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Disruptive technology and its impact on society (Discussion)

A discussion on disruptive technology and its impact on society

Discussion 1:

Write a reflective response to the lesson on disruptive technology and its impact on society. (200-word minimum)

Explore the impact on a macro and micro level looking at the impact on systems and structures as well as the impact on the individual. Provide specific examples. Read and reply to at least two other posts, sharing thoughtful reflections on their ideas. 

2 Responses around 100 words each:

Response for below post 1:
The lesson on disruptive technology illuminated how transformative innovations can reshape both society and individual lives, highlighting its profound influence at both macro and micro levels. Disruptive technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and autonomous vehicles, disrupt traditional systems and structures by introducing more efficient and scalable solutions, but they also bring challenges that demand adaptation.

On a macro level, disruptive technology can transform entire industries and economies. For instance, the rise of AI in automation has significantly impacted sectors such as manufacturing and logistics, leading to increased efficiency but also displacing jobs traditionally held by humans. Autonomous vehicles promise to revolutionize transportation systems, potentially eliminating the need for millions of drivers, while also improving safety and reducing emissions. The global financial system is also experiencing disruption with blockchain technology, which decentralizes traditional banking structures, offering more transparent and secure transactions.

On a micro level, individuals are deeply affected by disruptive technologies. The introduction of gig economy platforms like Uber and Airbnb has allowed individuals to earn income flexibly, but it has also led to the rise of precarious employment without traditional benefits. For professionals, the rapid advancement of AI and machine learning requires continuous skill development to stay relevant in an ever-evolving job market. Additionally, social media platforms have revolutionized personal interactions but have also contributed to issues like mental health concerns and data privacy violations.


· Arizona State University News. (March 16, 2021). 
How disruptive innovation can lead to societal impact

· Phil McKinney. (February 28, 2022). 
Disruptive Innovation: The Theory Behind How It Works and Its Impact On Society. 

Response for below post 2:

Disruptive technology and its impact on society:

Disruptive innovation has the potential to change our world for the better but it can also have negative consequences for certain individuals and industries who adapt to the changes.


Its impact on society:

The role of society with disruptive innovations is to accept and embrace the change. Society must try the new product or service and switch from the old product, service or business model. It is often difficult for society to accept change but disruptive innovations offer a better solution to a problem that the status quo cannot solve.


How can disruptions improve society?

Disruptive innovation can improve society by bringing about new levels of efficiency, productivity and convenience. For example, the personal computer and the internet have made it possible for people to access information and communicate with each other faster and more easily than ever before. This has led to increased efficiency and productivity in both the workplace and in our personal lives.


How can disruptions harm society?

Disruptions can have negative consequences for certain individuals and industries who cannot adapt to the changes. For example, digital photography has led to the decline of the traditional photography industry. This has resulted in layoffs and the closure of photo labs across the country.


Impact on a Macro Level:

Disruptive innovations frequently redefine entire industries on a larger scale. For example, the development of online retailers such as Amazon upset the established retail industry. Traditional retail establishments were pushed by this change to either adopt internet techniques as an adaptation or risk going of business. Similarly AI and automation are changing the nature of work replacing labor-intensive positions with new ones in tech and data driven industries. These changes have the potential to cause economic imbalances which could force governments to reconsider their approaches to taxes workforce development and regulation.


Impact on Micro Level:

Individuals deal with opportunities and difficulties on a small scale. Consider social media which has transformed interpersonal communication by providing spaces for networking and self expression. But it has also made a contribution to problems like worries about data privacy and mental health issues brought on by the demands of social media. Personal productivity and lifestyle decisions are impacted by disruptive technology. Examples include relying on ride-sharing  applications like Uber or employing smart devices to track health which also upends traditional taxi sectors.


In conclusion, technology disruption must increase in order to avoid stagnation in the world’s economy. Businesses and organizations need to adopt and encourage a culture of investigating in disruptive innovations or they will be disrupted themselves. Disruptive innovation requires technology that can transform the product or service into something more affordable and easy-to-use, a business model that supports the disruptive innovation, and a network of upstream and downstream partners who support and will benefit from the success of the disruption. Amazon and Netflix are examples of market disruptors that began as new entrants in industries dominated by well-known, established companies.


McKinney, P. (2022, July 3). 
Disruptive Innovation: The theory behind how it works and its impact on society – Phil McKinney – innovation mentor and coach. Phil McKinney. 

Twin, A. (2024, June 21). 
Disruptive Innovation: Meaning and Examples. Investopedia. 

Greene, H. H. (2021, October 1). 
What is technology disruption and how will it affect businesses and organisations? Hamilton Hindin Greene. 

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