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Engineering – Civil Engineering PROJECT ASSIGNment One-Story Single Family House (MAKU Residence)



FALL 2019

One-Story Single Family House (MAKU Residence)


The objective of the term project assignment is to prepare a Bid Proposal for constructing a one-story single
family house (MAKU Residence). Students must approach the assignment from the perspective of a
construction contractor attending a bid, and prepare a professional price proposal using their knowledge,
skills and common sense. This requires proper efforts with regards to:

• Reading and understanding plans;
• Recognizing construction work items;
• Surveying the quantity for various types of work;
• Using cost databases to acquire cost of construction efforts;
• Estimating indirect and total cost of construction; and
• Submitting and presenting a professional proposal of their cost estimation.

General requirements of the proposal are as following:

• This is an individual assignment and students will not be allowed to work in groups.
• Use the project plans and other reference material posted on Canvas to identify the scope of work

in this project and complete the quantity take-off.
• Follow the CSI MasterFormat® (2004 Edition) in organizing the cost estimate proposal.
• Use the R.S. Means Online website ( to get cost data for all

identified work items. It is the students’ responsibility to follow up on the invitation email to setup
an account on the R.S. Means Online website and to inform the instructor immediately if they have
not received such email (double check your email spam folder).

• In case of any missing or incomplete information, students can make reasonable and justifiable
assumptions. All assumptions must be clearly listed in the proper sections of the proposal, as
described later in this document.


This section describes the minimum scope of work required in this project. This includes items from the
following 11 CSI MasterFormat® divisions:

Division 01: General Conditions and Requirements
• Identify all general requirement items that should apply to this job, assuming 12 month duration

for entire construction. Students are encouraged to make reasonable and justifiable assumptions
based on common sense and regular construction practices to cover any missing information.

Division 03: Concrete (for Slab, Footings, and Foundations)
• Concrete forming and reinforcing steel, including required accessories (use separate cost items)
• Concrete placement (including curing and finishing, wherever applicable)

Division 04: Masonry
• Masonry units and accessories (including mortar and grout, if needed)
• Bond Beams

& Computing


Term Project Assignment 09/11/2019 Page 1| 3

Mahya Sam

Mahya Sam

Engineering DEPT- OF c o n s t r u c t i o n m a n a g e m e n t
& Computing BCN 3611 – c o n s t , c o s t e s t i m a t i n g i


Division 05: Metals
• Wall studs

Division 06: Wood
• Roof framing structure (prefabricated truss system) and sheathing
• Others

Division 07: Thermal and Moisture Protection
• Below-grade moisture protection (primer, vapor barrier, protection board, coving material, etc.)
• Walls (interior and exterior) and ceiling thermal insulation. Use R-l 1 insulation for interior walls.
• Roof Tiles and accessories

Division 08: Openings
• Doors and Windows

Division 09: Finishes
• All wall, flooring and ceiling finishes

Division 11: Equipment
• Residential appliances such as kitchen equipment, washers and dryers, etc.

Division 31: Earthwork
• Structural excavation and backfill (with compaction) – assume 2 feet of working space on all sides

and excavation slope of I : I.

Division 32: Exterior Improvements
• Fencing, sidewalks and driveways …etc.


The final report must be submitted as a single PDF file organized in the following sections:

• Cover Sheet: Your information and title of the report.
• Proposal Summary Sheets: summary table of cost estimates in both CSI MasterFormat and AST

Uniformat II. (see spreadsheet templates posted on Canvas).
• Separate section for each CSI division, consisting of:

o Summary sheet including cost items identified for the division. The description of each item
should be clear and written to describe the work item not the description of the RS Means item
used for pricing (see cover table template on Canvas),

o Estimated cost of items and divisions, included in the above summary table,
o List of all the assumptions made in order to complete the quantity takeoffs, and
o Typed takeoff calculations of all quantities included in the estimate or a scanned copy of neatly

written and properly-organized handwritten takeoff calculations. You should:
■ Keep calculations neat and clear.
■ Separate calculations of different items using lines and titles.
■ Mention name of methods that you used in calculations (if applicable).
■ Show proper and adequate comments for your calculations.

In addition to the PDF file, the Microsoft Excel file used to develop the cost summary sheets
mentioned above should also be submitted.

Term Project Assignment 09/11/2019 Page 2| 3

Mahya Sam

Mahya Sam


FALL 2019


Submissions will be evaluated using the following rubric

Organization and Presentation 15

Division 1 – General Requirements 10

Division 3 – Concrete 10

Division 4 – Masonry 10

Division 5 – Metals 5

Division 6 – Wood 10

Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection 5

Division 8 – Openings 5

Division 9 – Finishes 10

Division 10 – Equipment 5

Division 31 – Earthwork 10

Division 32 – Exterior Improvements 5

Total 100

The grade for the 11 divisions will be based on:

• The comprehensiveness of the estimate (i.e. including all the applicable items that need to be estimated)
• The accuracy of the quantity take-off
• The appropriateness of the cost items selected from RS Means

& Computing


Term Project Assignment 09/11/2019 Page 31 3

Mahya Sam

Mahya Sam

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