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Discussion Replies

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BMAL 560

You will reply to 2 classmates. Every reply should meet the word requirements on the rubric 300 words Minimum and should advance the conversation further by providing new ideas and insights, asking probing questions that get to the heart of critical issues, and share from one’s personal and professional experience.

For the purposes of citations, every reply must
o A minimum of 3 references (per reply)
o At least 2 of the 3 references from a scholarly article
o At least 1 of the 3 references from a relevant business article (any article from a reputable business source—website, magazine, book, etc.—that discusses a
relevant business/ethical issue)

Remember to provide new ideas, research, and analysis that create a clear dialogue with your classmate’s ideas. Go beyond providing basic definitions to topics being discussed—that is information that should have been provided in the original post. Your replies should not read as just another thread, nor should it merely regurgitate and restate what your classmate has said, or what you said in your own thread from the week before,

Lashonna Eashmond

Contrast Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Citizenship

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Citizenship are two concepts that reflect a company’s commitment to ethical behavior, social impact, and environmental sustainability. While they share similar goals, they differ in scope and focus. In this discussion, we will contrast CSR and Corporate Citizenship, exploring their key characteristics, benefits, and implications for business.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

CSR refers to a company’s voluntary actions to address social, environmental, and ethical issues beyond its legal obligations. It encompasses initiatives such as philanthropy, environmental sustainability, ethical labor practices, and community engagement. CSR activities are often driven by a company’s desire to enhance its reputation, build brand loyalty, and attract socially conscious consumers (Carroll & Shabana, 2010).

Key Characteristics of CSR:

1. Voluntary: CSR initiatives go beyond legal requirements and are driven by a company’s sense of ethical responsibility.

2. Stakeholder Engagement: CSR involves engaging with various stakeholders, including employees, customers, communities, and investors, to address their concerns and expectations.

3. Impact Measurement: Companies often measure the impact of their CSR activities through key performance indicators (KPIs) related to environmental sustainability, social welfare, and ethical business practices.

Benefits of CSR:

1. Enhanced Reputation: Companies that engage in CSR activities build a positive reputation as responsible corporate citizens, which can enhance brand image and customer loyalty.

2. Stakeholder Trust: CSR initiatives demonstrate a company’s commitment to ethical behavior and social impact, fostering trust and goodwill among stakeholders.

3. Competitive Advantage: CSR can differentiate a company from its competitors, attracting socially conscious consumers and investors who prioritize ethical and sustainable practices.

Corporate Citizenship:

Corporate Citizenship goes beyond CSR by emphasizing a company’s role as a responsible member of society and its obligation to contribute to the common good. It encompasses not only philanthropic activities but also active participation in addressing societal challenges and promoting sustainable development (Crane, Matten, & Spence, 2019).

Key Characteristics of Corporate Citizenship:

1. Integration into Business Strategy: Corporate Citizenship is integrated into a company’s core business strategy, shaping decision-making processes and guiding long-term goals.

2. Systemic Change: Corporate Citizenship seeks to address systemic issues such as inequality, poverty, and environmental degradation through collaborative efforts with stakeholders and advocacy for policy change.

3. Global Perspective: Corporate Citizenship recognizes the interconnectedness of global issues and the importance of cross-border cooperation in addressing them.

Benefits of Corporate Citizenship:

1. Social Impact: Corporate Citizenship initiatives have the potential to drive meaningful social change by addressing root causes of societal problems and promoting sustainable development.

2. Long-Term Sustainability: By embedding social and environmental considerations into business strategy, Corporate Citizenship enhances long-term sustainability and resilience to external risks.

3. Leadership and Innovation: Companies that demonstrate leadership in Corporate Citizenship inspire industry-wide innovation and set benchmarks for responsible business practices.

