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Bradley Schmidt

Feb 12, 2024, 2:21 AM


I accept the Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of personality. They say personality is “the complex of characteristics that distinguishes an individual or nation or group especially: the totality of an individual’s behavioral and emotional characteristics”.  As a baby we are blank slates ready to be educated and programmed by everything and everyone around us. Our minds are like sponges we we are young and we eagerly take in tons of data and stimuli every single day. Nature  (biological) influences like disease,physiological brain damage, the foods we eat, etc. definitely do affect our personalities, and in my case alcohol and drugs were the biological culprits that caused some of my arrested development and criminal behaviors while I was under the influence of either on or the other (or both) However for me personally the nurture aspect affected my personality in a far more damaging way. My father died when I was age 3 and I was the oldest of 3 boys at the time of his passing away. After his death my mother turned to alcohol and drugs (prescribed Valium) which resulted in her nervous breakdown at the age of 22. Those two issues alone led to my personality not developing in a good and healthy way. Add into the mix Catholic school and guilt indoctrination from the Catholic church and family members, and I can clearly see that the nurture effects that were and those that were not given too and taught to me as a child did definitely  cause me many issues in my personality development. I have been working on myself with and without help from professionals for many years to finally know and understand me. I am glad I put in the work because I am both healthy and happy now.

James English

Feb 12, 2024, 8:32 AM


Personality refers to the enduring characteristics and behavior that comprise a person’s unique adjustment to life, including major traits, interests, drives, values, self-concept, abilities, and emotional patterns


All these things developed my personality because of my upbringing of my grandparents through my parents through me. For example religion I was raised the Catholic so I was made to go to church to religious classes all things that good Catholic people do that’s our God and Jesus was put into me in a development personality because even though I was mean being there to people like in my teenager younger years it developed to me to help people like Jesus help people.

Alexandria Sansing

Feb 12, 2024, 11:08 AM


Dear classmates,

The psychological definition of personality is the characteristics and behavior that are unique to each person based on their lives. While genetic factors do play a huge role because it determine one’s intelligence and temper based on how their genetics are. This can play a big role in someone’s personality because someone might not be able to control their temper because it is not easy for them due to their genetics. The environment in which the person is raised influences the person also because it is not the same for each person no matter if you are raised in the same city or even house.

Best wishes,


Audrey Maxie

Feb 12, 2024, 2:20 PM


The psychological definition of personality refers to the unique pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguishes one individual from another. It encompasses various traits, characteristics, and dispositions that are relatively consistent over time and across different situations. Personality traits can influence how individuals perceive the world, interact with others, and navigate through life. I feel this definition hits personality on the head. When I think of my own personality and how it has changed over the years. I feel that I now have a more conscience and alert personality due to the ways of this evil world. Due to heartache and uncontrollable pain. At one point in my life i lived carelessly and freely. I showed compassion to others back in the day, where as now I could care less in some situations. My personality traits influence how I now perceive the world and navigate through life.


James English

Feb 12, 2024, 8:36 AM


Dream analysis is most definitely connected to personality. I love to study I’ve been research on this study before. They say your personality connects with your dreams and your dreams connect with their personality. So if you’re happy about going person you are most likely not to have a lot of nightmares not saying that you can’t have nightmares but not a lot of nightmares. If you’re hard disrespectful angry person then it shows that you have more nightmares and good dreams.

And people use the study all the time my buddy just did a sleeping pill says about a month ago and he was like amazed by the results.


I also have done a sleeping analysis and the results were quite amazing I’m an outgoing personalized really stuck bothering me and they said my study showed that I have 10 times more good dreams that bedrooms and they can determine if you’re having a good dream or you bad dreams by the waves when I put that stuff on. But before I even went in there and we take a personality test and to see if it wouldn’t match up it’s really cool and really interesting.

Alexandria Sansing

Feb 12, 2024, 11:08 AM


Dear classmates,

The methods that are still used to this day are free association a lot in modern-day psychology. In school we learned about projective tests and the teacher showed us how one person can look at one picture but see different things based on their life experiences. But I prefer free association, I think that it would show you who you really are and what you have been through. The way that you could do this is by doing mindful exercises and also doing yoga. You could also practice word association exercises, create a story with random words that are put together.

