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Determine your preferences based on the abridged and modified Myers-Briggs personality preferences. A short description is followed by a choice that asks you to choose your preference. When you finish

Determine your preferences based on the abridged and modified Myers-Briggs personality preferences. A short description is followed by a choice that asks you to choose your preference. When you finish, you should have four letters indicating your personality preferences.

Choosing Your Preferences

(1) Do you tend towards the extroverted or introverted characteristics?

Every person has a combination of their inner world and outer world. We engage with people, things, activities and we have our ideas, imagination, and thoughts. Most of us have a preference towards being more outward or inward and this can have a primary role in our behavior.

Extrovert E

Outgoing, speaks up, sociable, likes groups, seeks and gives feedback, wants feedback.

Introvert I

Private, thinks before responding, prefers to work alone, takes in details, and may need encouragement to participate.

Choose E or I

(2) What is your tendency in perceiving or understanding? Sensing or intuition?

All of us sense things around us like sounds, smells, and sights. These are the here and now, what is and what was. We also all have intuition where we interpret things we experience, look at the possibilities, see patterns and make predictions about the future. We use both, but we usually tend towards one or the other.

Sensor S

Focuses more on details, is more factual, practical, realistic. Needs clear and realistic goals. Takes things literally.

Intuitive N

Focuses more on big picture, is more theoretical, not as interested in details and facts. Likes a mission and talking about possibilities and theories.

Choose S or N

(3) How do you make choices or decisions?

In some situations, we use more factual data or logic to draw conclusions. Sometimes we make decisions more subjectively, such as what we like or dislike or how things will affect other people. We come to conclusions using both but have a tendency towards one more than the other especially when difficult decisions must be made.

Thinker T

Task-oriented, objective, analytical, detached, and more business-like. Results oriented. Likes to argue and play devil’s advocate.

Feeler F

People-oriented, subjective, appreciative, involved, empathetic. Believes goals will be achieved through harmony. Feels that arguing is disruptive.

Choose T or F

(4) How do you take action?

All of use a combination of thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuition to come to decisions on what actions to take to manage our personal and professional lives. We all rely on organization and planning. We also have to be flexible, adapt to change, and be open to new ideas or opportunities. Again, we also have a preference in this area.

Judger J

Well-organized, structured, in control, and definite. Likes deadlines. Makes quick decisions, needs standards and clear expectations. Focuses on product and adjusts to schedules.

Perceiver P

Is flexible, spontaneous, and relaxed. Dislikes deadlines, being rushed, and rules. Focuses more on process and works best at the last minute.

Choose J or P

Based on your choices, what are the four letters you picked? ___ ____ ____ ____

In brief, what does the personality type say about you? Go to the Myers & Briggs Foundation, Personality Types ( and scroll down to the chart with the four-letter personality types. Click on your combination to read the short description provided.

Does this reflect your personality?


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