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Education Assignment 4 AM

New Field Experience Assignment (Best Practices/Summer)

This is a reflective essay!

This assignment or essay requires you to reflect on practice by comparing the strategies employed by the two ‘observed’ teachers.

Step 1: Locate/select at least 2 videos showing best mathematics practices in elementary school.

Step 2: Watch the videos and observe two elementary teachers who have
different teaching styles or usage
of various instructional strategies in teaching mathematics (Use the checklist to guide your observations)

Guiding Questions

As you go watch the video, be guided by the following questions:

· To what degree did they utilize the observed strategies?

· How effective were the strategies used with ESOL/LEP or students with other special needs? How effective were the strategies used with students of different ability levels?

· Were strategies modified to accommodate individual students’ learning? If so, in what ways were the strategies modified?

· Were instructional materials modified for ESOL/LEP/ESE students?

· Is the instructor able to vary the pattern of instruction through movement gestures, voice level, tone, and pace?

· Does or could the instructor use alternative methods such as media, discussion, and questioning? Is the board work legible and organized?

· If appropriate, does the instructor use students’ work (writing assignments, homework problems, etc.)?

As a result of watching the videos, what would you do differently? What did you like most about each class, and/or the teachers’ teaching effectiveness? What specific suggestions would you make to improve any of these classes and/or the teachers’ teaching effectiveness?

Step 3: Record your Observations: your thoughts, impressions, reactions, and analyses (See checklist).

NB: Integrate concepts covered in this course as you respond to each activity.


Delivery of instruction

i. use of effective teaching practices in the elementary mathematics classroom

ii. use of specific teaching strategies or materials in teaching mathematics with ESOL/LEP/ESE

iii. use of specific teaching strategies or materials in teaching mathematics to students with exceptionalities

iv. managed the instructional environment (e.g., organized materials, paced instruction, delivering engaging, student-centered instruction)

use of technology/instructional resources

roles during instruction

i. role of the teacher during various lesson activities

ii. role of students during various lesson activities

iii. valuing student mathematics contribution to the elementary classroom

demonstration of K-6 Mathematics Competencies and Skills

assessment strategies

i. e.g., monitoring students’ skill development

ii. using effective questioning strategies to stimulate critical thinking, problem-solving, and reasoning

iii. asking questions to stimulate discussion for different purposes

Step 4: Now that you have gathered the information, write your reflective analysis and conclusion.

Remember to present your overall position and reaction to what was observed and how classroom practice reflects theory in the teaching of mathematics.

Consider: As a result of watching the videos, what would you do differently? What did you like most about each class, and/or the teachers’ teaching effectiveness? What specific suggestions would you make to improve any of these classes and/or the teachers’ teaching effectiveness?


NB: Excluding references and title page, at least 5 pages of quality reflections based on observations, personal experiences, and your readings.

Scoring Rubric: 40 points

Rubric Element

Not Met



Data/background information

The teacher candidate selected two videos demonstrating the teaching of math in the elementary classroom.

The teacher candidate selected at least one video demonstrating best practices in the elementary math classroom.

The teacher candidate selected two videos demonstrating best practices in the elementary math classroom.

Briefly identify the video and a lesson concept being addressed.

Identify the video and at least one lesson concept being addressed.

Identify each video and all lesson concepts being addressed.

The videos fail to show a different teaching or instructional approach.

Each video shows a different teaching or instructional approach.

Each video shows a different teaching or instructional approach.

Teacher Observation Notes

The teacher candidate provided brief observation notes of less than three elements (i.e., the teacher, students, learning environment, and teaching resources/instructions) in the specific math classroom.

The teacher candidate provided detailed observations on at least three elements (i.e., the teacher, students, learning environment, and teaching resources/instructions) in the specific math classroom.

The teacher candidate provided analytical observations of the teacher, students, learning environment, and teaching resources/instructions in the specific math classroom.

Observation notes were not used to inform reflection on practice

Observation notes were used to inform reflection on practice.