Best wishes,


Audrey Maxie

Feb 12, 2024, 2:36 PM


Projective test are still used in some clinical settings, while their reliability and validity have been subject to criticism. Modern psychologists often prefer more structured and standardized assessment tools for personality assessment, such as self-report questionnaires and structured interviews. I personally prefer free association. I believe one should be able to freely talk about and express their thoughts and feelings. I have students/staff that come to me and openly express their thoughts and feelings about certain desires or conflicts. I am also able to go to the school counselor to talk, if I just need to vent about things work or personal. Contemporary therapists may use modified versions of free association, such as mindfulness techniques, to access unconscious material.




Kory Fortin

Feb 12, 2024, 6:04 PM


Hello All, 

After watching the video “10 Reasons Why Conscious Capitalism Is Better”, I found myself drawn to reasons 1 and 3. Getting the best of both worlds is something I think many in today’s generation struggle with as many are striving to voice opinion and change on social problems, but to do so they need to be able to make money to support such endeavors, have the influence that follows and respect. Being able to focus on making a profit and continuing to make one securing fiances and a better future while at the same time doing it pursuing a hobbies, interest or agenda that is near and dear is inviting. This extending to support other beliefs and cultures is nice since traditional sole profit driven capitalism would destroy or not consider most of those aspects of a persons or business’s life or the people who work for them. I would do it to have a better life for my family and friends while securing my money to ensure if there ever is a rainy day, that there will always be funds. The third reason is appealing to me because I agree that it is the future of business and how generations moving forward will follow along with Conscious Capitalism. As the video mentioned that the future is social, I could not agree more after taking all my sociological classes and critical thinking courses. Everything is connected and reported almost instantly where everyone is either following, voicing support or buying into some movement or idea or trend. This means the finance world and business men of old need to evolve with it which is not just making money to make money, but making it for a better cause either for those around them directly or humanity. This exchange is what still lets the person have a conscious, pun intended, while getting rich and making a positive influence upon society. From a business perspective, my choices would largely be the same because it is still a business exchange the same as any other in capitalism markets and the marketplace where consumers are buying a product making the owners and creators rich. The only difference here is that the product and business the consumers are buying from, are not doing it to cheat or scam their way through society. The goal is to make a positive change and have consumers know they are having their lives changed for the better and supporting a good brand name. Consumer happy, and business is too. I would say the least important reason of the 10 or in my opinion the most useless to bring up is number 2. Whenever making money and a profit, there is has never been a limit or idea that there needs to be a stopping point so to speak. Just like with traditional capitalism, the goal is to keep going for as long as possible. The only real difference between the two methods is that one is cutthroat about it where the no stopping means lieing, cheating and anything to keep going while the other is to have the goal to keep the funds coming in while still contributing positively and benefiting the consumer while you do it consciously. Having to say there is no profit limit is like saying after you find 5 dollars, but would not want to look for 5 more dollars. Each person knows that the option to make more money and the drive to within any type of capitalist market is there. 


Kory Fortin 



Jade Virgin

Feb 12, 2024, 7:52 PM


For the most important reason, I have chosen you get the best of both worlds. Getting the best of both worlds is ideal right? You get to do what you love to do, help the world be a better place by providing quality service or product that you are passionate about and you get to make tons of money doing it. Trend setting is the least important to me. Being concerned about setting a trend could compromise your vision and goals by loosing focus and only being concerned about setting trends. Only one of these choices would change as a business professional. Getting the best of both worlds would be ideal for me as a business professional. Unlike my personal lack of concern about setting trends, setting trends would be more important to me as a business professional. Setting a trend for a product or service I truly feel helps the world would push the product by the popularity of the trend, in turn, getting the product out to more people to help make their lives better.

John Bandt

Feb 13, 2024, 3:38 PM


After watching the video, the reason I found most important as a consumer was reason 4, leave a better legacy. What stood out to me and made me chose this reason was it can cover a variety of things. The narrator said “you did it for a cause that was bigger than you, you did it for a mission that will outlast you, you did it for a purpose that will benefit more than you, and somehow along the way you made money so can do even more for others”. Leaving a legacy of success and using that success to give back to others, making a difference in the world, all felt like good things to strive for. The reason that didn’t seem as important to me was having more influence, I also thought this reason sort of fit in with being a trendsetter. As a consumer I didn’t see the value. However, I do think as a business professional both of these reasons would be valuable. Having influence establishing your brand or business as something that’s trending just puts more eyes on your business. This can increase profits which in turn allows more potential for doing good in the world. 


Jade Virgin

Feb 13, 2024, 8:38 PM


A marketing plan is a tool used to set up a companies marketing strategies. marketing plans consist of summary, situation analysis, marketing strategy, financial data and projections, and implementation and control ( Jobber, 2019). Companies need a marketing plan because it gives them a competitive edge over the competition. Companies who have not done research for their marketing plan will basically be in the dark about what they are up against and will have no understanding of the leverage they may or may not have against their competitors product or service. This would be like trying to sell a product to someone who already has a better product and the seller not knowing that the better product even existed. Marketing plans will target the specific values of the products being sold in comparison to the competitors product. Not having a marketing plan risks being out performed by a more aggressive competitor who has done through research on their competition and actually has a marketing plan.




Jobber, D., & Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019). 
EBOOK: Principles and Practice of Marketing, 9e. McGraw Hill.

Kory Fortin

Feb 13, 2024, 11:07 PM


Dear Class, 

It is vital for every business or company to develop a marketing plan for their products and the role out of a new good or whatever type of service they wish to sell to the public. Marketing plans include many steps; therefore, they are multifaceted in nature with each point that they have being the different objectives the plan aims to tackle. The marketing plan acts as a road map of sports for the company to follow as part of their bigger overall business plan for the year covering everything having to do with why they need to market, the type of strategies they will use, what goods they are selling, who they are aiming to conceive to buy, the environment they are marketing in against competition, and more (Grand Canyon University, 2022). Before any marketing plan can be written up, the type of good needs to be addressed weather it is a good, service, entertainment, idea, place, etc. and then understanding the relationship of the business to the client or consumer based off who they are selling it to (Grand Canyon University, 2022). Next is running through a SWOTT which covers the brand’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and trends for the future; this along with different methods for running through situation analysis are the basis that a marketing plan is made off of as it is a nice way for the company to see the strengths of it’s product and previous marketing runs, what worked and did not, ways to grow with it and the socializing times while seeing where stuff could go wrong or be at jeopardy in the future (Grand Canyon University, 2022). making the market plan involves multiple organizations in the company to come together like the fiance department and more with the goals or objectives to set a strategy of what needs to be done and when by for the company to stick to the timeline, that tactics that need to be followed to do so and so much more. Next, as the textbook this week in chapter 4 discussed, the 4 P’s of the market plan need to be ironed out which are the product, price, placement and promotion with the people they wish to target, process of making and selling the good, and the way it is demonstrated and presented to the public or consumer (Grand Canyon University, 2022). To make sure these goals are set and followed, they are made and grouped under S.M.A.R.T. Goals which breaks down each goal into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound which then ends with the short term tactics for sales and such in the immediate future for the marketing plan for the company. Without a marketing plan in place and protocols for control over the plan, the outcome is plain to see. The business will have no clear cohesive vision between all departments on how to market and sell their product, possible ruining their brand, losing customer respect and support, generating less income and funds meaning they might go under or in debt, rush different marketing strategies out of desperation and not out of strict research and professionalism that the marketing plan would have given them and even getting so desperate to get their sales up, they might break the marketing code of ethics to do so hurting the consumers and int he end themselves even more. It could also lead to layoffs of lower level workers like the production teams, etc. affecting them, but also boosting the sales of their competition too. 


Kory Fortin 



Grand Canyon University (Ed.). (2022). 
Marketing: An enterprise view (4th ed.).

Karissa Yamaguchi

Feb 14, 2024, 2:43 PM


Hello Class,

Any marketing mindset aims to increase the number of consumers who buy a business’s product or service and understand how to do so most effectively (University, 2022). A marketing plan is crucial for any business as it helps outline the objectives and strategies that will best help achieve their goals. Having a well-thought-out marketing plan helps positively impact the success of a business’s plans as it acts as a roadmap that guides marketers in achieving their goals, such as increasing brand awareness, boosting sales, entering new markets, or presenting new products and services to their consumers (University, 2022). Marketing plans provide direction to a company’s marketing efforts; without a plan, marketers may be confused or unsure of where to concentrate, which can waste resources and cause them to miss opportunities because they are so focused on being unsure of things. I can imagine that if a marketing plan is poor or a business lacks one, it is in danger of failing or not reaching its goals, as it might find it challenging to attract enough customers to keep the doors open, and if customers are not aware of the business, they will not be able to support or invest into the company. Ultimately, I think a marketing plan ensures businesses stay on track with their goals, know how to use their resources and efforts, and know the essential habits and strategies that will best help them thrive and succeed in a competitive marketplace.

Best regards,




· University, G. C. (2022). 
Marketing: An enterprise view. Grand Canyon University.

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