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Education assignment 1117

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Discussion 1

Review pp. 37-45 of Ch. 1, “The Selection of a Research Approach,” of 
Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches and the 
CDS Dissertation Guide.

Provide a minimum 250- to 300-word substantive response on the difference between a research method and a research design. Then list three quantitative and three qualitative research designs and briefly explain each one.

Choose one potential research design and discuss how this design might be appropriate for your study. Be sure to include APA in-text citations and references from the weekly overview as well as other sources.

Due Monday

Review your classmates’ posts and respond to at least 1 in a minimum of 150 words. Explain why you agree or disagree. Then, share an example from your professional experience to support your assertions.

Discussion 2

Review the information on Research Designs in the 
CDS Dissertation Guide.

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

· How might one of the applied research designs presented in the Dissertation Guide be appropriate for your research plan?


Be sure to substantiate your discussion using peer-reviewed literature and provide proper citations and references according to APA guidelines.

Due Monday

Review your classmates’ posts and respond to at least one in a minimum of 150 words. Explain why you agree or disagree. Then, share an example from your professional experience to support your assertions.


Research Design

Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary on whether the research design you selected is a quantitative or qualitative method design and why this design appropriately aligns with your problem, purpose, and research question(s). Write in a scholarly tone and substantiate your discussion with peer-reviewed literature. Provide citations and references.

Note: You will be placing this discussion in the
Research Outline Template under the Research Design section.

Incorporating feedback is essential and beneficial in the learning process and is an expectation throughout the dissertation journey. Reading feedback, reflecting on the feedback, and then properly incorporating the feedback will help to progress through the dissertation journey and improve your writing, critical thinking, and APA formatting skills.

Change Matrix

A change matrix describes the changes you make to a document based on instructor feedback.

Review the Week 6 feedback from your instructor on the research method and using the Change Matrix in Appendix F of the
Research Outline Template,
record the instructor’s feedback in the first column,
state in your own words the feedback provided in the second column, and
explain what you have done to address the feedback in the third column.


Continue using the
Research Outline Template provided in Week 3 and:

· Revise your problem and purpose statements, if needed.

· Revise the RQs from Week 5, if needed.

· Revise the methodology section from Week 6 based on instructor’s feedback.

· Add your research design discussion in the Research Design section. Substantiate your discussion using peer-reviewed literature.

· Complete the Change Matrix in Appendix F of the
Research Outline Template for feedback provided in Week 6.

· Format in-text citations and references according to APA guidelines.

For a well-structured scholarly paragraph please
refer to the MEAL Plan section in Appendix H of the
Research Outline Template.

Use the APA Tutorials located in
Doctoral Writing Resources and format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Reminder: Before submitting your assignment, proofread for grammar and sentence structure, re-read the assignment directions, and refer to the grading rubric to ensure each element of the assignment has been addressed.

Submit your updated Research Outline Template. 

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