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E – marketing 301


I want to answer only for question 3 part a and b

The company we are choosing is Eyewa It’s Saudi company

Also I was sharing chapter that included the things and points I want to answer about in chapter 4 slide 9

The College of Administrative and Finance Sciences
E-commerce Department
E-Marketing (ECOM301)
Digital Marketing Plan Project
You work for a company as a digital marketing manager and you’ve been asked to prepare a
comprehensive digital marketing campaign. The campaign will run for the duration of one year,
starting January until December 2024.
Important note:
You can choose any company to work with as long as:

It is a local company.

It is a startup that was established in the last (3 – 6) years, 2014 onwards.

It can belong to any industry sector.
ECOM 301 Project
Part 1, around (1500) words: Due week 7, on 12/10/2024. (Refer to the Textbook Chapters
2, 3, 4, 5,&6 and apply the following in the context of your company)
1. Investigate the micro-environment as part of the situation analysis for your company.
a. Competitors analysis
b. Suppliers and/or Digital Marketing intermediaries.
c. Customers’ persona.
2. Summaries the macro-environment variable your company needs to monitor when
operating the digital marketing campaign. (two or three variables for each force are
a. Technological forces.
b. Legal forces.
c. Economic forces.
d. Political forces.
e. Social forces.
3. Devise a digital marketing strategy for your campaign. (refer to figure 4.5, page 147 or
ch4, slide 9)
a. Where are you now? (situation analysis)
b. Where do you want to be? (business objectives)
c. How are you going to get there? (strategy)
d. How exactly do you get there? (tactics)
e. Who does what and when? (actions)
f. How do you monitor performance? (control)
4. Summaries the marketing mix best suitable for your campaign. (refer to ch5)
a. Product variables
b. Price variables
c. Place variables
d. Promotion variables
e. Process variables
ECOM 301 Project
5. How can you implement relationship marketing for your campaign? (refer to ch6)
a. Could you create a virtual community? And how does it help the relationship
b. Could you use digital media to support customers’ advocacy? And how?
End of Part 1!
ECOM 301 Project
Part 2, around (1000) words: Due week 12 on 23/11/2024. (Refer to the Textbook Chapters
7, 8, 9 &10) – For legal reasons, you will not actually create business profiles and launch a
campaign on different platforms. You will merely write the proposed plan and the expected
results and accumulated costs, using real facts from the chosen used platforms. So, do the
proper research and choose wisely..
Create a campaign for your company to launch, starting January 2021 till December, that
will be active for 12 months. Marketing budget: SR 450,000 to spend on digital advertising
media over the next 12 months. The budget also includes up to SR 340,500 for advertising
creative and content development, and for the company to manage the program.
a. What is your campaign message? (about your digital campaign message)
b. What is your digital marketing campaign Schedule: recommend digital marketing
content and the schedule for the content? (Must include timeline for the content
distribution, frequency of posts and ads).
c. What platforms and digital media you will use to deploy your campaign, and for
which purpose? Social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn,
Snapchat) and any other platform that might help achieve your goals, like google,
YouTube, etc. (Must include screenshots of the platforms’ process of creating the
campaign). Also, include a table of the budget allocations for each platform on a
monthly basis. Try to justify your selection.
d. Monitoring and Optimization: describe how you will measure and improve
digital marketing performance during the campaign. What tools you will use to
monitor the campaign’s activity. (Must include screenshots of the monitoring
tools that will keep track of your costs and activity).
End of Part 2!
ECOM 301 Project
Part 3 Presentation: Due week 12 on 23/11//2024.
Make a power-point presentation of your project work of part 1&2 and present in a group (All
team members must participate) . There must be a minimum of 10 slides in the presentation
with a good background design, readable font size, and style with an appropriate color.
Presentation must have the following format:

