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Education Week 6 – Assignment: Public Service Announcement

Assignment Directions:

For this assignment, you will create an engaging and informative 1-to-2-minute public service announcement (PSA) video or audio recording or a flyer. The goal is to educate the public about 3 of the most important actions individuals can take to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

This PSA assignment allows you to synthesize research on STI prevention into a concise, educational public awareness campaign. An effective PSA compellingly conveys need-to-know information in a way that resonates with the intended audience.


1. Research the major modes of transmission for common STIs like HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, etc. Identify 3 key prevention strategies that resonate as the most crucial for your chosen audience to know.

2. Decide on the format for your PSA – will it be a video, flyer/poster, or audio recording? Keep your audience in mind.

3. Write a persuasive script or design the visual elements for your PSA content highlighting the 3 STI prevention actions you selected. Some examples could include:

· Using condoms/barriers correctly

· Getting tested regularly

· Having open conversations with partners

· Knowing your status

· Avoiding risky behaviors

4. Create your final digital PSA product, keeping it concise, educational, and focused on your 3 main prevention points. Be creative!

5. For video/audio PSAs: Record your final PSA and edit it as needed. Length should be 1 to 2 minutes.

6. For a flyer/poster: Design a clear, visually appealing layout with your prevention messaging.

7. Include a brief 1-paragraph explanation summarizing your creative approach and target audience.

8. Include a reference page showing the sources for the material used in your Public Service Announcement.

Submission Instructions:

· PSA in the format of your choice (video/audio recording or flyer)

· Follow guidelines based on selection above related to time, length, etc.

· Include 1-paragraph explanation

· Include reference page showing sources used

Academic Integrity [content page]

Assignment Rubric [content page]

This assignment aligns with the following:

· Course Objective 
4 [content page]

· Learning Objectives 
4.1 & 4.2 [content page]

Resources & Supports

Office 365 [webpage]: You have free access as an APUS student. Sign in with your MyCampus Email credentials.

Submitting and Confirming a Submission : Watch this 3-minute video if you need guidance on submitting your assignment.

· If you select audio format, you can use and upload your own file or the Kaltura player that is found under the “insert stuff” button in the text editor. You can also record or upload a video using the 
video note feature in Brightspace [webpage].

· If you select a flyer/poster, you might consider using 
Microsoft Word templates [webpage]
Microsoft Publisher [webpage]
Canva [webpage] or any editing program you’re comfortable with.

All assignments are submitted to Turnitin, which looks for similarity to other submitted or published writing. Any assignment receiving a TII score of 30% or higher is a sign the faculty may find issues about the originality of your work.  An originality score should generally be no more than 20%.  Assignments with originality scores between 20 and 50% are more likely to have an issue where your faculty may need to deduct points.  Any originality score over 50% is a strong sign there may be serious issues with your final submission that could result in a failing grade. Please keep this in mind as you are submitting work.

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