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discussion replies

Alberto’s replies:

Jill Derevage

Jan 29, 2024, 5:42 AM



Christians portray that Jesus is the only way to salvation because they know that God sent his one and only son to die on the cross for our sins.  For, those who seek to gain eternal life know that they do this only through Jesus Christ. They know to be saved from their sin, they must take these three steps: Ask forgiveness for their sins, be willing to turn from their sins, and believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins. There for, the few that truly understand and follow these steps will make it to the small gate on that narrow road that will lead to heaven.



Daniel Grant

Jan 29, 2024, 3:09 PM


According to John 14:6, the central concept is that salvation is found in Jesus Christ. “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me”. This is based on the conviction that salvation and everlasting life are offered by His life, death, and resurrection. Please understand that we do not share our opinion to denigrate other viewpoints, but rather to express what we find uplifting and transformational. At its core, Christianity is all about having a personal relationship with God via Jesus Christ. It’s an individual path that extends an invitation without exerting pressure, providing grace and hope to anyone who seeks it. Acts 4:12 states, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

Tammy Bidinger

Jan 29, 2024, 3:21 PM


Christianity portrays that Jesus is the only way to salvation often through his teachings. Many people find religion and the different beliefs confusing. One calling their beliefs true and others claiming their beliefs are the only truths. Christianity can be described as particularism. Christians believe that everyone can be forgiven through Jesus Christ. Other beliefs like Hinduism believe that those who follow the teachings will be liberated from death. Both view their beliefs at being true. I think the thing to remember is that truth and faith is only as effective as the person believing in positive thinking. 

Miranda Heslop

Jan 29, 2024, 5:27 PM


How I would answer someone who is concerned that Christianity portrays that Jesus is the only way to salvation is the Bible says so and the above verses back that up. Not only does the topic discussion posts this week back it up, but in chapter 8 in our book 
The Beginning of Wisdom it talks about (Revelation 19:16) “He rules now from Heaven, working in the hearts and minds of his people and throughout the world. In the future, King Jesus will return to bring about perfect justice and equity, bringing about the full measure of his kingdom. Jesus, therefore, is the all-sufficient mediator whose invitation to sinners remains: Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)” Too many people fear what it means what they need to do to be redeemed for salvation, but it truly is quite simple. I would ease their minds and tell them they first need to accept Jesus Christ as their savior and accept him with their hearts and speak it with their mouths and be baptized and repents for their sins.

Discussion replies 2:

Daniel Grant

Jan 29, 2024, 4:13 PM


The statement “My morality is mine alone, and it is not my place to judge the morality of others” rings with Matthew 7:1, “Judge not, that you be not judged.” This teaches me the importance of focusing on my spiritual journey rather than judging others. However, the Bible also guides us to gently correct others when they stray, as in Galatians 6:1: “If someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently.” This suggests a responsibility to help others, but with humility and self-reflection, as emphasized in Matthew 7:5 “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye”. Therefore, while it’s crucial to respect individual moral choices, there are times, especially within a community of faith, when guiding others back to a moral path is necessary, but always with love, empathy, and a recognition of our imperfections.

Christian Narine

Jan 29, 2024, 6:41 PM


The statement “My morality is mine and mine alone, and it is not my place to judge the morality of others” reflects a perspective on individual autonomy and the subjective nature of moral beliefs. While it is true that everyone has their moral compass shaped by personal experiences, culture, and values, there are instances where it is not advisable to pass judgment on others’ morality.

One reason not to judge someone else’s morality is the recognition of cultural and individual diversity. Different cultures and individuals may have varying ethical frameworks, and what may be considered morally acceptable in one context might differ in another. Embracing cultural relativism allows for a more inclusive and understanding approach, acknowledging the diversity of moral perspectives. Moreover, humility and empathy play a crucial role. Recognizing the complexity of human experiences and the factors influencing moral choices encourages a non-judgmental stance. It’s important to appreciate that individuals face unique challenges, and passing judgment without understanding their circumstances may oversimplify their moral decisions. We can learn a lot from each other and live peacefully by listening and understanding instead of trying to push our beliefs on them. 