Slide1: Cover Page includes (Group members name and ID, course title, course code,
academic year and semester, CRN number, instructor name and Title of the Project).
Slide 2: Micro-Environment analysis.
Slide 3: Macro-Environment analysis.
Slide 4: Digital marketing strategy.
Slide 5: Marketing mix.
Slide 6: Relationship marketing.
Slide 7&8&9: Marketing campaign.
Slide 10: Conclusion.
Slide 11: References.
Guidelines for the Presentation:
• There must be 11 slides in the presentation.
• Each group will have 10 minitues to present and 2 minitues for Q&A.
• All group members should participate in presenting infront of the class.
• The slides should have a clear background design, readable font size and style with
appropriate color.
• The power-point presentation must answer all the above parts.
• Make sure to include the cover page in the first slide.
• Work with the same group members
• Ensure that you follow the APA style in your references.
• The minimum number of required references is 5 references using APA style.
• Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of
presentation. Structure includes these elements presentation style, free of spelling and
grammar mistakes and referencing.
• Your file should be saved as a PowerPoint file and submit it to the Blackboard no later
than April 28th 2024.
End of Part 3!
ECOM 301 Project
Important instructions and Notes
Part 1
Due week 7 12/10/2024
15 Marks
Part 2
Due week 12 23/11//2024
15 Marks
Part 3
Due week 12 23/11//2024
10 Marks
40 Marks
1. This is a group work.
2. You will submit online through blackboard.
3. A cover page is required for each submission, one mark will be deducted if there is no
cover page.
4. The submitted document needs to be structured as follow: a cover page, assignments’
requirements’, then your answers. without these instructions.
5. The assignments parts will be each submitted on a different date. However, part 2 needs
to contain part one.
6. The reference list, a minimum number of 10 references and citations is required, and you
must use APA referencing style.

Quotations must be cited to its resources.
7. The paper styles:

The format of the paper needs to be introduction, main body and conclusion.

Your work needs to be consistent in terms of style, tone and appearance.

Font size: 12.

Font type: Times New Roman,

Page are numbered.

1.5 spacing between lines and paragraphs.

