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Education assignments

PART 1- Discussion 12 – Virtual Protest Brainstorming

General Guidelines

It is very important
 that you 
complete your initial post at least a couple of days before the discussion deadline to allow others the opportunity to respond to your post and vice-versa. 

Care should be taken when determining what to post. Be considerate of and kind to each other when discussing difficult topics. You may disagree with a peer but it must be tactful and related directly to the content. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

Review the 
syllabus sections on Discussions and Grading for detailed information.



1. Review 
Instructions and Grading – Individual Virtual Protest.

2. Take a few moments to think about what came to mind as you were reviewing the assignment sheet. During your reflection, jot down some notes.

3.  Post a 250+ response to the following: 
(7 Points)

1. What social justice issue do you want to focus on for your virtual protest? If you have more than one idea, feel free to include them in this brainstorming discussion.

2. For each issue you’ve listed, try to think about what you’d include in your video. Basically, I’m asking you to begin sketching out a rough plan of how you originally envision your virtual protest video. If you added more than one issue, this step could help you see that you may have more interest/ideas for one issue over another you’re considering. **Remember, most of this will change in the process. I just want us to begin the brainstorming/planning phase so we can open up a larger discussion.

3. Please include any protest images, video files/links, slogans/signs/etc. you can find quickly to help illustrate your brainstorming process.

PART 2 – Virtual Protest – Resources


1. Read 
Instructions and Grading – Individual Virtual Protest

2. Take a few moments to flip through the 
video tutorialsLinks to an external site. that the 
Digital Writing StudioLinks to an external site. has compiled. 

3. Watch: 
How to avoid Death By PowerPoint: David JP PhillipsLinks to an external site.

4. Write a 250+ response to the following:

1. List at least three resources/tips or advice you found useful that you had not previously considered.

2. Explain ways these three items can be applied to make your virtual protest more effective.

PART 4 – Discussion 13 – Anti-Asian Racism

General Guidelines

It is very important
 that you 
complete your initial post at least a couple of days before the discussion deadline to allow others the opportunity to respond to your post and vice-versa. 

Care should be taken when determining what to post. Be considerate of and kind to each other when discussing difficult topics. You may disagree with a peer but it must be tactful and related directly to the content. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

Review the 
syllabus sections on Discussions and Grading for detailed information.



1. Watch the following videos:

The Rise of ‘Dehumanizing’ Anti-Asian Racism in the U.S.Links to an external site.

Asian American Pacific Heritage Month Mashup: Talks at GoogleLinks to an external site.

Redefining Asian American Narratives Through StorytellingLinks to an external site.

2. Respond to 
2 of the 5 following questions in 250+ words: 
(7 Points)

1. Which video had the greatest impact on your thinking? Why?

2. Which video would you share with a friend/relative/colleague? Why?  

3. Which video did you find the most rhetorically effective? How so?

4. Summarize two of the three videos.

3. Respond to two peers whose responses you either identified with or agree on something you didn’t include in your post (75+ words each). 
(3 Points)

PART 5 -Music Discussion 2 – Asian American Identities

General Guidelines

It is very important
 that you 
complete your initial post at least a couple of days before the discussion deadline to allow others the opportunity to respond to your post and vice-versa. 

Care should be taken when determining what to post. Be considerate of and kind to each other when discussing difficult topics. You may disagree with a peer but it must be tactful and related directly to the content. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

Review the 
syllabus sections on Discussions and Grading for detailed information.



1. Watch the following videos:

“See Something, Say Something” by The KominasLinks to an external site.

· Video not closed captioned. Reference 
Lyrics for “See Something, Say Something” as needed.

“Borders” by M.I.A.Links to an external site.

2. Write a 250+ word reflection on how rhetoric is used in these videos to promote social justice. You can comment on the lyrics, images, music, and overall thoughts. If you have another recommendation of a song that fits, please feel free to share it on this discussion board.
 (8 Points)

3. Respond to one peer whose post addressed an aspect/rhetorical analysis from a video you hadn’t previously considered (75+ words each.) 
(2 Points)

To further explore the concepts of privilege  across class, race, religion, etc, review the following video resources.