Patricia Brewster

Jan 29, 2024, 8:45 PM


The statement “My morality is mine and mine alone, and it is not my place to judge the morality of others” reflects a personal belief in individual morality and the importance of respecting diverse beliefs. It acknowledges that everyone has their own moral compass and that it’s not our place to impose our values on others. Instead, it’s essential to treat others with kindness and respect, regardless of their beliefs. By doing so, we can create a more tolerant and inclusive society that values diversity and promotes understanding.




Joshua Barnes Bey

Jan 29, 2024, 10:53 PM


The phrase, “My morality is mine and mine alone, and it is not my place to judge the morality of others,” sums up a belief in moral relativism, which is a philosophical position that holds that moral standards are arbitrary and can differ between individuals or cultures. Conceptually speaking, moral relativism maintains that there are no absolute or universal moral truths, emphasizing the need for tolerance and comprehension by acknowledging that what is morally acceptable in one culture may not be in another.

However, moral relativism is criticized by some, who claim that when it is applied too strictly, it becomes difficult to denounce actions that are generally agreed to be immoral, such as slavery or genocide. It takes a careful balance to determine someone else morals, which makes it difficult. On the other, it’s critical to recognize and value individual and cultural distinctions. However, there are times when moral decisions must be made, especially when someone else is harmed by their conduct. When this happens, ethical frameworks usually give priority to judging these behaviors as immoral, emphasizing the complex relationship between cultural relativism and the necessity to deal with behavior that deviates from commonly acknowledged ethical standards.

YENROSE Replies:

Katyja Anderson

Jan 29, 2024, 5:03 AM


Hello Dr. Pasley and Class, 


Interacting with these statements and based on Chapter 8 of The Beginning of Wisdom and the topic overview, how would you answer someone who is concerned that Christianity portrays that Jesus is the only way to salvation?


I believe that when it comes to Jesus’s word, like the ones in John 14:6 and Matthew 7:13-14, it’s important to approach them with an understanding of Christian beliefs. Personally, as a Christian, I hold the belief that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and this aligns with my faith in the teachings of the Bible. To someone concerned about Christianity portraying Jesus as the only path to salvation, I would share that, for me, these statements reflect the core principles of my faith. While I respect different beliefs, I find comfort and guidance in my understanding that faith in Jesus is the path to salvation based on Christian teachings. It’s important to recognize and respect different perspectives, but for me, these verses from the Bible serve as a foundation for my Christian faith, shaping how I view salvation and my relationship with God.




Kristin Tabor

Jan 29, 2024, 11:00 AM


To answer someone concerning Christianity exclusivity one should begin by explaining that many religions make exclusive truth claims, not just Christianity. Many struggle when it comes to Christianity portraying Jesus as the way to salvation. One example to share is Islam which teaches that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is a prophet, Hinduism teaches that ultimately the reality is Brahman. Lastly, people find comfort in Christianity offering a path to forgiveness which is available to everyone no matter their background or place in life. Truly it is up to the individual to pick the path they take and decide for themselves whether they choose to believe or not. To go into further detail it is important to understand the context of Jesus’ statement. He made these statements to show us proof that he is the messiah while also realizing the audience he would bring. 




Trenese George

Jan 29, 2024, 11:37 AM


If someone is concerned about the Christian belief that Jesus is the only way to salvation, it is important to approach the conversation with respect and understanding. Always consider and acknowledge their concerns and explain the Christian perspective. I would share with them that Christians believe Jesus is the only way to salvation based on Jesus’ own teachings and the beliefs derived from the Bible. Emphasize to them that love and exclusivity highlights that Christianity also teaches about God’s love for all people.  Some Christians believe Jesus is the exclusive means of salvation, they are also called to love and respect others regardless of their faith or background.