Left alignment.
8. Entire project word count, around 2500 words.
ECOM 301 Project
9. You must check the spelling and grammar mistakes before submitting the
assignment. You can ask someone to proofread your work or use online tools.
10. Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of
assignment. Structure includes these elements: paper style, free of spelling and
grammar errors.
11. In case of any questions, please refer to your instructor.
Best of Luck!!
ECOM 301 Project
Seventh Edition
Part 2
Digital marketing strategy
Chapter 4
Digital marketing strategy
Copyright © 2019, 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Chapter 4 Digital Marketing Strategy
Main topics
• Digital marketing strategy and channel strategy
• Importance of integrated digital marketing strategy
• How to structure a digital marketing strategy
• Competitor analysis
• Setting goals and objectives
• Strategy formulation
• Strategy implementation
• Assessing different digital projects
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Digital marketing strategy and channel
strategy management. (1 of 2)
Digital marketing strategy definition:
Capabilities and strategic initiatives to support marketing and business objectives an
organization should deploy to harness digital media, data and marketing Technology to
increase multichannel engagement with their audiences using digital devices and
Digital marketing strategy as a channel marketing strategy
For existing businesses, digital marketing strategy is a channel marketing strategy, which
defines how a company should set channel-specific objectives and develop differential
advantage while at the same time considering how channels should integrate.
Digital channel strategy has two components:
1- digital communications strategy.
2- changes to the proposition enabled by digital channels including product, pricing,
place, promotion and changes to customer service.
Customer touchpoints concept is:
Communications channels with which companies interact directly with prospects and
customers which includes web services, email and mobile.
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Digital marketing strategy and channel
strategy management. (2 of 2)
The focus of digital marketing strategy is decisions about how to use digital channels
to support existing marketing strategies, how to exploit its strengths and manage its
weaknesses, and to use it in conjunction with other channels as part of a multichannel
marketing strategy.
Multichannel marketing strategy:
Defines how different marketing channels should integrate and support each other in
terms of their proposition development and communications based on their relative
merits for the customer and the company.
Figure 4.1 provides an overview of digital marketing strategy development. The internal
influences include top-level business objectives, which influence marketing strategy and
ultimately provide direction for the digital marketing strategy. Key external influences
include the market structure and demand, competitor strategies and opportunities and
threats, in particular those enabled by new digital technologies.
Source: Hart et al. (2017)
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Figure 4.1 Internal and external influences on
digital marketing strategy.
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The scope of digital marketing strategy
❖ Use marketing automation tools for customer relationship
❖ Develop the overall customer experience across multiple channels.
❖ Maximize the results from partnering and advertising with online
intermediaries such as publishers, and influencers such as
❖ Harness social media marketing, both through use on its own site
through user-generated content and through paid ads within the
main social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and
Source: Hart et al. (2017)
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Importance of integrated digital
marketing strategy.
Aspects of managing digital media and technology:
➢ Gaining buy in and budget consistent with audience media consumption and value
➢ Conflicts of ownership and tensions between a digital team and other teams such
as traditional marketing, IT, finance and senior management.
➢ Coordination with different channels in conjunction with teams managing
marketing programmes elsewhere in the business.
➢ Managing and integrating customer information about characteristics and
behaviours collected online.
➢ Achieving consistent reporting review, analysis and follow-up actions of digital
marketing results throughout the business.
➢ Structuring the specialist digital team and integrating into the organization by
changing responsibilities elsewhere in the organization.
➢ Time to market’ for implementing new functionality on a site.
➢ Insourcing vs outsourcing online marketing tactics, i.e. search, affiliate, email
marketing, PR, and staff recruitment requirements.
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How to structure a digital marketing
Michael Porter (2001) suggested six principles that could help to
sustain a distinctive strategic position:
1. Start with the right goal.
2. Define a value proposition which is unique but, importantly,
3. Do things differently.
4. Be prepared to make trade-offs tailoring a firm’s activities to
outperform rivals.
5. Create a fit between what the company does, where it wants to be
and the resources available.
6. Establish continuity. Planning decisions follow the distinctive
position set out by the original goals.
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How to structure a digital marketing strategy
Source: Chaffey and Smith (2012)
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Situation Analysis. (1 of 3)
Situation analysis is defined as:
Review of information about an organization’s internal processes and
resources and external marketplace factors in order to inform strategy
Situation analysis involves:
❖ Assessment of internal capabilities, resources and processes of the
company and a review of its activity in the marketplace. (Macro and
Micro analysis).
❖ Investigation of the wider environment in which a company
operates, including economic development, government
regulations, legal issues, taxation, social and ethical issues.
Source: Smart Insights (
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Situation Analysis. (2 of 3)
Internal audit for digital marketing involves:
❖ Reviewing business effectiveness.
Financial or commercial contribution from digital channels, including
online leads, sales and profit.
❖ Reviewing marketing effectiveness.
Review leads (qualified enquiries), sales, customer retention,
satisfaction and loyalty.
❖ Reviewing digital marketing effectiveness.
Specific measures of the volume, quality, value and cost.
❖ Customer research.
Using user profiling to capture the core characteristics of target
customers involves more than using demographics.
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Situation Analysis. (3 of 3)
❖ Resource analysis involves:
1 Financial resources. 2 Technology infrastructure resources. 3 Data
and insight resources. 4 Human resources. 5 Strengths and
❖ Competitor analysis.
The monitoring of competitor use of digital marketing and e-commerce
to acquire and retain customers
❖ Intermediary analysis.
Identifying relevant intermediaries and looking at how the organization
and its competitors are using the intermediaries to build traffic and
provide services
❖ Assessing opportunities and threats.
SWOT analysis
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Setting goals and objectives for digital
marketing: (1 of 6)
– Any marketing strategy should be based on clearly defined corporate objectives,
and digital marketing should be an integrated element not considered separately
from other business and marketing objectives.
