Complete Exercise 9.3 Examination of Self-Care. Share your answers to the last 2 questions (that are for a dyad or small group) with the class. ~~Respond to 2 other classmates’ postings for full credit. Response credit follows Discussion rubric available on Canvas. Remember: 1) The discussion deadline for all initial discussion posts and response posts is 11:59p CT on the Sunday that marks the end of each class week (see syllabus for discussion deadlines). 2) You must respond meaningfully (no simple “I agree” replies) to 2 classmates for full credit on discussion posts (3 pts for the original post, 1 pt each response to the discussions).
1) The discussion deadline for all initial discussion posts
and response posts is 11:59p CT on the Sunday that marks the end of each class week (see syllabus for discussion deadlines).
2) You must respond meaningfully (no simple “I agree” replies) to 2 classmates for full credit on discussion posts (3 pts for the original post, 1 pt each for each response to the discussions).
3) Also remember that the Rubric for Online Discussion Posting (in the Files section of this course) deducts points for discussion or response postings late in the timeline for the week’s discussion assignment as last day/last hour postings restrict other student’s opportunity to read and respond to your posting, or to read your responses to their postings. As discussions are most beneficial when the discussants are able to interact in the discussion, I am using the Discussion Rubric to engender a greater opportunity for them to do so. So please be aware that posting within 12 hours of the discussion deadline will deduct 33% of the available points and posting within 4 hours of the deadline will cost from 66%-90% of the available points.
4) No discussion or response points will be gained if the discussion post, or the response posts are after the discussion deadline.
Part 2: Respond back to two students
Student #1 response:
What are the three barriers I experience when I try to practice self-care?
Procrastination/ Time Management: Time would be the biggest one for me because sometimes I never have time to take care of me. I am always working and on the weekends I have to clean my home from the past week mess and get ready for the week that is coming. Somedays i have homework that is due all on one day and it can be a bit overwhelming. If I do self-care I really have to plan it around my work schedule which is so sad.
FEAR: I often struggle with doing things by myself. I feel like I always need someone to be with me when im doing anything honestly. That stems from childhood trauma, I’m afraid to let people go or doing things alone because I think they will leave me and never come back. I feel like if I can see them then they’re safe and I’m safe. It’s weird right? The last thing my mama said to me is that she would be right back and never came home.
Mental Health: I sometimes have days where I do not get out of bed, eat, or get dressed. Some days are better than others. I feel secure in my bed and in my home but some days it’s like I want to get out but I can’t.
What are three ways I can work around those barriers?
· Finding new ways of self-care which I have found recently which is plants. It just does something for me. I can’t really explain but it’s like when I’m doing it everything I am thinking about just goes away.
· start doing things by myself. I know that it’s okay to do things with friends but that attachment issue I have is not okay. I want to get into going to therapy to see if that can help me.
Student 2:
1. What are three barriers I experience when I try to practice self-care?
Direction – I often think of self-care in the form of hobbies or leisure. I know that’s not the full extent of it, but personally, I don’t practice many hobbies. Part of that is time constraint, part is simply making the decision to take care of myself.
Guilt – whenever I do one thing, something goes undone. That could mean chores at home, schoolwork. I started to expand that list, but I think I can see I probably make too many excuses.
Community – I have great friends, but there are things that I would like to do, again leisure and hobbies, that I don’t have in common with my current community. There are some things I enjoy alone, but there are activities I would love to do with others.
2. What are three ways I can work around those barriers?
Clarity – I think I need to identify a few activities that are actually self-care. What are the essentials, and then what could be the activities that I enjoy and could add to my time.
Self-forgiveness – I appreciated the text giving a picture of self-forgiveness and self-compassion. I think I’m too hard on myself when I don’t complete self-care tasks, rather than just taking time to care for myself.
New community – I need to give myself time and find new opportunities to meet people that enjoy being together.