قسم علوم المختبرات االكلينيكية
جامعة أم القرى
هـ1446 العام الجامعي
III Diagnostic Microbiology Assignment
Second Semester (1446H)
You can choose one of the following:
1- Group presentation (Max 2 students per topic) Or
2- Written assignment (Max one student per topic)
Assignment: Group presentation (max 2 students) or written assignment (max 1 student)
Submission date: week 9 (23/1/2025)
Mark: 10 marks
Topics to choose from (elective):
Diseases caused by Borrelia species
Burden of viral infections on public health
Diagnosis and treatment of syphilis
Types of Bacillus anthracis diseases in humans
Toxins of Bacillus cereus and their role in pathogenesis
The clinical forms of tetanus
Diseases caused by Clostridium perfringens in humans
Virulence factors of Helicobacter pylori, and their role in pathogenesis
Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of Campylobacter infection
Role of vaccinations in reducing the burden of viral infections
Laboratory diagnosis of Chlamydia species
Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of diphtheria
Laboratory diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori
Infections caused by Clostridium difficile
Prevention and control of viral infections
Laboratory diagnosis of Clostridium perfringens
1. Select a topic from the provided list.
2. Form a group of no more than two students if you pick presentation and only one
student if you pick written assignment.
3. If you choose presentation, prepare a 6-minute presentation on your chosen topic:
• Each presentation should not exceed 12-16 slides + one slide for title and
name of the students.
• Title page (First slide) of each should contain; topic of your presentation and
full name and correct university ID of each student.
• Any presentation with missing or incomplete information may lose some
4. If you choose written assignment:
• The assignment should be (500-1000 words) excluding the references.
• The title should be in the cover page with the student name.
• Any assignment with missing or incomplete information will lose marks .
• Sections of the assignment should be organized and clear
• Be aware not to copy and paste sentences and paragraphs from the websites
and articles. You must paraphrase all texts. We will check for similarities and
if the percentage is above 20%, you will lose marks.
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