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Please provide a 150-word response to each discussion response below:

1. One key stakeholder in the project of improving employee engagement scores would be middle managers. Middle managers play a crucial role in the day-to-day operations at my current organization and are directly responsible for managing teams and implementing policies. Their buy-in is essential for any initiative to improve employee engagement because they are the primary link between senior leadership and frontline employees. The first step in getting them on board is to articulate the purpose of employee engagement, describe why it is essential, and show them how engagement aligns with the organization’s overall strategic goals. Higher engagement leads to better performance, higher retention rates, and improved morale (Nguyen & Nguyen, 2023). Middle managers will also need to understand what it is in for them, so explaining that their team’s performance could improve, they would have reduced turnover, and a more positive work environment is also critical. Involving the middle managers in the process will also help, as their input can help shape the best engagement strategies that will work for their team and create an open space for feedback (Nguyen & Nguyen, 2023). Training sessions, along with practical tools and resources, will also help drive better communication, provide tips on how to provide constructive feedback and drive engagement activities on their teams (Nguyen & Nguyen, 2023). Defining clear and achievable goals will give middle managers something to build towards and can be aligned with their performance metrics (Nguyen & Nguyen, 2023). Regular monitoring and feedback will allow for continued program evaluation and evolution and promote sharing insights or challenges that may appear. By following these steps, middle managers will understand the importance of the engagement initiatives, feel involved and equipped to implement them and be motivated by the positive impact on their teams and professional growth.

2. For administrators, restorative practices can greatly improve the school atmosphere. By reducing behavioral issues and creating a calm and effective learning environment, these approaches help foster a more pleasant and unified school atmosphere. If there are fewer interruptions, administrators can concentrate more on assisting instruction and learning than on maintaining order. It has been demonstrated that restorative techniques lessen the frequency and intensity of behavioral problems, immediately lowering stress levels among staff and administrators. Since restorative practices increase job satisfaction and lower burnout, the school becomes a more enjoyable workplace with a more positive atmosphere. Administrators can hone and demonstrate their leadership abilities by spearheading the adoption of restorative practices. Successfully leading this campaign can improve their career chances and professional reputation. As administrators, your role is crucial in the successful adoption of restorative practices. It’s important to properly explain the advantages and provide the tools and resources needed to ensure your buy-in. Organizing conferences and workshops where professionals discuss the benefits and achievements of restorative techniques can be quite effective. By making informational materials like articles, research summaries, and brochures available, you can have access to concise and convincing evidence regarding the advantages. Presenting testimonies and success stories from schools that have successfully adopted restorative practices can also be a powerful persuasion tool.

3. The proposed plan to improve employee engagement through specific initiatives established through an action research process can benefit various organizational stakeholders. The employees will receive regular recognition and appreciation, boosting their morale and allowing them to feel valued and motivated. Leaders and companies that design and launch engagement initiatives can create a more satisfying work environment, reducing stress and increasing overall job satisfaction. More significant opportunities for growth and development, such as training programs and mentorship, can enhance employees’ skills and career prospects. Building better communication channels ensures that employees are well-informed and feel more connected to the organization’s goals and role. As the key drivers of team performance, middle managers would benefit significantly from engagement initiatives, seeing an improvement in team performance and receiving more opportunities to train on how to lead their teams more effectively. This empowerment can lead to potential career advancement opportunities for middle managers. Senior leaders can see that the improvement in employee engagement helps the company achieve organizational goals, which can help improve overall performance and meet strategic objectives (Osborne & Hammoud, 2017). A positive and engaged workforce will also help improve the company’s reputation and attractiveness as an employer (Osborne & Hammoud, 2017). Another important stakeholder in the project is Human Resources because improved employee engagement can reduce turnover rates and drive the development of training programs that can help build a competent and capable workforce (Osborne & Hammoud, 2017). The proposed plan benefits various stakeholders by creating a more engaged and motivated workforce. This leads to better organizational performance, higher employee satisfaction, and a positive impact on the company’s reputation and financial health. Each stakeholder group gains specific advantages that contribute to the overall success and sustainability of the organization.

4. Restorative practices empower students by creating a supportive environment that not only enhances their social skills, mental health, and self-esteem but also equips them with the tools to understand and address their behavioral problems. This fosters mutual respect, empathy, and open communication, leading to a significant reduction in suspensions and expulsions. As a result, students are more likely to stay in school, improve their academic performance, and reduce the dropout rate, instilling a sense of hope and optimism in educators and parents. Less behavioral occurrences benefit teachers and staff by freeing more time to concentrate on instruction and fostering a positive learning environment. As a result, there is less stress, more job satisfaction, and less burnout. Professional development linked to restorative practices improves the whole work environment and school culture, strengthening conflict resolution and relationship-building abilities. Restorative techniques play a crucial role in strengthening school communities. By lowering behavioral events, restorative practices enhance the school climate, providing opportunities to improve professional reputations and hone leadership abilities. More importantly, by addressing disciplinary inequities that harm underprivileged students, restorative practices inspire and motivate policymakers and community leaders to support these initiatives, fostering a sense of inspiration and motivation in the educational landscape. Improvements in their students’ behavior, emotional well-being, and academic achievement help parents and families and increase their level of school satisfaction. Improved communication and closer ties between the school and the family foster a sense of community and cooperation. Participating in restorative procedures as a parent improves their relationship with the school and their child’s education. If students stay in school, juvenile justice involvement decreases, which helps the community. Students participating in restorative practices learn empathy, accountability, and community values, which benefit the larger community. A pleasant school climate improves the school’s standing, which fosters better community support and partnerships. Policymakers and educators gain a discipline model that works and that other schools can follow. The research’s data and insights inform future policy and reform initiatives. Restorative practices facilitate more extensive educational reforms in line with the objectives of establishing secure, welcoming, and encouraging school environments.

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