Observation notes were used to inform reflection on practice.

Delivery of Instruction

The teacher candidate provided less than three descriptions of the observed teachers’ use of delivery of effective teaching practices in the elementary mathematics classroom.

The teacher candidate provided at least three descriptions of the observed teachers’ use of delivery of effective teaching practices in the elementary mathematics classroom.

The teacher candidate provided detailed descriptions of the observed teachers’ use of delivery of effective teaching practices in the elementary mathematics classroom.

The teacher candidate provided less than three observations of the delivery of instruction (e.g., introduction, launch, summarize, and integrate major points of the lecture or discussion at
the end of class).

The teacher candidate provided at least three (3) observations of the delivery of instruction (e.g., introduction, launch, summarize, and integrate major points of the lecture or discussion at the end of class).

The teacher candidate provided detailed observations of the delivery of instruction (e.g., introduction, launch, summarize, and integrate major points of the lecture or discussion at
the end of class).

Provided less than two instances where strategies were used to modify and/or accommodate individual students’ learning (including ESOL/LEP/ESE students).

Provided at least two instances where strategies were used to modify and/or accommodate individual students’ learning (including ESOL/LEP/ESE students).

Provided three or more instances where strategies were used to modify and/or accommodate individual students’ learning (including ESOL/LEP/ESE students).

Teaching Strategies

The teacher candidate provided evidence of the use of less than two different observed teaching strategies (e.g., lecture, investigation, demos, handouts, media, etc.) appropriate to the goals of the classes.

The teacher candidate provided evidence of the use of at least two different observed teaching strategies (e.g., lecture, investigation, demos, handouts, media, etc.) appropriate to the goals of the classes.

The teacher candidate provided evidence of the use of three or more different observed teaching strategies (e.g., lecture, investigation, demos, handouts, media, etc.) appropriate to the goals of the classes.

Use of technology/ instructional materials

The teacher candidate’s description of the use of technology and other resources to enhance student learning and instructional practices is vague.

The teacher candidate provided brief descriptions of technology and other resources used to enhance student learning and instructional practices.

The teacher candidate provided detailed descriptions of technology and other resources used to enhance student learning and instructional practices.

Roles during instruction

The teacher candidate provided brief descriptions of the roles played by a) the teacher and b) the students during various lesson activities.

The teacher candidate provided detailed descriptions of at least one role played by a) the teacher and b) the students during various lesson activities.

The teacher candidate provided detailed descriptions of the roles played by a) the teacher, b) the students, and c) valuing student math contributions during various lesson activities.

Assessment Strategies

The teacher candidate provided brief descriptions of the teachers’
use of appropriate assessment strategies.

The teacher candidate provided descriptions of the teachers’
use of at least two (2) appropriate assessment strategies

e.g., monitoring students’ skill development,

using effective questioning strategies to stimulate critical thinking, problem-solving, and reasoning, and asking questions to stimulate discussion for different purposes.

The teacher candidate provided detailed descriptions of the teachers’
use of three (3) or more appropriate assessment strategies

e.g., monitoring students’ skill development,

using effective questioning strategies to stimulate critical thinking, problem-solving, and reasoning, and

asking questions to stimulate discussion for different purposes.

Overall analysis and position

The teacher candidate provided brief analysis and concluding thoughts on their position based on their observations and how classroom practice reflects theory in the teaching of mathematics.

The teacher candidate provided reflective analysis and concluding thoughts on their position based on their observations and how classroom practice reflects theory in the teaching of mathematics.

The teacher candidate provided in-depth reflective analysis and concluding thoughts on their position based on their observations and how classroom practice reflects theory in the teaching of mathematics.

Completeness of Assignment

The assignment fails to adhere to writing conventions

Missing reference page or APA formatting not fully used.

The assignment adheres to all writing conventions and includes a reference page. APA formatting may not be evident.

The assignment adheres to all writing conventions and includes a reference page. APA formatting is used.

Total (42 points)


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