Integration of Biblical Ideas: In the context of Corporate Citizenship and CSR, biblical principles such as stewardship, justice, and compassion provide a foundation for ethical decision-making and social responsibility. The biblical mandate to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31) underscores the importance of caring for others and contributing to the well-being of society through business activities. Additionally, the concept of stewardship emphasizes the responsible management of resources for the benefit of present and future generations, aligning with the principles of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Conclusion: While both CSR and Corporate Citizenship aim to promote ethical behavior and social impact, they differ in scope and approach. CSR focuses on voluntary actions to address specific social and environmental issues, while Corporate Citizenship emphasizes a broader commitment to societal well-being and systemic change. By integrating these concepts into business strategy and decision-making, companies can fulfill their ethical responsibilities, drive positive social change, and contribute to the common good.


1. Carroll, A. B., & Shabana, K. M. (2010). The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review of Concepts, Research, and Practice. International Journal of Management Reviews, 12(1), 85-105.

2. Crane, A., Matten, D., & Spence, L. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility: Readings and Cases in a Global Context (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Barbara Gibson



Merriam-Webster defines bribery as the giving or promising to give money or favor with the intent to influence the judgment of conduct of a person who is in a position of trust (Merriam-Webster, 2024). Bribery has been around since the beginning of human history. There are books written about Julius Caesar and Sparta, among hundreds of other leaders in ancient times who were being bribed back in their reign (Brioschi & Shugaar, 2017). 


Some people believe bribery in a democratic society is because some citizens feel excluded from decisions that directly affect their lives and wealth because of their inferior social status and the laws (Brioschi & Shugaar, 2017). While some form of bribery or preferential treatment starts off innocent enough, such as giving a family member a contract because you need it done quickly and it is the easiest solution. It can quickly escalate to letting your family member know “unofficially” what dollar amount they need to beat to win the contract. 


Bribery can be found in every profession throughout the entire world. Where one person has the power to alter the fate of others or their property there will be the threat of bribery. A judge may be bribed to do a lesser sentence for a family member of a friend. A politician may favor a certain bill because it will financially benefit a family member. A perfect storm for bribery to occur happened during the Covid 19 crisis. There was widespread corruption and bribery during this time when the media created a panic for medical masks, toilet paper and other necessities. In South America, politicians and their family members received COVID 19 vaccinations before they were eligible to receive them (Farzanegan & Hofmann, 2021). 


The growth of international trade and business has created more situations where the payment of bribes may be highly valuable to the companies that pay them by giving them access to profitable contracts over their competitors. Companies only used to have to worry about their competitors that were usually within their immediate physical area. Now with globalization the world is at their fingertips. Companies in the United States now compete with companies in China and Zimbabwe for production of goods. Companies in other countries may find it appealing to add incentives to secure the deal, making it difficult for United States companies to compete fairly and win the contract.  

In Deuteronomy 16:18 it says that you should not distort the truth, show partiality, or accept bribes because it blinds your eyes and corrupts your decision making (NIV, 2011). Many people do not start off wanting to take bribes, however the power of greed and power can be too strong and leads the person away from their Christian upbringing. It is important that during every business and personal decision that you ask yourself what the most ethical thing to do is. If the decision goes against biblical standards, then it should be an easy decision to say no. 




Bribery and Corruption (Deuteronomy 16:18-20)Links to an external site. 

Theology of Work, 
old-testament › brib…Links to an external site. 


Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011 


Pham, N. C., Shi, J., Fogel, J., Li, Y., & Pham, H. H. (2021). Motivations for bribery and bribery in business: Vietnam past and present. 
Asia Pacific Business Review
27(4), 528–558. 
to an external site. 


Brioschi, C. A., & Shugaar, A. (2017). INTRODUCTION: IF JULIUS CAESAR IS A THIEF. In 
Corruption: A Short History (pp. 1–20). Brookings Institution Press. 
to an external site. 


Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Bribe. In 
Merriam-Webster.com dictionary. Retrieved April 2, 2024, from 
to an external site. 


Farzanegan, M.R., Hofmann, H.P. Effect of public corruption on the COVID-19 immunization progress. 
Sci Rep 
11, 23423 (2021).

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