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DQ response

 Please respond to the DQ prompt in the attachment  


Please respond to this posts. All responses require a 300 word count, 2 resources and a bible verse

Hi everyone. Social strain occurs when a society promotes a way of life but does not offer any means to sustain or support it. It occurs when the inner cities are taken over by industry then dominated by loss of quality of life as it pertains to living conditions, jobs, dilapidated buildings and abandoned neighborhoods. High turnover in schools due to continuous immigrant relocation, lost wages, lack of community support, programs and individual opportunities are symptoms of social strain. Crime rates are higher rather than lower due to conditions of poverty, illness, and infant deaths: more symptoms of social strain. The Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago has done considerable work with social learning theories during the 1920’s. These researchers and theorists have introduced social control to play delinquency with rapid social changes in urban areas. These social workers focused on the impact of neighborhoods and crime.

Durkheim came up with the conception of anomie which was the basis for his social control theory linking with delinquency. He views crime as normal. The concerns are the various degrees and forms of crime that take place within the community (Snipes, J., Bernard, T., &Gerould, A., 2019).

I would like to introduce another form of social strain that equals chaos. The cell phone has become an integral part of everyday American life. I have an article that discusses the removal of cell phones from young girls when they enter the juvenile justice system. The cell phones removal and no internet access as part of court orders. I would suggest that these phones are a lifeline for these girls much more than just cell phone and Internet access. Everything about who they are is on that phone. It is their confidant, their best friend, their security, and so much more. It has all their answers to all their questions. It knows all their secrets. The phone is the first thing they look for when they wake up and the last thing they see when they go to sleep. It tucks them in at night and kisses them hello in the morning.

In the article,
Ecological Ruptures and Strain; Girls, Juvenile Justice, and Phone Removal, by Michelle Lyttle Storrod, discusses this new phenomenon making a harmful impact on only the female juvenile justice offenders. 42 girls were involved in a juvenile justice system Northeastern US city study and from their words this study found that “court imposed digital access ban ruptured girls digital ecologies, increasing their levels of stress and strain the digital ecology acts as positive stimuli, (Agnew 1992), and is an integral component of girls social interactions and emotional experiences, reflective pathways. research by feminist criminologists that have demonstrated that for girls, abuse or neglect, often led to the juvenile justice system. Restoring the digital ecology for the girls is a priority because phones offer them a significant lifeline, helping them to feel safe from immediate risk and cope with traumatic experiences at home and on the streets.  The findings from this study have demonstrated that girls will take risks and take part in crimes to regain access to their digital ecology.”

Our rapidly changing society is forcing us to rise to meet new and remarkable needs generated in our society as a result. The findings generated from this study concluded that it is gender based. The findings strongly indicate that girls of color are far more at risk and are much more affected by digital dislocation. Digital dislocation is felt immediately. It’s abrupt. it affects girls negatively increasing their stress levels any motional states. Makes them feel cut off, isolated, afraid and disoriented. Being contactable becomes a huge concern. How will they find me? How will they know where I am? Is someone following me?

In summary, social strain is a whole new ball game in 2024. Maybe the courts could enlist a digital education on scammers and predators and everything that goes with a digital personality.  Help them to understand the negative effects and the importance of limiting their use.

Working with all people in all ways through crisis and outreach programs across inner city systems in the Midwest and Arizona demonstrates Maslow’s theory of five basic human needs.  (1). Physiological, (2). safety, also described as security, (3). a sense of belonging, (4). Self-esteem and (5). self-actualization. People in inner city neighborhoods tend to give up hope, while still secretly hoping with all their heart the conditions will somehow make a minute change. This change can make a major difference in the world of a struggling person. One change in the hierarchy of life can change things for multiple individuals as change takes effect. Ex.: one resident taking an interest in the neighborhood and offering opportunities, a book sale, a local church having a bake sale, or a donation of blankets to the homeless. (Taormina,R.,J., and Gao, J.,H.
, Maslow, and the Motivation Hierarchy: Measuring Satisfaction of the Needs) the King James Bible reminds us to” be of good courage and cheer the Lord will strengthen your hearts all ye that hope in the Lord.”
 “Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.” (kingjamesbibleonline.org)

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Michelle, L. S. (2022
). Ecological Ruptures and Strain: Girls, Juvenile Justice, and Phone Removal.
 International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social
Democracy, 11(1), 120-134.

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Links to an external site.

Snipes, Jefferey B., Bernard Thomas, J., Gerould, Alexander L.,
Vold’s Theoretical Criminology Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago (Chapter 8. P.179., 4th Ed. Oxford University Press 2016, 2019)

Taormina, Robert, J., and Gao, Jennifer, H.,
Maslow and the Motivation Hierarchy: Measuring Satisfaction of the Needs. American Journal of Psychology., Summer 2013, Vol. 126, No. 2 pp. 155-177 @2013 by the Board of Trustees of the University Illinois

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