– When defining objectives and goals you should use clear definitions. For digital
marketing you can define different types of performance targets and measures,
as shown in Figure 4.10:
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Setting goals and objectives for digital
marketing: (2 of 6)
Vision: A high-level statement of how digital marketing will contribute to the
Goals: These are the are broad aims to show how the business can benefit
from digital channels. They describe how your digital marketing will contribute
to the business in key areas of growing sales, communicating with your
audience and saving money.
Objectives: Specific SMART objectives to give clear direction and commercial
targets. Objectives are the SMART targets for digital marketing, which can be
used to track performance against target.
KPIs: Key performance indicators (KPIs) are used to check you are on track.
KPIs are specific metrics that are used to track performance to make sure you
are on track to meet specific objectives. They are sometimes known as
performance drivers or critical success factors for this reason.
Metrics and measures: Other measures that may be referenced, but aren’t
typically used in high-level reporting.
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Setting goals and objectives for digital
marketing: (3 of 6)
The online revenue contribution:
A key objective for digital marketing is the online revenue contribution since this gives a
simple measure of the proportion of online sales achieved in different product categories.
It is important that companies set sales and revenue goals for online channels for
which costs are controlled through an allowable cost per acquisition.
Setting SMART objectives:
SMART is an easy-to-recall acronym that is used to assess the suitability of objectives.
SMART stands for:
❖ Specific. Is the objective sufficiently detailed to measure real-world
❖ problems and opportunities?
❖ Measurable. Can a quantitative or qualitative attribute be applied to create a metric?
❖ Actionable. Can the information be used to improve performance? If the objective
doesn’t change behavior in staff to help them improve performance, there is little
point in it!
❖ Relevant. Can the information be applied to the specific problem faced by the
❖ Time-related. Can the information be constrained through time?
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Setting goals and objectives for digital
marketing: (4 of 6)
For SMART digital marketing objectives for an online presence such as a website or
mobile app it is important to measure traffic, value and cost.
VQVC Technique:
Volume measures of traffic.
Unique visits, Page view
Quality measures.
Bounce rate, Duration, Pages per visit.
Value measures.
Revenue per visit.
Cost measures.
Cost includes the cost of content and experience creation and promotion – i.e. paid,
owned and earned media costs.
Examples of SMART objectives across VQVC:
Digital channel contribution objective: Achieve 10 per cent online revenue (or
profit) contribution within two years. ( see other examples below this title.)
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Setting goals and objectives for digital
marketing: (5 of 6)
Frameworks for objective setting:
Two methods of categorising objectives. First, objectives can be set at the level
of business effectiveness, marketing effectiveness and Internet marketing
effectiveness, as explained in the section on internal auditing as part of the
situation analysis. Second, the 5S framework of Sell, Speak, Serve, Save and
Sizzle provides a simple framework for objective setting.
Performance drivers:
Specific performance metrics are used to evaluate and improve the efficiency
and effectiveness of a process. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are a
special type of performance metric that indicate the overall performance of a
process or its sub processes.
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Setting goals and objectives for digital
marketing: (5 of 6)
Leading and lagging performance indicators:
A leading performance indicator is a metric that is suggestive of future
Example of leading performance indicators can be applied to e-commerce:
– Repeat sales metrics: If repeat conversion rates are falling or the average time
between sales (sales latency) is falling, then these are warning signs of future
declining sales volume for which proactive action can be taken, e.g. through a
customer email marketing programme.
– Customer satisfaction or advocacy ratings such as the Net Promoter Score: If
these are trending downwards or return rates are increasing, this may be a sign of a
future decline in repeat sales since more customers are dissatisfied.
-Sales trends compared to market audience trends: If, for example, online sales
are increasing at a lower rate than overall online audiences for a product category are
indicated, e.g. through panel data, hitwise or searches in particular categories, then
this is a warning sign that needs to be acted upon.
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Setting goals and objectives for digital
marketing: (6 of 6)
lagging performance indicators:
A lagging performance indicator is one where the measure indicates past
Lagging performance indicators for a transactional retail site
– Sales volume revenue and profitability: These are typically compared
against target or previous periods.
– Cost per acquisition (CPA): The cost of gaining each new customer will also
be compared against target. Variations in trends in CPA for different referrers
(traffic sources) and between different product categories can potentially be
used as leading indicators.
– Conversion efficiency metrics: For an e-commerce site these include
process efficiency metrics such as conversion rate, average order and
landing page bounce rates.
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Strategy formulation and implementation
Digital marketing strategy is a channel marketing strategy and should:
be based on objectives for online contribution of leads and sales for this
❖ Consistent with the types of customers..
❖ Support the customer journey
❖ Define a unique, differential proposition for the channel.
❖ Specify how this proposition is communicated to persuade
customers to use online services.
❖ Manage the online customer lifecycle .
❖ Be consistent with the types of customers.
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Key decisions in strategy development:
Digital marketing strategy development based on familiar elements
of marketing strategy which are :
1. Market and product strategies.
2. Business and revenue model strategies.
3. Target marketing strategy.
4. Positioning and differentiation.
5. Customer engagement and social media strategy.
6. Multichannel distribution strategy.
7. Multichannel communication strategy.
8. Online communication mix and budget.
9. Organisational capabilities and governance to support digital
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Market and product strategies.
1- Market penetration.
This strategy involves using digital channels to sell more existing
products into existing markets through:
• Market share growth.
• Customer loyalty improvement.
• Customer value improvement.
2- Market development.
Online channels are used to sell into new markets.
3- Product development.
The web can be used to add value to or extend existing products for
many companies.
4- Diversification.
New products are developed that are sold into new markets.
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Market and product strategies.
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Business and revenue model strategies.
Business Model.
A summary of how a company will generate revenue, identifying its
product offering, value added services, and revenue sources and target
