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1. Based on your reading, identify the four generations that currently exist in the workplace. List key characteristics of each generation.

2. Based on Table 8.2 Active and Passive Resistance in your reading from “Palmer – Chapter 8: Resistance to Change,” identify two active and two passive symptoms that you have personally demonstrated while resisting change. Provide a brief explanation of how you displayed each identified symptom.

3. This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

The purpose of this assignment is to apply the four elements of a crisis communication plan and other resources to any one of a number of serious circumstances when presenting a plan to an organization’s internal crisis management team. 


Refer to the “10 Crisis Communication Plan Examples (and How to Write Your Own)” and watch the videos, “Judy Smith on Responding to a Crisis” and “Watch Judy Smith Speak at Fortune’s MPW Summit – Fortune Most Powerful Women,” located in the Topic 7 Resources, to provide guidance when addressing your selected situation. 

Read through the options and choose 

 of the scenarios below for this assignment. The scenario statements provide a glimpse into the circumstance, but you will need to customize it for your crisis.

Scenario 1: Employee or Hiring Discrimination: We take diversity and inclusion seriously at [company]. We are an equal opportunity employer and [consider all applicants/respect all employees] without regards to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, veteran status, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Our goal is to ensure that we are providing a safe and inclusive workplace for all employees. As such, we are actively and seriously reviewing [this claim/these claims] to determine the appropriate next steps.

Scenario 2: Sexual Harassment: At [company], we believe that all employees should treat each other with respect. We stand with any individual who has the courage to speak out when those values are not honored. Our goal is to create a safe and inclusive workplace for all. We are actively reviewing [this claim/these claims] to determine the appropriate next steps and are offering our full support to the [person/people] who came forward.

Scenario 3: Unexpected Loss of CEO/Executive (Death): We are saddened to announce that [name] has passed away. Amidst this time of tragic loss, our focus right now is on supporting the people closest to [him/her], our employees, and all of those affected by [his/her] passing. [Insert name], who had the benefit of working closely with [name], will be serving as interim [Title of deceased].

Scenario 4: Unexpected Loss of CEO/Executive (Unexpectedly Quits/Resigns): [Name of employee] has resigned from [his/her] former position at [company] as Discussion, effective [date]. [Name] will assume the position of Discussion on an [interim/permanent] basis. We believe this transition will aid us in achieving our mission as a company. We wish nothing but the best for [resigned employee] and [his/her] successful and prosperous future, and we thank [him/her] for [his/her] [months/years/decades] of dedicated service to [company].

Scenario 5: Unexpected Loss of CEO/Executive (Removed from Role): [Company] can confirm [employee] is parting ways with the company, effective [date]. [
Optional: If this termination is due to a public crisis, such as harassment or illegal activity, mention that his/her behavior was unacceptable at the company, and to protect the integrity of your company, he/she was removed from his/her position]. We have officially named [name] as [interim/permanent] Discussion. We believe this transition will aid us in achieving our mission as a company. [
Optional: If this termination is due to a public crisis, such as harassment or illegal activity, mention that the company is actively reviewing the situation and what steps will be taken to ensure this does not happen again].

PowerPoint Instructions

Create a 5-8-slide PowerPoint presentation that will be delivered to the internal crisis management team. Refer to “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations” in the Topic 7 Resources as needed for additional guidance. In your presentation, be sure to include the following:

· Address at least these four key elements of a crisis communication plan: crisis team, designated spokesperson, media policy/plan, and statement. Note also how the recommended statement is persuasive to achieve the desired outcome.

· Discuss legal considerations regarding confidentiality in your crisis communication plan

· Create the final messages for both internal and external stakeholders.

Video Recording Instructions

Finally, utilize “GCU Zoom Resources,” “Zoom Access,” and “Zoom Recording Basics,” located in the Topic 7 Resources for support in recording your group’s presentation. Refer to “CCOB CLC Video Creation Instructions,” located in the Class Resources as needed. Create a video recording of your group delivering your presentation in a professional and concise manner, not to exceed 10 minutes. 

Ideally, each team member should be visually present on the recorded video as each of the slides are presented.

· Preferably, teams will 
record their video synchronously as a group. Please consult with your instructor if recording as a team is problematic. In such instances, it may be acceptable to record individual portions and combine for a single video or submit individual links. However, whether students are recording their video synchronously or separately, the 
totality of the time limit must not exceed 10 minutes. 

· Include a link to your team’s recording on the title slide of your PowerPoint presentation.

General Requirements

In your research in addition to your textbook, include two or three additional scholarly sources from the GCU Library for a minimum of three sources.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. 

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. 

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