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Education Assignment

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Nutrition/Health Needs & Status (
Community Health Outcomes & Nutrition Status)

All you responses are based on your own experiences and observations working with community members. 

1. What are
typical food and nutrition related concerns for the community you work with? 

PROMPT: What health problems or issues do community members experience? (e.g. chronic disease, mental health, substance use)

0. How would you describe the community’s overall health – Poor, somewhat good, good, or excellent?
Explain your answer. 

0. In your own experiences working with the community, What are some of the major nutrition and health related needs people experience? (what do community members need in order to reach optimal health, nutrition and well-being?)

0. What nutrition, health and well-being related goals does your community organization have in serving community members? 

Prompt: how were these goals identified within your organization? Did you engage community members in identifying nutrition & health related goals? 

Nutrition/Health Challenges
(Social & Structural Determinants of Health & Health Equity)

0. What would you say are the major challenges community members experience in accessing optimal nutrition and well-being? (challenges can be at the community, neighborhood, environmental, systemic or government level)

E.g. Access to transportation to go buy groceries

0. What are some of the major actions your organization takes in mitigating some of the challenges you previously mentioned?

0. What are some of your own organizational limitations in addressing the challenges community members experience? 

Community Strengths
(Community Assets)

0. Based on your own observations and experiences, what are existing strengths within the community you serve that promote adequate nutrition and well-being?

here, strengths refer to things that make the community happy, things that help people overcome difficult times, joyful things or things the community is proud of – language, cultural practices, community gatherings, traditional/familiar foods, cooking practices, language, cultural knowledge, traditional practices)

0. What are some of the existing strengths in

your organization
(not the community members you serve)  that support the work that you do and/or service delivery? (this can include existing programs, services or projects, organizational structure and/or culture, communication strategies)

Opportunities for Change
(Policy Recommendations)

0. What actions and changes can be taken to support your community’s nutrition and overall well-being?  (these can be changes within or outside your community organization)

0. Who do you think should be involved in creating the solutions, changes or actions you recommended? (Here we want to know about the institutions as well as key stakeholders that must be involved in making these actions/changes a reality?


Summary of Findings

Qualitative Analysis: Code Book

Themes & Codes

Summarized Findings (“Memos”)

Describe the main learning outcome about the specific code. This can be 2-4 sentences. 

Examples (participant quotes)

Include 1 quote per code. Limit quotes to 1-2 sentences. DO NOT include whole conversations. 

Theme 1: Community Health Outcomes & Nutrition status

Health Outcomes

The health related problems identified by the key informant. This includes the overall health status of the community.  Health problems may or may not be related to nutrition. For instance, anxiety and depression. 

Example: In summary, KI identified multiple chronic diseases like CVD, HTN,  as health related issues impacting the immigrant community in Tucson Arizona. Community members often express being worried about managing their diabetes symptoms and not being able to see a doctor.  

Example: “In tucson the immigrant community struggles a lot with hypertension and type two diabetes. The other day I was talking to a community member who since they came to the U.S hadn’t seen a doctor and they had a doctor visit after 8 years of not seeing one and was told he had type 2 diabetes.”

Nutrition Needs

Specific nutrition needs such as access to nutrient dense foods, limited transportation.

Organizational Goals & Community Needs

This includes the health/nutrition goals of the organization and how these compare to the needs of community members.

Theme 2: Social & Structural Determinants of Health & Health Inequity

Nutrition & Health Challenges

The social, environmental, and structural factors that inhibit the community from accessing optimal nutrition and well-being.

Theme 3: Community Assets

Community Strengths

Things that make the community happy, things that help people overcome difficult times, joyful things or things the community is proud of.

Organization Strengths

Include existing programs, services or projects, organizational structure and/or culture, communication strategies, community trust and relationships that represent strengths in supporting the nutrition and well being of the community.

Theme 4: Policy Recommendations

Actions & Changes

Specific and potential solutions that address health challenges, as well as keeping actions that are working. These actions & changes can be within or outside the organization. 

Key Institutions & Stakeholders 

List of key institutions and stakeholders  who can lead the actions and changes in the community. 

Debrief Your Findings
(all questions below are required)

1. If you could list a minimum of 5 major findings  from the key informant interview, what would these be? (Write findings in full sentences. Be thorough.)

0. Based on your findings, What are some of the most important considerations to have when developing a nutrition program or intervention within the communities being served at your community site? 

1. Were you able to obtain all of the data desired and, if not, what further information would be helpful to learn about and why?

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