Strategy formulation often requires companies to evaluate new models
companies need to constantly innovate in order to defend market share
from competitors and new entrants.
Transactional e-commerce sites can sell advertising space or run co
branded promotions on site or through their email newsletters or lists to
sell access to their audience to third parties.
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Target marketing strategy.
Evaluation and selection of appropriate market segments and the
development of appropriate offers.
The two key decisions for the marketing strategist are:
1- Segmentation/ targeting strategy.
2- Positioning/differentiation strategy.
Segmentation based on:
❖ Customer profile based on demographic characteristics.
❖ Customer lifecycle groups.
❖ Behavior in response and purchase value.
❖ Multichannel behavior channel preference.
❖ Tone and style preference.
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Positioning and differentiation strategy.
( 1 of 2)
Differential advantage and positioning can be clarified and communicated by
developing an online value proposition (OVP).
Online value proposition (OVP).
A statement of the benefits of online services reinforces the core proposition
and differentiates from an organization’s offline offering and those of
Developing an OVP, involves:
1- Developing online content and service and explaining them through
messages that:
• reinforce core brand proposition and credibility;
• communicate what a visitor can get from an online brand that they can’t get
from the brand offline and they can’t get from competitors or intermediaries.
2- Communicating these messages to all appropriate online and offline
customers with touchpoints in different levels of detail, from straplines to more
detailed content on the website or in print.
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Positioning and differentiation strategy.
(2 of 2)
Having a clear online value proposition has several benefits:
➢ It helps distinguish an e-commerce site from its competitors (this should be a
website design objective).
➢ It helps provide a focus on marketing efforts so that company staff are clear
about the purpose of the site.
➢ If the proposition is clear, it can be used for PR, and word-of-mouth
recommendations may be made about the company.
➢ It can be linked to the normal product propositions of a company or its
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Customer engagement and social media
strategy. Multichannel distribution
Every company must develop a customer engagement strategy as a key part of their
digital marketing strategy. This customer engagement strategy reviews approaches to
create compelling content and experiences that form the online value proposition.
Customer engagement strategy.
A strategy to encourage interaction and participation of consumers with a brand.
Social media strategy.
Marketing communications used to achieve interaction with social network users to meet
business goals.
key questions to consider:
1- who are our target audience? 2- what are the content preference of our audience? 3which content type should have priority? 4- How do we differentiate the social channel
from other Communications channels? 4- should we consider content frequency and
editorial content calendar? 6- How do we manage publication and interaction?
7- should we use software for managing the publishing process? 8- Should we be
tracking the business impact of social network activity? 9- how do we optimize the social
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Multichannel distribution strategy.
Multichannel distribution strategy.
– Distribution channels refer to the flow of products from a manufacturer or service
provider to the end customer.
– The general options for the mix of ‘bricks and clicks’ are shown in Figure 4.17. If
the objective is to achieve a high online revenue contribution of greater than 70 per
cent then this will require fundamental change for the company to transform to a
clicks and mortar or clicks-only. (Internet pureplay) company.
– Kumar (1999) suggested that a company should decide whether the Internet will
primarily complement the company’s other channels or primarily replace other
channels. Clearly, if it is believed that the Internet will primarily replace other
channels, then it is important to invest in the promotion and infrastructure to
achieve this. This is a key decision as the company is essentially deciding whether
the Internet is ‘just another communications and/or sales channel’ or whether it will
fundamentally change the way it communicates and sells to its customers.
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Figure 4.17 Influences on customers of
multichannel decision making
Source: adapted from Dholakia et al. (2010)
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Multichannel communication strategy.
Online communication mix and budget.
(1 of 2)
The multichannel communications strategy must review different types
of customer contact with the company and then determine how online
channels will best support these channels.
The multichannel communications strategy must assess the
balance between:
Customer channel preferences.
Organization channel preferences.
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Figure 4.19 Influences on customers of
multichannel decision making
Source: adapted from Dholakia et al. (2010)
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Multichannel communication strategy.
Online communication mix and budget.
(2 of 2)
Online communication mix and budget:
– The decision on the amount of spending on online communications
and the mix between the different communications techniques such as
search engine marketing, affiliate marketing, email marketing.
– Making these decisions requires digital marketers to decide the focus
of their communications and whether the primary purpose is customer
acquisition, retention or relationship building.
There are three main parts to their scorecard:
1. Attraction
2. Conversion
3. Retention.
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Organizational capabilities 7S framework
and governance to support digital
How the organization manages changes required by deployment of
digital media such as managing marketing technology, data and insight
and changes to structure and skills.
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The online lifecycle management grid
Generic digital marketing strategies to achieve objectives in the
grid include:
– Online value proposition strategy.
Defining the value proposition for acquisition and retention to
engage with customers online
– Online targeted reach strategy.
communicate with relevant audiences online to achieve
communications objectives
– Offline targeted reach strategy.
Encourage potential customers to use online channels.
– Online sales efficiency strategy.
Convert site visitors to engage and become leads to maximize online
– Offline sales impact strategy.
Achieve sales offline from new or existing customers.
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Case study 4 – ASOS shifts the focus of
high street retailing
1. Apply the SOSTAC model to ASOS and highlight why it has
become such a successful online fashion brand
2. Describe how ASOS uses elements of the marketing mix as part
of its digital strategy
3. Discuss how ASOS has used digital to develop its differentiated
market position
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Description Hello, I hope you pay attention. I want correct and perfect work. I want all the questions to be solved correctly and completely without plagiarism. I emphasize this important point. Any percentage of plagiarism will lead to the cancellation of the work. I want a correct solution with references

