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DQ response

Please respond to the DQ prompt in the attachment

Please respond to this posts. All responses require a 300 word count, 2 resources and a bible verse

In the Beginning

John M MacGregor’s book, (1989),
TheDiscovery of the Artwork of the Insane. illustrates centuries of abuse through the spiritualistic age of justice. The visual image depict some of the most beautiful scenes as well as the most disturbing
. They are stories of spirits, possessions, physical as well mental and spiritual. It was real to the people who spent their lives incarcerated in a hell they could never have imagined.

“And now the angels of your heavens are guilty of trespass and on the flesh of men abide your wrath until the great day of judgment.” (Lumpkin, J., 2014)

“from the supreme God even to the bottom most drakes of the universe there is one tie binding at every link and never broken, this is the golden chain of Homer which… God ordered to hang down from the sky to the earth,” (Rampton, Martha 2019).

Angels have been documented to interact with humans since Eve and the fallen Angel Lucifer in the garden. They are with us constantly in and around us everywhere described as able to read thoughts, slip in and out of space and occupy space which is impossible for the human body to occupy. They are also superior to human form anything faster in our stronger than humans. They are ordered to he” more and more identified with perversity and a deceptive earthly nature” (Rampton, M. 2019).

Enter Cesar de marcgede Beccarria

            Cesare Bonesana de marchese Beccarria had significant impact on America’s juvenile justice system in the 1800s as well as currently. It was the early 1800s when Beccarria and Jeremy Bentham startled the criminology community with their theory of Classicalism. They were among the first to cite free will and the idea that it you know would weigh reward over risk before acting. It put a whole new face on criminology.” He addresses man’s free will and decision-making as rational concepts. Bacceria’s theories appear to reform the question of crime and punishment with “Classical hen introduced three theories to amend the offenders’ behaviors.

The first is “rational calculation,” pertaining to deterrence.

Rational calculation implementing the first deterrence can also found in Genesis 3:22- 24, (King James Bible). “Then the Lord God said, “behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever”-therefore the Lord God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken. So, He drove out the man; and He placed cherubin at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every which way, to guard the way to the tree of life.”

Part two of Bacceria’s theory exercises rational choice perspective believing the offenders are clear, coherent, and rational. This is not always the case. Every human alive has ideas coursing through their being continuously. There are those individuals who have achieved the skill of slowing them down, even shutting them down completely for their own therapeutic needs. However, this is not your common offender. Rational choice puts questions to the offenders involving genuine decision-making. What does he gain? What does he lose? How attractive is the target? How much does he want it? What is the convergence of time and space for this target? Are there capable guardians in place? Will his friends approve and who are they? Are they also offenders looking for the right opportunity? It makes for a different outcome if the friends are capable guardians, sometimes referred to as ‘handlers.” These people with the free will to become involved in the offenders’ life can change the course of a lifetime.


“Routine activities” is Baccerria’s third element. This involves daily activities and routines. The offender watches for uniformity in the routine, time schedules for appearing at the home, school, or workplace. Looking for capable guardians, attractive targets, proximity and time and place opportunity.


Barcerria has demonstrated the ability to reduce crime rates with the application of his theories combined with others such as Daniel Nagen. Nagen added to the “swiftness and certainty of arrest and conviction, severity of punishment, swiftness of punishment;” Celerity. (Snipes, Jeffrey B., Vold’s Theoretical Criminology, Oxford, 2019. P.47)

Nagin covers four categories of deterrent effects, naming, imprisonment, policing, capital punishment and perceptual deterrence. He delineates two general methods; cross-sectional which includes levels of imprisonment in different areas associated with various levels of criminal behavior. The second is longitudinal, what is the length of incarceration and the changes taking place as a result?

Celerity comes back to the swiftness of the punishment for the crime, The example used in Vold’s Theoretical Criminology is the fines or incarcerations attached to traffic violations. (p. 47).

Severity, celerity, and certainty, three main elements of the judgement in the garden of Eden. Eve freely ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and was immediately smote by God, along with her mate, Adam. Punishment was severe but fit the crime, celerity in the fact it resulted in immediate exile from the garden for all time. The certainty of the punishment was without doubt or question. The Creator left nothing to the imagination as in  Genesis 3:17-19 “Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’: “cursed is the ground for your sake: In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat the herb of the field. In the sweat of your face, you shall eat bread till you return to the ground for out of it you were taken; For dust you are and dust you shall return.”




Lumpkin, Joseph (2014)
The Book of Giants, The Watchers, Nephilim, and the Book of Enoch Fifth Estate

MacGregor, John, J. (1989)
The Discovery of the Art of the Insane, Princeton University Press

Rampton, Martha (2021)
Demons of the Lower Air (Ch. 5)
Trafficking with Demons: Magic, Ritual, and Gender from Late Antiquity to 1000 Cornell University Press.

Links to an external site.


 (Genesis 3:22- 24) (Genesis 3:17-19) King James Bible, (Nelson 433 BG)

Snipes, Jefferey, B, Bernard, Thomas J., Gerould, Alexander, L., Vold’s Theoretical Criminology, Fourth Edition, Oxford University Press 2019

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