Rebecca Lentz

Jan 29, 2024, 8:11 PM


The exclusivity of Christianity may be hard to for some people to grasp, especially when they have differing viewpoints.  Discussing religion is always a topic that should be approached with kindness and and open dialog.  However the Scripture is God’s holy word and is the foundation of the Christian religious beliefs.  Jesus is clear in many verses that He is the only way to salvation.  If someone believes in the Bible, they must also believe that Jesus is the only Messiah, thus the narrow road to salvation.  Understanding that the fall of humanity into sin created a separation from God shows the importance of Jesus Christ as the necessary bridge to mend that disconnect.  




Discussion replies 2

Katyja Anderson

Jan 29, 2024, 4:50 AM


Hello Dr. Pasley and Class, 


What do you think about the following statement: “My morality is mine and mine alone, and it is not my place to judge the morality of others”?


I believe that each person has their own set of moral values shaped by their experiences, upbringing, and personal beliefs. For me, my morality is a personal aspect of who I am, and I recognize that others have their own unique perspectives. I think it’s important to respect individual differences and not impose my moral standards onto others. Everyone’s journey is different, and what may be morally significant to me might not hold the same weight for someone else. Regarding the idea of judging the morality of others, I agree with the statement. I believe that passing judgment on someone else’s morality can be subjective and may not take into account their individual circumstances. I prefer to focus on understanding perspectives and engaging in open conversations to broaden my own understanding of morality.


Are there any times when you should judge the morality of others? Why or why not? If so, when and why?


I think there might be situations where considering the morality of others becomes necessary, especially when their actions directly harm others. In instances of harm or mistreatment, it becomes important to assess and critique the morality of the person involved, if it’s necessary. For example, if someone engages in unethical behavior that causes harm to people, I think that it’s sort of justifiable to pass moral judgment in order to address the consequences of their actions and be held accountable. Still, I think that it’s important to approach judgments with compassion and an understanding of the complexities surrounding individual choices. It’s important to avoid blanket judgments and try to understand the motivation behind a person’s actions. While there may be times when assessing the morality of others is necessary, it should be done with care. You should also consider the bigger picture and aim for constructive dialogue and a resolution rather than condemnation.




Trenese George

Jan 29, 2024, 11:45 AM


From my standpoint, it suggests that each individual has the autonomy to determine their own moral values and principles. It emphasizes personal responsibility for one’s actions and choices, recognizing that moral decisions are subjective and can vary from person to person. Furthermore, the statement implies a reluctance to pass judgment on the moral choices of others. It suggests a belief in respecting the autonomy and diversity of individuals’ moral beliefs and practices. It also acknowledges that it is important to note that discussions about morality often involve a balance between individual and autonomy and societal norms. It is worth considering that not all forms of judgment are inherently negative or harmful. Constructive criticism or discernment can play a role in promoting personal growth, ethical behavior, and social justice.

Kristin Tabor

Jan 29, 2024, 11:47 AM


It is not up to anyone but the person alone for their morality. It is up to them to hold belief as long as it does not harm others but again it is still up to that person to share. We know that sharing may hurt another and at times some still share. It is also not up to us to judge others on their word or action but we still do so as it goes against our morality. An example to share is when someone takes action in risky behavior that may threaten us so it may be necessary to step in and speak up. Overall, it is important to recognize that morality is a complex and nuanced concept varying from person to person and culture. We should respect and understand others’ beliefs and actions and how they may affect others, not just one person. 




Rebecca Lentz

Jan 29, 2024, 8:53 PM


I believe that this statement is deep rooted in many different aspects of life.  Jesus explicitly tells us not to judge one other. One of my favorite verses is “How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. ” (Matthew, 7:4-5)  So from this verse I would say that it is not appropriate to judge others. I believe that this apply to individual actions that do not cause harm for others.  

However, from a societal standpoint, it is important that moral and ethical boundaries are set in any society, thus leading to judgments when these social standards are broken.  To suggest that each persons morality is only belonging to them, suggests that if they inflict injury on another person, it would be acceptable because it fits within the construct of their own definitions of morality.  This clearly cannot work in any functioning society, so there must be some judgment that exits from one human to another.  An easy example would be that of murder, we would not look the other way if someone decided to kill another person in our society today.    

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