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Empirical research


Criminal Justice or Social Science-Related Policy

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Criminal Justice or Social Science-Related Policy

1. Policy of Interest for Capstone Paper

The type of policy that I am going to explore in my capstone paper is the Three-Strikes Law. This policy was implemented in the 1990s and it requires stiff penalties for those who were convicted of at least three serious crimes (Bird et al., 2022). It was at first intended to prevent the criminal recidivism and lower the crime rate due to the removal of criminals from society. However, the law has generated rather a lot of controversy over the years because it has led to some undesirable outcomes like increasing the prison population and discriminating against joining minorities, especially people of color. These concerns are tied to how the law affects prison overcrowding, costs of implementation with the criminal justice system, and its contribution to the enhancement of systemic injustice. It would be useful to learn how successful this policy approach has been in addressing the stated objectives and if there are others that can work for more fairness.

2. Why This Policy Interests Me

First, the Three-Strikes Law attracts me because several significant social justice issues involve it: race and prejudice in sentencing, mass incarceration of minorities, and the mandatory minimum policy. This policy showcases that even the initiatives targeting crime prevention in society can have fundamental and often negative secondary effects on equality. Thus, the analysis of this law sheds light on how the criminal justice system affects various stakeholders especially the minority and how it can be reformed.

Second, the Three-Strikes Law’s criminal justice reform implications intrigue me. Over the past two decades, it has become clear that the approach has not reduced crime but produced unsustainable incarceration. California, which supported the measure, now excludes non-violent offenses from triggering a third strike (Oseguera, 2021). The statute allows for an examination of how punitive and rehabilitation-focused approaches to crime might be balanced, and what lessons can be learnt from sentencing reforms.

Finally, I care about the policy’s effects on public safety and resource allocation. The Three-Strikes Law was meant to improve public safety, but data reveals it may not have deterred. Instead, the mounting costs of housing aged convicts have put a huge pressure on the prison system and state budgets. This calls into question how public funding should be used to reduce crime. I want to examine the trade-offs between punitive and preventive crime control and how future policies might better serve justice and public safety by evaluating current strategy.

3. Thesis Statement

The Three-Strikes Law, originally implemented to deter repeat offenders, has instead contributed to mass incarceration, racial disparities in sentencing, and the overburdening of the criminal justice system, demonstrating the need for comprehensive reforms that prioritize rehabilitation and fairness over punitive measures.

4. Keywords for Research

I would search for mass incarceration, mandatory minimum sentence, and racial inequities in sentencing to study the Three-Strikes Law. These keywords capture the Three-Strikes Law’s core difficulties and help find all relevant academic research. “Mass incarceration” is another key term since it describes one of the policy’s most notable effects, as the law has increased U.S. incarceration rates. “Mandatory minimum sentencing” will assist explain the Three-Strikes Law and comparable laws. Finally, ‘racial disparities in sentencing’ will help me focus on how the law affects persons of colour.


Bird, M., Gill, O., Lacoe, J., Pickard, M., Raphael, S., & Skog, A. (2022). Three Strikes in California.

Oseguera, P. (2021).
California’s Three Strikes Law (TSL): A Review of the Literature, Policy Implications, and a Proposal for Dismantling TSL Legislation.

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