Management Question

Description Please solve the ass and follow all the conditions described on the main page, and please pay attention that the words are not copied so as not to have a high similarity rate, and please clarify the solution in every detail ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬ ‫وزارة التعليم‬ ‫الجامعة السعودية اإللكترونية‬

Management Question

Description • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder. • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted. • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the

Management Question

Description CAREFULLY • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder. • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted. • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on

314 solve new

Description Instructions for submission: Assignment must be submitted with properly filled cover sheet (Name, ID, CRN, Submission date) in word document, Pdf is not accepted. Length of the write-up should be 200-500 words. Text size 12-Times New Roman with 1.5-line spacing. Heading should be Bold The text color should be

215 ass 1

Description see College of Health Sciences Department of Public Health ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Course name: Healthcare Research Methods Course number: PHC215 CRN Q1: Select a primary study topic on any health-related condition of your interest and prepare research proposal under following points Assignment title or task: 1. Title of project

Management Question

Description – The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder. – Students must mention the question number clearly in their answers. – Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in

Fundamentals of Database IT403

Description College of Computing and Informatics Assignment 1 Deadline: Day 02/10/2024 @ 23:59 [Total Mark for this Assignment is 8] Student Details: Name: ### ID: ### CRN: ### Instructions: • You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via

Management Question

Description – The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder. – Students must mention question number clearly in their answer. – Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks.