

· Front-end web server – $4,699.00

· Application server – $4,699.00

· SQL Server – $4,699.00

Software Requirements:

· Database server (SQL Server) & CAL – $15,000.00

· SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise & CAL – $50,000.00

· Project Server 2016 Enterprise & CAL – $50,000.00

· Windows Server 2012(64-bit) – CAL- $10,000.00

Labor: $250.000.00

Required Documents:

· Business Case

· Project Charter

· Project Scope Statement

· Project Schedule

· Communication Plan

· Risk Register


Using the scenario above, create a Project Plan
 to present to Global Technology’s Senior Management
 for implementation of the Project Management Information System
) software 
MS Project Online.

1. A cover page with the company and preparer’s name.

1. Table of Contents.

1. An 
executive summary, 2-3 pages in length, written with 
professional language, and use proper spelling/grammar, that provides high-level details of the Project Plan for GT.

1. A 
feasibility study and a 
comprehensive Business Case that will include the budget and financial analysis.

1. The 
Project Charter using information from the Business Case.

1. The 
communication plan that will inform the team on project communications.

1. The 
project schedule, created in Microsoft Project, by developing the 
WBS, Gantt chart, and 
Milestones. Resources and costs should be listed on the resources sheet and assigned to the tasks.

1. A 
Risk Register, prepared in an Excel spreadsheet, that will identify major risks, mitigation and contingency strategies for the project.

1. The Project Scope document updated with any changes or additional details.

Deliverable 07 Scope Statement.docx


If you need software tools such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Project or Visio, downloads are free to students at this website:

Microsoft Downloads

Need help with Business Writing or executive summaries, these websites can help:

Business writing

For help writing an Executive Summary – 
How do I write and properly format an executive summary?

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