The objectives of the module videos ,that focus on race and colorism, are to: 

· Encourage whites to explore the concept of white privilege/advantage and the costs and benefits of colluding with the system of racism.

· Encourage all people of color to explore the concepts of internalized subordination and empowerment.

· Increase your awareness of the experiences of people from different racial groups, and create the opportunity for dialogue.  

The videos below about colorism provide a global view of colorism spanning from America, the Caribbean, South and Central America to India. 

Who is Black in America?

Video links for Colorism in Latin America

Black in Latin America Haiti & Dominican Republic the Roots of DivisionLinks to an external site.

Black in Latin America (Episode 2) Cuba The Next RevolutionLinks to an external site.

Black in Latin America E03, Mexico and PeruLinks to an external site.


PART 6: Discussion 2: Race & Ethnicity Reflections


For this discussion, students will read 
two chapters from the Racism Section and watch 
one video in this module. Students are free to select any 
two chapters and 
one video. After reading the two chapters and watching the one video, write a 
one-paragraph summary for each chapter and video (
totaling three paragraphs). 
A paragraph consists of at least 5-7 complete sentences. Be very descriptive with your answers for questions 4 and 5 for each chapter/video. 


First Chapter Name: [Write Chapter Name]

1. What is this chapter/video’s general story, message, or theme? What are the authors saying overall in this piece of writing/video?

2. Briefly summarize some key points or sub-themes that the authors use to illuminate their general message.

3. Describe three specific details or examples in this chapter/video that link to the general message.

4. What did you learn that was new after reading this chapter and watching the video? Choose one or two examples of what you had not known or thought about before.  Be specific about what was new, using examples and evidence from the chapter/video.

5. What did you feel you knew before that was confirmed after reading this chapter and watching the video? Be specific about your prior knowledge and state examples and evidence to explain.


Second Chapter Name: [Write Chapter Name]

1. What is this chapter/video’s general story, message, or theme? What are the authors saying overall in this piece of writing/video?

2. Briefly summarize some key points or sub-themes that the authors use to illuminate their general message.

3. Describe three specific details or examples in this chapter/video that link to the general message.

4. What did you learn that was new after reading this chapter and watching the video? Choose one or two examples of what you had not known or thought about before.  Be specific about what was new, using examples and evidence from the chapter/video.

5. What did you feel you knew before that was confirmed after reading this chapter and watching the video? Be specific about your prior knowledge and state examples and evidence to explain.


Video Name: [Write Video Name]

1. What is this chapter/video’s general story, message, or theme? What are the authors saying overall in this piece of writing/video?

2. Briefly summarize some key points or sub-themes that the authors use to illuminate their general message.

3. Describe three specific details or examples in this chapter/video that link to the general message.

4. What did you learn that was new after reading this chapter and watching the video? Choose one or two examples of what you had not known or thought about before.  Be specific about what was new, using examples and evidence from the chapter/video.

5. What did you feel you knew before that was confirmed after reading this chapter and watching the video? Be specific about your prior knowledge and state examples and evidence to explain.

PART 7 Virtual Protest – Comprehensive Outline 


Instructions and Grading – Individual Virtual Protest as needed.

You may write this as a traditional outlineLinks to an external site., a storyboardLinks to an external site., handwritten notes you take a picture of and upload, or truly any format that’s useful for you. You can include images, notes, clips, etc. Truly, I just want to see your thought process for completion credit and to have the opportunity to give you comments on your plan.

Remember, this will change during production so if you end up changing directions, it’s okay and is part of the process. I won’t be going back to be sure you followed each detail of your outline but rather I’m looking at how your project is progressing and offering feedback. Have some fun and don’t be afraid to take risks, especially early on. Even if something ends up not working, it’s all part of the process.

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