Discussion the role of calcium, phosphorous and Vitamin D during the growth of an adult female. What role does estrogen play in the process?
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Reply James Morris
Nutrition Discussion # 8
Discuss the role of calcium, phosphorus and Vitamin D during the growth of an adult female. What role does estrogen play in the process?
Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D play a critical role in protecting and maintaining bone health in all stages of developing females. They function together to ensure that bone health and development is always sustained. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body(NIH 2024). Calcium not only helps to build strong bones but it also controls our nerves, heart and muscles to work properly. The amount of calcium needed in our daily diet depends on your age and sex. Breastfeeding and pregnant teens need the most. The best calcium food sources are found in milk, cheese, yogurt, fish and leafy green vegetables. Vitamin D promotes bone health by absorbing calcium and phosphorus from the foods we consume.Without sufficient vitamin D the body is unable to sufficiently absorb these minerals and bone health is affected. Children that are vitamin D deficient develop ricketts. Ricketts is a disease where bones are soft, weak and deformed. In adults lack of vitamin D results in osteoporosis where bones become brittle and break more easily. Most vitamin D sources can be found in fish and other fortified foods. Most people take vitamin D supplements. Phosphorus also aids in the formation of bones and helps them to remain strong. In addition this mineral is also important in cellular function and energy. Estrogen is a crucial hormone found in women that is responsible for maintaining bone health. This is particularly important for developing and older females. Some menopausal women require estrogen supplements to maintain their bone health. Estrogen works synergisticlly with calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D by promoting the effective absorption of these minerals and vitamins. It plays a complimentary role in preserving our bones. A deficiency in any one of these ingredients can greatly affect the homeostasis of bone health. In conclusion, maintaining a healthy diet is always critical to our health.
Calcium. (2024, July 24). National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. to an external site.