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Business Controversies from a Duty Ethics Perspective 

Duty or deontological ethics highlights the inherent rightness of an action, independent of outcomes. It promotes consistent moral behavior. In a rapidly changing world, duty ethics is often referred to as a steadfast moral compass. 

Case 4 Resources


2.5 Deontology: Ethics as Duty


Chapter 4- Three Special Stakeholders: Society, the Environment, and Government

4.1 Corporate Law and Corporate Responsibility

4.2 Sustainability: Business and the Environment

4.3 Government and the Private Sector

2.1: The Means Justify the Ends versus the Ends Justify the Means


2.3: Immanuel Kant- The Duties of the Categorical Imperative

Scholarly Readings:

A Meta-Analytical Assessment of the Effect of Deontological Evaluations and Teleological Evaluations on Ethical Judgments/Intentions

Consequences, norms, and inaction: A critical analysis

Duty Ethics Analysis

You will apply duty ethics (ethics) in the context of contemporary business controversies. By exploring these issues, students will develop a more nuanced appreciation of the challenges and benefits of applying a duty-based ethical framework in the modern corporate world. 

Choose a recent business controversy or ethical dilemma. This could relate to issues such as:

· Data privacy and surveillance by tech companies or patient data privacy in the era of digital health records.

· Labor practices and workers’ rights in the gig economy.

· Environmental responsibilities and controversies surrounding sustainability efforts.

· Mergers and acquisitions that might reduce competition.

· Issues of corporate social responsibility in the face of political or social unrest.

· Challenges related to discrimination and harassment in the workplace. 

· Using materials sourced from conflict zones or through child labor.

Background Research

Provide a brief overview of the chosen controversy. What is the nature of the issue, and which businesses or industries are involved? Detail the primary stakeholders affected by the controversy. Research required. (1 page)

Duty Ethics

Explain the principles of duty ethics, with a particular emphasis on Immanuel Kant’s deontological principles, including the categorical imperative. Research required. (1 ½ pages)

Analysis from a Duty Ethics Perspective

Analyze the chosen controversy from a duty ethics standpoint. What actions or decisions would be inherently right or wrong according to this framework?

Discuss potential criticisms or limitations of applying a duty ethics perspective to your chosen controversy. Research required. (1 ½ pages)


Recommend a course of action based on research. 

How can businesses incorporate duty ethics into their decision-making processes to avoid similar controversies in the future? Research required. (1 page)

Research Requirements: A minimum of three sources are required with two from Trident Library’s full-text databases (Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, and/or Proquest Central).

No quotations are permitted in this paper. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to 


reference the sources in APA format
. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying 

 to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” across the grading rubric. This is a professional paper; not a personal one based on feelings. The first half of the paper must be written in the third person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate.

Assignment Expectations

Use the APA-formatted 

ETH501 Case 4 template
 to create your submission.

· The template is set up in APA 7: double-spacing, font, margins, headings, page breaks, APA help links.


Your submission will include:

· A paper with APA citations (2- to 3-sentence overview, 5-page body, 2- to 3-sentence conclusion)

· The reference list page in APA format

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