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Education Assignment

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Community Nutrition Action Plan

Assignment Instructions

Format: single spaced (no double spacing), single margins, 12 size font. Include references if needed (AMA format for reference list and in-text citations)

Community Nutrition Action Plan

Program Proposal Outline

The action plan will be having a plan for community members to access healthy foods for Salt Lake City, UT

Purpose of the action plan: Here, explain what the plan wants to address (is it a specific need or challenge you learned about through conducting the needs assessment?). Remember, you already conducted a community needs assessment; therefore, the purpose of your action plan needs to explain what you will do or what actions you will take to create changes based on the community nutrition/health needs, challenges and strengths you identified during your exposure hours. Your purpose must address: 1) the aim of your action plan, 2) How will your action plan accomplish this aim, 3) what, among who and where.
The purpose you identify for your action plan is specific to your experiential learning experience

For example: The proposed community nutrition action plan aims to facilitate access to fresh produce to rural communities in Coconino County, Arizona
by organizing a monthly mobile foodbank where boxes of fresh produce will be delivered to specific areas surrounding the city of Flagstaff as well as the Navajo and Hopi reservations.

What actions or changes will occur through the implementation of this action plan?
(provide descriptions for each of the items/levels listed below).
For each of the items listed, describe how your action plan may help create changes at each multi social/structural level.
Make sure to write at least 3-5 sentences per level listed (Be as specific and creative as possible). You are welcome to review the literature and identify what has been done at each level to address the nutrition issue you have focused on for your experiential learning experience in this class (Make sure to cite use of outside sources, in-text citation in AMA format).

· Individual level changes: write response here

· Family/community level changes:write response here

· Institutional level changes: write response here

· Social/Systemic level changes: write response here

Who will carry out these changes?

Community partners and stakeholders: Describe the community partners and key stakeholders that are needed in order to design and implement the nutrition action plan you are proposing. These can be existing community organizations, community leaders in the community you have been working at during your exposure hours. List at least 3 community partners/stakeholders. Stakeholders can be community leaders and even policy makers. DO NOT just list the names of the community partners and stakeholders, PROVIDE a description of who they are and what their role will be in designing/implementing the proposed action plan.

Community members: here, address who will be the individuals mostly impacted by the implementation of your proposed action plan (e.g. demographic characteristics, languages spoken, socioeconomic status, transportation challenges, housing challenges, etc).
how the action plan would engage community members being impacted by the nutrition/health issue the action plan would try to address – explain how community members will be part of the design, planning and implementation of the community nutrition action plan. Be creative! (e.g. will the action plan create a community advisory board or a community coalition, and organize monthly planning meetings?).
(Write at least 1-2 paragraph, at least 5 complete sentences long)

Communication (what, who, and how). Describe how you will communicate your action plan to community partners, stakeholders and community members impacted by the changes your action plan is trying to accomplish. For instance, will your action plan communicate through social media, organizing community meetings, or a website. How will you let community members know about the resources/services your action plan is trying to deliver? Or How will your action plan provide updates to community partners and members about the changes happening in the community?
(Write at least 1-2 paragraph, at least 5 complete sentences long each paragraph)

What resources (i.e., money, staff) are needed to carry out this action plan? To complete this table you may need to do some research on items needed and cost
(think about the timeline for your action plan to help you estimate cost). This is simply an estimate of all the resources you think you may need to implement this action plan. Keep it simple.
This is only a brainstorming assignment. To implement action plans, you may need to hire staff, buy materials to conduct meetings or create educational information, design websites or marketing or even buy food to deliver to community members or to cook free meals. Training or hiring consultants to conduct workshops may also be resources needed. The list can be endless depending on the focus for your action plan.
List no less than 3 resources needed in the table below.

Action Plan Timeline: __________(describe how long your plan will go for)




Social media coordinator

Manage social media accounts to promote schedule for mobile food bank deliveries



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