Book- Gido, J, Clements, J, & Baker, R, (2017). Successful project management (7th Ed).
Cengage Learning( BOOK)
Review the Read and Attend assignments and look at the Unit 5 Complete assignment.
Respond to the discussion question with a minimum of 250 words and two scholarly
sources by Sunday, at 11:59 pm. The book and the video will fulfill the minimum
requirement. Additional sources can strengthen your arguments if they provide
information that isn’t already available in the assigned material.
Reply to the initial posts of two classmates. Explain why you agree or disagree, and how
you would strengthen their arguments. Each reply should be a minimum of 100
words, due by Tuesday, at 11:59 pm.
Here’s the discussion question:
Discuss your organization (background information).
Identify an opportunity for improvement in your organization which needs to be
enhanced/developed and discuss why it needs to be improved.
Research your opportunity for improvement for understanding and communicate with
your internal and/or external customers regarding if they agree that you have identified a
challenge which needs improving. Collectively, why does this change need to be
Additional details:
Much of this discussion will be based on material posted in Unit 1. Make corrections
based on feedback and feel free to re-use material that does not need to be corrected.
The material posted for Unit 4 can also be used for the Unit 5 Complete assignment.
Update the subject line of the initial post so that it reflects what your topic, like adding a
title to a paper. It makes it easier to see what everyone is writing about and, overall, just
looks more professional. It’s also part of the scoring.
Remember America articles only and they have to have an author.
Citation go at the end of the sentence or paragraph.
Do not use direct quotes.
Do not use bulltins.
Make the book your mean source.
Only use 2 other sources outside of the book please.
Make it simple not complex.